All Chapters of Accidental Baby, Falling For The Billionaire.: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
185 Chapters
"We are here," Ajax grumbled and I dreaded setting my feet on the soft soil. It was just like Dalia explained. The car drove into the open gates which were controlled by an eye scanning lock. It was sheer extravagance and beauty. But I already feel not welcomed here. I slightly shivered. Not from the cold. "Are you cold?" Ajax suddenly asked and I sharply turned to him. What? I should ignore his words. How am I supposed to reply? Should I tell him that I am not physically but emotionally cold? I only shivered because I could feel that I am not welcomed here. It would be hard for someone like me to stay with this sort of family. I opened the car door to get out. It was like they had this secret thing that I am not part of. "Here," he wrapped something warm around my neck before I could step out of the car. He uses the other car door and I couldn't see the expression on his face. I got out, prepared to confront Ajax when I sa
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Dalia's POV I watched in suspicion as Ajax walked in with Emily. Just what is she doing with the West siblings? Emily is on a different level. She's like Brad Pitt's daughter while the West were the queen of England's children. No matter how I try, I just can't see any of them together. It would be catastrophic. Just like me and Eros relationship. I am the child of a nobody. Jeez.. it couldn't be any worse. I see Mr. Spencer asks Emily to follow him up to her room. He must see how tired she looked. She needs to rest. Ajax's eyes followed her till she disappeared down the hallway. Someone wrapped their hands over my shoulder and for a moment I thought it was Eros. I was a bit disappointed when I turned to see Nicholas. He must be happy because he has gotten what he wanted. I nervously glanced at Athena who was watching our reaction like a hungry hawk. She was no doubt unhappy. I still had the most unreasonable wish to grant.
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Then he sniffed. "You haven't showered?" I shook my head in a daze. "We were about to play a game before you came in." "We should have lunch first. I am going to wash up!" Echo announced dragging Steve up with her. Just great. "Lunch it is.." Athena started to speak but was interrupted by a phone call. She picks up her bag, probably going to her room. She looked busy. Hera suddenly gets up. While Ajax cleared his throat. He shakes his head at Emily before disappearing down the hallway. There goes the game for tonight. Eros's eyes were apologetic. "Go and wash up. I am sure they will never feel up to it after lunch." I raised an eyebrow in frustration. "What a great way to motivate me." He shrugged, leading me to the room we slept in the last time we came here. "You are trying to do what we haven't done in over twenty years. I must say it's working. They would never come together for a sick one.
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Dalia's POV Eros handed me a glass of wine. He had an amused look on his face. "Were you the savior we needed?" It was better when I didn't answer his questions. I gave him a side look. We were both on the balcony, enjoying the sunset. It was really beautiful from here. "Funny you'd ask." I placed my index finger inside the drink, twirling it. I didn't intend to drink it. Not after the outburst I just heard. The shocking of them all was Hera being a lesbian. My dear friend needs to guide herself. Could it be why they have been staring at themselves for a long time? I sighed, dropping the glass on the nearby table. "My sister is a Lesbian," Eros ignored my bad habits by chugging down his. "And I thought she was just unlucky with men. I wondered when she found out. Athena.." he swallowed really hard and I turned to look at him. The glint in his eyes was something I have never seen before. "No matter how I asked, she never told me. But today I go
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Dalia's POV The morning air in the West mansion smelt different. It was a mixture of oxygen and sadness. On normal days, the air wasn't pleasant but today, it was too quiet. As I packed my luggage, I figured out what made everyone like this. The only people in the house were Hera, Emily, Eros' parents and Eros- me. Eros was seated at the edge of the bed with a faraway look in his eyes. He was waiting for me to be down with my stuff. I gently stretched my back, signifying that I was done with whatever he wanted. It was time to face our married life and leave the West family behind. "I am done." He got up without a word and pulled the box to a stand still. Then he rolled it out of the room while I scanned the room filled with sad memories. I have only been here for three days but none of them were pleasant. It was time to leave. "When are we coming here?" "If there is no special event, considering what happened yest
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Dalia's POV I tapped my left foot furiously as the search was taking longer than usual. Couldn't the day be any worse?! I eyed the officer as he adjusted his cap without an ounce of guilt on his face. Way to go, Dalia, on the first day of your so-called honeymoon. It wasn't anything to be happy about because I and Eros weren't exactly on a honeymoon. As the CEO, he was just giving himself two weeks while I was taking a much-needed break from the wedding stress. Like I did anything.. urgh. "My wife is pregnant." "We have nothing in the luggage." "It's just filled with our clothes." Eros used me as a cover to get out of this. I have tried as much as possible not to let people notice me because I was kind of ashamed of my body. Now, he just has to bring attention to me. I lowered my eyelids as I felt eyes bore holes into my forehead. Did he just say...? He didn't just use my pregnancy as an excuse! I though
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Eros' POV I glared at everything they wore and looked for the slightest opportunity to fire anyone who fidgeted. The problem upstairs has been successfully taken care of to everyone's relief. A knock was heard and the door opened to reveal the woman from this morning. She nervously chuckled. "They did nothing wrong! Everyone was tired after a long night?" It was now I noticed that she had a bit of a southern accent to her tongue. They never did mind their business. I gave her my charming smile so that she would leave. "I understand ma'am. I hope your new room suits you now?" she could go and choke on her saliva for all I cared. She talked some more before closing the door behind her. I faced my staff who wore grim expressions. They looked better than this morning because if they didn't, I would have sent all of them home. They had families to feed so. "Let it never repeat itself again." I sneered, expect
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Dalia's POV I don't know if I made the right choice by sleeping in a different room from Eros. He looked so happy tonight and sad when we said our goodnights. Poor Eros. We only spent a week in the Bahamas and then we were back to the bustling and hustling of Manhattan. So did my relationship with Eros go bland. "Let me get this straight," Emily sipped her drink one night. "The both of you have agreed to go back to normal?" I glared at Emily. She was mocking me. "Not really. We were doing so good until we crossed the border. He suddenly turned cold and I wondered why we weren't comfortable with each other's presence. Emily slid a drink to my direction. "Enough about Eros. Let us make ourselves happy. When was the last time you went to a club?" I groaned in frustration. "Like forever." I looked at my form. It wasn't club material. Emily read my thoughts because she already dragged my ass half across town, leaving n
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The moment he laid his eyes on me, I knew there was going to be a big problem. His eyes were red, and his hands shook. What is his problem? "Have you decided to come home?" He asked rhetorically. I disliked his tone. I was taken aback by how bitter he sounded. Then he placed both hands in his pocket and breathed out. His breath came out in a puff of smoke. For how long has he been outside? The cold air was really something else at night. "Were you waiting for me?" I asked instead, worried about his red eyes. He scoffed. "Have you forgotten the contract? I said you must ask for my permission before doing anything! Is that so hard for you to understand?!" I couldn't take his harsh words any longer. "Why are you so upset?" He pointed accusatory fingers at me. "The fact that you chose today of all days to leave—am I making you uncomfortable that much?" My eyes widened incredulously. What is he saying now? Who knew wh
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Eros' POV I glanced at the clock for the hundredth time. I had only just returned to hear from the maids that Dalia left with a friend this morning. None of them could describe who this friend was because they were too busy gossiping about the both of us. I recently hired three maids to cater to her needs so that she could never feel lonely when I am not around. Each of them had their own major duties. The first one catered for our cooking needs, the second catered for our cleaning needs, and the last one worked as her quarter maid. She had qualifications as a nurse, too. They made sure to come to the house three times a week. I threw my suit on the couch. The house felt empty without her fat frame waddling around it. It's only been a week since we came back from our honeymoon. She has been trying her best to adjust to the house and its functions. It was different from what she was used to. Every day, she asked new questions and caused trouble
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