All Chapters of The Victim : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
74 Chapters
40| trauma (pt.2)
Serine***I unhook my legs from his waist, leaving the towel that I didn't even know went, after that, and arrive on my bed. I check to see if it was my phone ringing and it wasn't. Meaning it was his."Alex it's your phone," I stand up almost about to give it to him but he doesn't even see that and says, "Answer it," There's carelessness and annoyance in his voice. For some reason I don't mind it because I was getting distracted by it because of my own body- that did a lot of unpredictable things. I check the caller ID and it was a private number, but I answer anyways.Hitting the green button, I place the phone on my ear. It's 2 seconds later that the person decides to speak. I never liked speaking first because that person who called you, should be the one speaking. "Hey man, I'm still waiting on you," my heart drops. "I'm no longer playing by your time. So the sooner, the better." my hand shakes almost causing me to drop the phone. He hangs up and I take that chance to throw th
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41| deja vu
Sarah***We were still outside when Rine left. Still in the same circle but only two people missing. We continued chatting amongst ourselves and let the love birds be together. "Let's play truth or dare,""Nope," I shake my head repeatedly. The last time we had done this game I was in middle school and I did not have a lovely experience. That was a story for another day- plus, this game always had a history of something going bad. Or there were personal dared or truths."Yeah let's do it," Levine smiles. She loved to stir the pot. "Nope," I stand by my answer. That's when my phone beeps. I take it out from Darek's jacket- yeah... another story for later. I see the text on my lock screen. It's from Rine.From; S is for sister - don't judge. - I don't think Alexander is who I thought he was.Ps. don't tell the guys.I frown at message not knowing what the hell was happening. Weren't they just all lovey dovey just moments ago? But I remember my mom always told me, "Don't believe ev
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sequel preview
[preview]"Serine, you are under arrest,""Fucking great," I roll my eyes. [WAY TO START OF HER NEW YEAR]"I am going to make your life a living hell," he smirks."She's back?""I'm not trying end my life," I roll my eyes, staring into space. "Although, I'd like to ruin someone else's"[FAMILIAR FACES]"Who's the fool now huh Serine?" [REVENGE]"I think it's smart to have her on our side,""Hello stranger, I suppose you're danger?""The one and only,"[RELATIONSHIPS]"I wish I never fell in love with you," "What are you trying to do?""It's not what I'm trying to do but what I'm hoping for,""What are you hoping for?""For you to fall in love with me,""This isn't love,""You don't know what you're saying,""I thought you were a daisy, but damn you have poisoned me,""Everything has an expiration date,""It's just stale,""WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?[HEARTBREAK]"Wait- what did you just say?""That's betrayal. I never forget betrayal,""You're good at being a hypocrite,"
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S E R I N ETwo years later. A victorious laugh escaped me as I realized I was winning rock paper scissors- don't judge. We were currently in class and super bored. Our varsity decided to open sooner than we all expected but that meant an extended holiday which I appreciated very much. But to say I didn't mind waking up was a lie. It was no longer me waking up at 7, ready to get on with my morning routine cause it had changed. I woke up later, classes would either start at 9- and our latest was 10. Some days, for whatever reason, we had to be there at eight. The professor was seated at his seat, not taking note of us at all. "I knew I could trust you Serine," I hear a loud voice. "My bets always on you," I flash a smile to David, our hands connecting we're doing our childhood handshake. "It's always better to be on the side of a winner, so honey," I pause looking back at Angelo. "take the L because you're looking at a winner," he cracks into his smile, his dimples appearing perfe
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43| lifeless
S E R I N ETwo years earlierI cried.Her body was still, she wasn't moving.Lifeless. That's how she was, I hated it. I hated the sight. "S-Sarah come on now," I ignore the coldness brushing against my bare skin. Her eyes were slightly opened, her lips were crippled. She was cold. "Take care of yourself," she whispers."No no! Sarah you are not doing this to me! No, not today," I panic. "They're almost here- just d-don't close your eyes," she blinks slowly, only making me slap her face slightly. "Don't. You. Dare,""Sarah, don't leave me. Stay for me, your parents, your brother- your entire family damnit,""Excuse me miss?" I whip my head to the the door and see two paramedics. "She- she needs help. Help her!" I yell. "Okay miss, we will need you to step out of the way." I immediately do. I remove myself from her. "Just please help her," I cry. "Please,""Did you check her vitals?" the one medic asks the other and I completely zone out and just stare at her body lying there. No, sh
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44| confessions
N I N AStill, two years earlierI knew that anything I'd say, no one would listen but I got up the stage- not before seeing her picture on the poster. "Hi everybody," I smile a tight smile once I'm able to speak on the mic. "I know a lot of people knew me for hating Sarah- but I truly, truly never hated her,"Truth is, I was jealous of her. I wanted to be just like her. In every way shape of form. Almost nobody knew we were sister's because of how we butt heads millions of times but that was mostly because of me. Right, lies. It was always my fault. I was the one who had problems- I envied everything she did. Even how she looked- although a lot of people could actually see we resembled each other- that still wasn't enough for me. She had the purest heart, all she had was happiness and when she lost it, she'd get it back."She was everything I wanted to be. I looked up to her- even with us being basically twins- she was more intelligent, had a greater heart. Everybody loved her.The d
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45| entries
S E R I N EYes, two years earlier Dear DiaryInstead of writing a letter you'll never receive, why can't I just write into this book I haven't written in since I was- what, 14?Yes exactly. Today makes it another day that I haven't spoken or seen her. It's been tough. I thought it gets easier once you've let them go but man was I wrong. Everyday without her is just a reminder that she's never coming back and it hurts. It really does. My dad, another person I've continued to pray for even though the doctors saw no hope. It's been a couple of months now, it get harder and harder. Losing Sarah and losing my dad? Have mercy on me, please, dear God. I don't think I could take any more deaths in my life. In the midst of her death, Sarah's, I promised her that I would be happy. I'd do justice for the life she herself, left for me. It was sure harder than it seemed because there was still a load on my shoulders. That I can't seem to get rid off. I've considered therapy. Thought about it
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46| dreams
D A R E KI heard it.It was like she was here, right next to me. Her laugh echoed, her eyes twinkling as I watch her joyful self. It made me happy- so happy that I had put that smile on her face. That I was the one who made her laugh. I admired every feature; her dark skin looked perfect with her light ginger colored hair. Her big eyes- were perfectly made, the lights, lighting them up even more. She was surreal. She looked absolutely out of this world- I meant it what I was saying. Her Amber orbs making contact with mine.Beauty.She was the epitome of beauty. Her face was small, she bit her pink bottom lip, tucking it under her teeth before releasing it. Smiling to reveal her sparkly white teeth. She was like a doll. A real life doll. She hit her knee, throwing her head back, still laughing. I was too admired by her beauty to even remember what I had said to make her laugh like that.Her curvy figure stood up. "Y- you-" She struggles as she continues to silent laugh. "Oh my gosh I
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47| refreshing
S E R I N EFinally two years laterLife.My life.Life was treating me much better. But I still missed her, every time the sun was out, I saw her. It reminded me of her. It was like it was her- she was that sunshine. Summer had even become my favorite season because I'd wait for the sun to come out. The sun was now the best friend I could never reach.It made sense right? Right. The first few weeks without her were so gloomy. It was like everyone around me was in their own dark universe. Everyone had to cope with it in their own way- it took us all individually a long time. Six months felt like 6 days, literally. Time was going so fast but it felt like it was going- painfully slow. I've never wished death upon anyone, anyone but it felt good to know that I was safe. Denzil was no longer a living human being. He was gone and deceased. He was no longer haunting me. It's like his death was a breathe of fresh air- I knew how someone could easily twist my words and make it seem like I
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48| love is in the air
S E R I N EBeing as aggressive as I always am, "Angelo, I swear I will cut your balls off if you don't give me back my chips,"I was willing to kill for chips. Especially, Pringles. They had become my latest addiction since the beginning of this year, which was literally a few days ago. "Yeah right," he smiles at me revealing his dimples- that just adds onto his beautiful face. "Are you-" I furrow my brows, clearing my throat to say this louder. "Are you testing me? Me? Serine Santana Williams?""Is there anybody else in the room?" I squint my eyes but refuse to be blew off by what he said. Playing his game, I look at him dead in the eyes. "Perhaps you're talking to a polar opposite of me?""I don't think I've met an opposite of you, because you're pretty much like every girl I know,""Ooh, I think he got you there, sweetie," I bite my tongue. "Nana," I almost glare at her. "You're supposed to be on my side,""I'm always on the winning side," she shrugs with an innocent smile- eati
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