Semua Bab You Can Run But...: Bab 141 - Bab 150
188 Bab
Time running out
Gia's POV."I love you, Giana... And just like that, he was dead, gone in a way no one would even wish for their enemies; the pain he went through... and while he was staring at my face, the life was extinguished from him.I wanted to move; I wanted to scream, but nothing came. Zayne's mouth moved, but I wasn't hearing what he said, not even when he was in front of Maximo, who was close to me.And it seemed that as each second passed, it worsened. I felt like I was crumbling, but I was too weak to show it, even though I was fighting for my breath.But then eventually I stopped struggling with my breath; at the same time, the last tear dropped, and slowly I was beginning to hear my heartbeat, gradually coming louder in my ears.My eyes stuck on the hole in Aaron's head. His shoulders slumped, and I wanted to go over there and hold him, just so he was close to me and so I could feel safe even though he was dead.but I couldn't find the words. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't find the te
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"You shouldn't stand like that; grab a basket and work!" The woman behind her complained for the umpteenth time, causing Gia, who had been lost in herself, to jerk around again.The woman scowled, and Gia lowered her eyes to the ground, a frown on her face.She picked up the basket that was beside her, arranged her skirt, and walked past the woman. who looked like she was fed up with her. She had just one job—gathering all the dirty clothes from the manor to be washed.They were usually stained with blood, and most were torn with knife cuts. Most smelled of tobacco and alcohol. Good thing she had stacks of nose masks given to her by Maximo.Since the past two weeks, since Zayne brought her back from the hospital, she hadn't spoken one-on-one with him, much to her relief, until the second week, when she got orders from the caretaker of the manor that Don wanted her given chores.Well, that was okay, considering she was living in the manor and wasn't expecting to be treated like a guest
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Last Prayers
"Without the paperwork, Don, there's no way we can confirm the ammunition was meant for the Mafia." The man sitting opposite him leered, knowing he was treading on dangerous ground.They were about five of them in the red-lit room that had black leather chairs as seats, making it easy for Don to lean and grab him by the throat.But he also knew he had Don almost out of options: either get the papers or let the ammunition slide, which wasn't going to be a big deal for him anyway, but he knew how stubborn the Devil was.Even now, he only fell back on his seat, popped open a few buttons, and stared back at him, his face unreadable, probably steaming and itching for his gun.But this was business; if the papers couldn't be found, then they had nothing against him..."Besides Capo Bastone, God bless his soul," he said, making the sign of the cross, "he should have let you know about the papers."Zayne blinked. He heard the shuffling from around the table; he felt the tension oozing from
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Last Prayers (2)
Maximo checked his watch. It was almost ten. He looked around at the abandoned room he was in and sighed. He only had an hour and thirty minutes before he was riding over to the mouth of the cave to collect her and drive her out of town.God, he didn't know what he was doing, but he couldn't just shake the feeling that she was innocent. No, it wasn't feeling. There were facts, and her servant suddenly fleeing the country cemented his belief.Don was acting on his feelings, which was expected since he and the last Capo Bastone were more like brothers than friends; in fact, Don considering him as a replacement was all because he was close to Matteo.And then he had sworn to be as loyal as the last assistant, even swearing on his life that he wasn't going to allow Don to stain his hands with her blood until there was full proof that she was guilty.But the more he snooped around, the more he doubted she was guilty. Maximo rubbed his eyes, the torchlight in his hands helping him through
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Unbroken pieces
Lina stared at the box with the pictures of Matteo stacked in it, ready to be closed and forgotten, for, like the therapist had said, it would be hard but also do her good. She had rounded the house, picking things that reminded her of Matteo, but she knew all of it wasn't going to do, for when she looked at Luca, she saw him; she saw her Matteo, staring back at her face. and that had her restraint crumbling into dust. Their relationship has strained a lot since Matteo died; he tried, and she knew he tried, everything to get to her and bring her back from the shadows she was slipping into, accepting it was all his fault even though she knew it wasn't. They hadn't spoken for almost a week now since the last fight. When she told him he was both a bad father to Matteo and a bad husband to her, she'd seen the hurt in his eyes as he left her alone in the room, and so badly she wanted to reach out, but then didn't he deserve it? He made Matteo go through a lot, denying him what he wante
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Second Chance
When he squinted his eyes open and saw the place had white walls and illuminations, Zayne knew he wasn't dead yet, for heaven was in no way a resting place for him with all of his atrocities.Although, it didn't hold its allure anymore since Matteo wasn't there anyway.He sighed with disappointment, murmuring obscenities with every breath he took—one couldn't even stay unconscious longer.He began to sit up, and why wasn't he feeling any pai—Fuck!, he gasped, falling back on the bed as the pain stabbed into his back like thousands of daggers."Oh, I'm so glad you're the one on that bed right now," he heard her voice, and he grimaced, turning to his side to take in her figure, standing in front of a table, drawing liquid substances into injections."Hello, Coz," Clara mocked, throwing him a glance before returning her gaze to the tray. "You look like death himself."Zayne groaned, pushing himself lower so he could rest his side on the bed. Hearing her chuckle, he glared daggers at her
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Second chance (2)
Gia's POVThe water ran down my body, damping my hair and soothing my bruised and sore skin. I breathed in and out, raking my sleek hair back, shutting down every thought in my head, especially those that had to do with him.But they couldn't stop coming.The memories of his blood staining my clothes as he held me, knees to the floor, his fingers gripping the cloth on my back as he sucked in the pain of the bullet landing on his back,I tightened my lids. But it kept replaying in my mind.My heartbeat was wild, thudding hard against my chest as his grew faint, and when I raised my head to look into his face, I noticed his eyes were shutting down."Boss, you ask me to do it; remember, you said I could do it," Guiseppi had chanted over and over again.Matteo had immediately snatched the gun from Guiseppi and helped Zayne out of the room, constantly calling, "Don, don't close your eyes, just a few more steps to go."Everything felt unreal like I was watching it from afar, my spirit starin
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Ticking Bomb
Gia heard the knock on her door, and soon she was scrambling on her feet, climbing down from the bed, wrapping the robe firmly around her body, and waiting.The knock came again, and she was moving closer to the door, and before she could reach the center of the room, the door slammed open, and in came a beaming Amara, who was wearing blue jeans and a black top and had a bag crossing her shoulders."Hello girl," her voice was funnily sassy, and soon she was wrapping Gia in a hug, to which Gia wrapped her hands around her back, crooning of how much she missed her and was also happy to see her.She and Amara had started on a rough note, with her tagging Amara as rude and blunt, but after spending time together in Don's pub, the two girls had formed a bond that strengthened with each passing day.Apart from Amara helping her with her shifts after the last sent her to the hospital, Amara had also been there for her during her lowest moments, and both of them had allied hating the Don.Ama
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Ticking Bomb (2)
The car screeched to a stop in front of the club, and immediately he heard his soldiers jumping down from the truck and cars just behind him and Maximo's ride. He was out in seconds, the goons taking their place in front of him as he walked in, pulling the gun out of his side.He looked up, seeing the bouncers at the entrance of the pub, on alert, hands on the trigger, waiting for a provocation.He heard the gunshots and sighed upon hearing the bouncers drop; he didn't spare the dead bodies a glance as he walked over them, now in the pub, where some of his men waited by the door.The club was filled to the brim, as expected, and the stage had strippers sliding up and down the poles with music blaring from speakers. the rowdy mess of people bumping against each other, oblivious of what was about to happen.But he didn't need them, Zayne sniffled; he didn't come for them.He shot the gun in the air twice in succession, and soon the screams of people went up just at the same time as the
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Ticking Bomb (3)
"You can leave now," the bold voice came up, standing next to the wide-opened door, glaring at her back in the face with no emotions in those eyes, "the door had always been opened."She grimaced looking at him then at the door. Why did it feel like he was playing with her yet his face was so straight and not betraying anything?"Are you.." She hated how her voice sounded in her ears; what was she doing being scared of him? "Are you sure?"He nodded, But her distrust for him screamed the loudest. There was nothing hard about finding If he was really playing with her, except that she was tired of being let down, she didn't want to feel that way any longer.She took a step forward, grimacing as the pain shot from her feet to her brain, prickly like needles. How did she ever think stepping on broken glass was a good idea?ending up only hurting herself.She took more steps, almost close to him now; he looked down at her leg, his jaw clenching, but then he faced forward, looking at the
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