All Chapters of Mafia Wolf's Human Luna: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
85 Chapters
Chapter 21
ChiaraWhen I heard someone going into the bathroom, I immediately crouched under the sink, holding the fire extinguisher in my hand tightly like it was my last line. Because it just might be.I can’t see who entered the room, but I can just about make out a figure kneeling on the floor and dipping his fingers in the pool of blood. He gets up and opens the cubicle doors one by one as though to inspect, so I decide that it’s my time to stand and force this fucker to leave.“Don’t move,” I threaten, reaching up to position the fire extinguisher over his head.He turns around, which surprises me, so I whack him on the forehead with the metal case.“Fuck!” the man yells, and he sounds familiar.I drop the fire extinguisher in shock. “Alessio?”“Chiara.” He sighs and I can feel his hand on my arm. “Why the hell did you do that?”“I. . . .” I falter, shaking my head. “I didn’t know who entered and I got scared and I--”“It’s fine, let’s just get out of here.”With that, he pulls me out of t
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Chapter 22
Chiara Alessio takes a deep breath, holding it in like he’s bracing himself for something that will hurt. A wave of apprehension comes over me, and for a moment I hesitate. But he turns to face me and I can still see a clear signal. He wants me to do this. He’s begging me to do this. My hands are shaking. My breathing is also erratic. But I still gather every ounce of courage I have to hook my fingers behind the mask and slowly ease it away from his face, letting it fall to the floor with a soft thud. Then I look down to see his face for the first time. And Alessio de Marco is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. There is no other way to describe him. He’s just . . . beautiful. Like something so good that it’s almost unreal. High cheekbones, sculpted jaw, straight nose, pink lips slightly parted. The thing that remains to be the most mesmerizing thing about him is his eyes, which are deep-set and more striking than I thought, emphasized by eyelashes as dark as his eyebrows.
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Chapter 23
ChiaraI swallow hard, trying to control the rush of heat in my veins, but it’s useless. I can feel Alessio all over me, flowing in my bloodstream like alcohol.“Beautiful,” he whispers as he slows down his pace, pulling down the dress leisurely. When I look down in embarrassment at how hard I’m breathing, he cups my chin and makes me face him again. “Keep looking at me. I want to see you.”I open my mouth to tell him that I can’t take it anymore, that it feels too good, but he interrupts me by flicking the top of my dress down and exposing my breasts. The fabric gets caught in my taut nipples, making me gasp as pleasure zaps my body.He smiles, lowering his mouth on me until his lips touch the top of my breasts. I throw my head back, threading my hands in his hair and moaning. I begin to move my hips but he grabs them and puts me in place, stopping me from grinding on his hard throbbing length. He drags his tongue down, flicking my nipples before slowly sucking on them.The pleasure
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Chapter 24
ChiaraAlessio zaps me with his fiery gaze, letting out a low growl that brings shivers down my spine. I stagger back and trip on a rock, falling flat on my back.His monstrous side is starting to take over, and I know that any minute now, he will turn into a beast that I will never recognize.But then, to my surprise, the fur on his skin starts to retract. The curve in his spine straightens again, and his teeth shrink until he can speak again.For a brief moment, he’s just Alessio. The man who I very nearly fell in love with tonight.However, the struggle is still there. I can still see the monster trying to break out. I can almost hear the internal debate happening behind those golden eyes, and I know that sheer willpower is the only thing that’s keeping me alive.“You need to leave, Chiara,” he says, and his voice is two-toned. There’s another voice in the background, raspier and darker. “You have to go right now.”“You’re a monster,” I whisper, the sound of betrayal in my voice ra
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Chapter 25
AlessioMy biggest mistake is thinking that I can overcome the full moon.I knew that the night of the party would fall on a full moon, and I was confident that I will not wolf out in the middle of it and end up killing everyone. And I did great the whole night. The urges were there, but I contained myself.For the first time, I felt like an actual normal human.But of course, this illusion is short-lived, because not even hours after, Savina and many more from my past come back to haunt me and kill people in the process.From then on, I knew everything would just start going downhill. I was anxious and angry, especially when I found out that Lazaro infiltrated the party just so he can tell his daughter to stay away from me.I didn’t and still don’t think that anything about that is wrong. I want Chiara, but what I want for her more is her safety. But she came to me, asked me to show her who I am, willing to forget everything else if I just showed her that I’m not the monster that her
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Chapter 26
AlessioTwo nights have passed but I don’t get a single wink of sleep.It’s crazy because for the first time, I actually was looking forward to getting some sleep. I was hoping I would wake up and realize everything was just a dream, but I had no such luck.I reviewed the footage that very night and ended up smashing the monitor at the warehouse when I saw that it was indeed Chiara, desperately trying to hitch a ride but ending up being kidnapped.I know that I’m not much better than those men. I know that I should be punished for everything I did to her. I also know that perhaps Chiara doesn’t want to be found right now, so I won’t show up when they track her down. I will just tell my men to gun down everyone who tried to take her, give her all the money she deserves, and let her be on her own. So she can finally be happy.It’s a conflicting feeling for sure, to look forward to finding her but knowing I shouldn’t see her again.Still, I find myself on autopilot again after the third
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Chapter 27
Alessio“If you get me lost, I swear to all the deities,” I warn Benedetti sternly as I watch him point my driver to another corner that seems to lead to nowhere. “I will chop you up so finely your family will have nothing to bury.”He only laughs in the backseat. “Relax, Alessio. We are heading to Arachne.”I arch an eyebrow. “And that’s supposed to be in the bumfuck nowhere?”“Well, kind of, yes.” Benedetti adjusts the collar of his shirt, getting nervous as our eyes meet through the rearview mirror. “I know this doesn’t feel correct, but trust me. I’ve been in this place and I’m pretty confident your girl could be here.”‘Your girl’. For some reason, those words make my heart constrict, but I don’t say anything as the car drives at a faster speed.Now we’re in a field of some sort with dirt roads and trees reaching into the darkening sky. On and on the dirt road stretched before us, seemingly with no promise of an end and a certain destination. My anger is slowly simmering, my hand
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Chapter 28
AlessioTime stops. For a whole moment, I have to remind myself to breathe because it seems that the whole world heaved a great exhale.Chiara stares back at me, her eyes reflecting the busy bright lights. Her palms go up from my shoulders to my neck, and she smiles softly as she curls her fingers on the back of my neck.Every part of my body comes alive with her touch. As I stare at her in awe, all I can think about is how strange it is, to feel like we’ve been apart for so long but at the same time never apart at all.I cup her face, tracing my thumbs over her delicate chin.I want to apologize to her. For the night of the full moon, the party, the way we met . . . everything. But the emotions beating in my chest won’t allow me to utter a single word. They’re all just screaming for one thing and one thing alone.I collapse in her embrace.I hold on to her tightly like she’s my lifeline, an automatic response I didn’t expect. How long I hugged her, I don’t know, but by the time I bre
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Chapter 29
ChiaraEverything is hazy and I have no idea what is happening.I feel like I’m hiding behind a veil, helplessly reaching out to things and people that pass by me but never making contact. The last thing I remember is being injected with some kind of liquid that instantly made me feel like I’m floating on a cloud.At first it was good. I was actually . . . liberated in a way. I know it’s just the chemical doing something to my brain, but it felt nice to escape from reality, even if it meant being in a constant state of floating.But then, this veil starts to lift a little, giving me glimpses of what’s happening on the other side. The only problem is, I don’t know if this is real.Because what I see right now is a very blurred image of men pointing guns at me.Somehow, Alessio also made his way into the hallucination.I can recognize his icy blond hair, his dark gray suit, and his mask. I will know that image anywhere. I can also catch a faint whiff of his woodsy smell, penetrating thr
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Chapter 30
ChiaraMy mouth falls open at Alessio’s words. I stare at him, waiting for the punchline, but it never comes.“So what you mean is,” I say slowly, choosing my words, “I will die if I stick with you?”“No.” He frowns. “Who said anything about dying? What I said is, I’m being hunted and you have nowhere to go, so we have to stick together.”I close my eyes and massage my temples. I don’t feel particularly well already, because of all the drugging and the fire and god knows that else, but he’s making it worse with all these remarks.If I open my mouth, I feel like I’m going to scream. So instead of saying anything, I just pull the musty blanket over myself and stay quiet, watching the flames of the lamp dance in the dark.Alessio’s eyes flicker in my direction, and soon enough, he’s already making his way toward me. He sits on the couch and reaches for my shoulder, but I just slap his hand away.“Don’t touch me.”He recoils. “I’m sorry.”Something about his apology feels almost . . . sof
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