All Chapters of The Alpha's Princess: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
98 Chapters
Chapter 81
I swing the spear with incredible force, hitting the large oak tree and jamming my weapon in the middle of it. My face drips with sweat, traveling down my face and body, but I don't care. I feel powerful when I wield a sword... like I can do anything.I'm alone in the forest, surrounded by dark gray foliage and towering trees that I desperately want to knock over. This would ensure that I had taken a step forward in my training, and I could finally take a break. My frustrations, which had initially led me here, had long since subsided, and now I could feel a dull ache in my bones."Nice, Mona." A voice bursts out, and I turn my head to see Ray, nonchalantly leaning against the side of the tree. "You're getting better."I don't really know how to take compliments, so I stare at him. "You're welcome.""Uh, bad words. I think you've been away from society too long. The correct answer is thank you." He laughs, and I can't help but laugh too."Actually, I'm right. You're welcome to come al
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Chapter 82
I crouch down, scanning the creature's body. There is no definite shape, but it lacks the usual intensity of a normal Shifter. Instead of the glare of a monster, its eyes contain the darkness of an inner turmoil. We continue to stare into each other's eyes, I can't seem to pull away.I try to call upon my past knowledge. Back at headquarters, when we met with the Shifters, I had a somewhat similar feeling. There was no hatred or resentment, as I would expect in other situations. What should I do? I wish there was some kind of manual that explained everything to me, because then everything would be so much easier.A small body of light leaves my body, surprising me with its sudden appearance. Without knowing what I am doing, my hand closes around it, trapping it in my grip. As I hold it, I can feel the compassion I had just felt.This light looks a lot like the other light Griffin and I saw at the well. I can only guess, but it seems that these...things are essences of our emotions, so
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Chapter 83
When I see a vast expanse appear on the horizon, I almost had a heart attack. This may seem odd, but after a few hours of travel, seeing anything other than moving Shifters and dead foliage is a big surprise. At this sight, my stomach starts to rumble furiously, probably more ready to reach the ocean than I am.We continue to travel, our steps pounding in unison. But now that we can see the end, we seem to be running at an increasingly slow speed. I find myself getting impatient, and I speed up, the rest of the group following easily. The ocean grows larger and larger with my excitement.It finally crawls over us, and we can finally slow down to a steady walk. The others clap next to me. Ray seems especially excited, jumping up and down with his backpack in his hands.Xavier looks at me, and we make eye contact. His face is twisted into a hesitant smile, and it's easy to notice that he may be a little apprehensive about the whole thing. "What is it?" I ask softly, not noticing that my
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Chapter 84
I can see them, a multitude of Shifters in physical or spiritual form converging on the shoreline, and these are unlike any others I have seen. Red eyes glisten in dark, throbbing bodies. Each of them looks thirsty, tinged with the madness that accompanies emotions such as hatred or envy. Some have burrowed into the surrounding foliage, with glowing tree trunks for torsos and blood-red veins running down from heads to roots. They're human-shaped in that they don't look as sturdy or as thick as a normal tree, and the arms are made of gathered branches, yet possess an intimidating elasticity.Jake pulls out a small dagger, his face twisted by some of the same insanity the Shifters possessed. "Brace yourselves," he growls as the first Shifter in physical form tears out of the undergrowth and runs faster than any normal human being should.Without hesitation, I raise my arm and throw the spear with all my might. The joy of life fills my chest as it hits a Shifter square in the face, embed
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Chapter 85
"Xavier, wait!" I call to him as I run through the vast brush. I know I have no chance of catching him unless he wants me to, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't even try. No one knows better than me how big the world can be when you feel so alone and vulnerable."Please!" Tears form in the corner of my eyes, running down my cheek and lips. In this desperate pursuit, I can't help but feel a variety of intense emotions. The most predominant of these is a strange form of affection that cannot easily be described as desire or simple friendship. I want to absorb her sadness, to absorb every negative emotion so that her pain will fade away. And the strange thing is that there is no personal gain involved. I won't get anything worthwhile out of consoling him.But I still want to. And that fact scares and excites me beyond measure."Mona." Strong hands encircle me from behind, trapping me in the place I wanted most. The warmth of her body surrounds me, her shoulders shaking slightly.
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Chapter 86
What a cruel way to continue the story.Sometimes I feel like I can understand it. These events and circumstances are necessary, though sometimes inexplicable. Sometimes harsh. Sometimes painful.Why?No, no... I take it back. Duty. It's not for me to know. I would like to... but I can't. I can't ask, I can't question, I can't know.I won't have an answer anyway.The goal is cruel. A beast that robs you of your natural identity and aspirations and puts you on a different path that continues in a straight line, always moving never stopping running stop breathing no don't do it standing keep running running otherwise you will know.Sometimes I feel like I'm about to crack. Hit the ground so hard that my face breaks and my fingers crumble and my chest explodes and then I realize it's already happened. And so it can happen, again and again and again, without any relief, because why? Because I am dead! Dead then, dead now, dead forever and ever.And there is no difference anyway because -
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Chapter 87
Even the thought looks like a new soft candy. Though unfamiliar and strangely flavored, I can't stop eating it.It won't be long before we reach camp, but honestly, between my throbbing headache and Xavier's obvious gesture of possessiveness, it felt like an eternity. Xavier's vulnerability seems to have completely dissipated, leaving his unbearable confidence that I can't bring myself to hate."Xavier," I whisper in his ear, "you can let go now." Standing just behind our makeshift shelter, I hastily attempt to shake his arm."You wish." His grip tightens, leaving me even more embarrassed and nervous. Any minute now, they'll see us and assume things that don't need to be assumed.I look away awkwardly, trying to mentally prepare myself for their reaction. Surprisingly, I feel Xavier's hand leave mine after a few seconds, and I look up at him with confusion."I was just kidding, Mona." He smiles broadly, with a hint of sadness in his features. That
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Chapter 88
"Were they... Shifters? Yi asks him slowly, her face drained of color. "The same ones we saw earlier?"Yeah, pretty much." Jake nods solemnly. "It almost felt like they were waiting for us, with the way they immediately started chasing us. Originally, they were completely surrounding us, but we managed to get through them and run into the forest. By the time we were near the coast, several of them were gaining on us. One of them grabbed Wes and tore into his back before he could react, and for some reason the wound weakened him, almost as if there was poison in the Shifter's attack. . I sent him ahead of me as I finished, or so I thought, the Shifters, and he finally landed at the beach, where you were. And then tons of others appeared and I had to run too."Wow..." said Xavier, his hand gently brushing Wes' shoulder once to snap him out of his moment of shock. Wes literally shakes at the sudden contact, then abruptly turns his head to Xavier while staring at him.
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Chapter 89
It has been a long day, but we are finally here.The brick walls tower over us, marred by several discolorations, cracks and various ivy plants that have enveloped entire sections of the exterior. High stone fences encircle the area, and it is cracked and even destroyed in several places. Even the architecture of the castle doesn't seem that impressive, with its simple roof and lack of aesthetics. It doesn't look very intimidating in general, besides the factor of its enormity.But as we get closer, I can feel the buzz. It starts in my head almost like a ringing in my ears, but then intensifies into identifiable whispers. "Come," it seems to say, over and over again. There are many different variations, but this single word is easily the predominant element.Come to me and accept your fate.Xavier follows suit and leans in close to my ear. "Can you make out anything?" he asks slowly. I nod and he frowns."I can't hear anything except a weird buzzin
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Chapter 90
The crackling of a fire is the first thing I notice when my eyes open. The faint aroma of cinnamon wafts through the room, though tainted by a heavy premonition that I can't quite shake, though I can't quite remember why this mysterious feeling exists.I blink once, twice, trying to consolidate the swirl of colors into something more closely resembling solid objects. Just to convince myself that I'm not crazy, I bang my head against the floor, then roll awkwardly onto my back."Ouch, that must have hurt," a small, muffled laugh erupts as my vision fixes on long strands of brown hair hanging around my face. Still a little dazed, I let my hand brush the hair, then finally a firm chin, tracing her jaw and neck. As if just realizing my actions, I dropped my arm and my mouth opened as I finally registered who the person was that was leaning precariously over me."Ray?" I asked, my hand reflexively moving up to touch his cheek."After passing out when I saw mys
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