All Chapters of The Entangled Fate: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
150 Chapters
Chapter 139
Jacquard began to search the wood for any edible fruit. After searching for some minutes, he was lucky to come across a cashew tree. Its fruits were so ripe and inviting. " May the gods be praised," he exclaimed and summoned the courage to go up the tree. He plucked as many fruits as he felt would be enough for them and he came down. He began at once to gather them in a small bag he saw at the foot of the tree. When he was through, he decided to rush to where he laid the princess. Just then, he saw a fierce-looking creature staring. He became afraid at first but alerted and stood still. He did not know what to do because the creature was just staring at him. Slowly, he took out his sword and a short and got ready to fight in case the fierce creature made a move. Just as he had thought, the creature sensed danger and charged at him at once. A fight ensued between them. It was so fierce that it lasted for an hour. The creature looked like an alligator but was not. It posses
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Chapter 140
As they continued their treacherous journey, Jacquard's mind was racing with thoughts. “Could this be the end? After all I have gone through alongside my brother Jacquard ? Never! I won’t allow that. I promised mom I’ll be back. No! We will be back!” He swore to himself as encouragement. He couldn't afford to let the princess down. He had been tasked with her safety, and he was determined to see it through to the end. He could feel her weight on his shoulders dropping on every single one of his nerves, applying pressure on his well bred muscles and tendons, and he knew that if he stumbled, they would both fall. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins, but it was starting to wear off. The pain in his legs and back was becoming unbearable, but he pushed through it. "Are you okay, Jacquard ?" Princess Diana's voice was weak, barely audible over the sound of his footsteps. He was running as silently as possible to avoid any sneak attack… that was one of the military logics of the
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Chapter 141
Jacquard could still feel the weight of the princess pressing on his back as he moved further, making every step more difficult than the last. He could feel the heat of the sun bearing down on him, the sweat trickling down his face, mixing with his tears, and he just wished it would all end already. He couldn't help but think that they were doomed, that they would never make it out alive. But then he remembered his training, his years of preparation for a moment like this. He couldn't give up now, not when the princess's life was on the line. "Stay with me, Your Highness," he said, his voice strained with exhaustion. "We're almost there." He yelled. But Princess Diana remained unresponsive, her breathing shallow and weak. Jacquard felt a sense of despair wash over him. He couldn't carry her much further, and they were still far from safety. He didn't know what to do. As they continued to run, Jacquard could hear the sound of the Amah warriors getting closer and closer. He felt a
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Chapter 142
Jacquard was relieved that he had finally found some water. As he drank, he could feel his energy returning, and he knew that he needed to act quickly to save Princess Diana . He ran back to her side and gently placed his hand on her forehead. She was burning up, and he knew that time was running out. "Your Highness, can you hear me?" he asked, his voice trembling with fear. There was no response, and Jacquard felt his heart sink. He sprinkled some water on her face, hoping that it would wake her up. Slowly but surely, Princess Diana 's eyelids began to flutter, and she opened her eyes. She looked up at Jacquard , and for a moment, he could see the fear in her eyes. "Don't worry, Your Highness," he said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. "I'm here to protect you. Just take it easy and drink some water." He held the water up to her lips, and she took a few sips. Jacquard could feel the tension in his body starting to ease as he saw her regain some strength. They couldn't st
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Chapter 143
As Jacquard thought back to that day, he smiled to himself, remembering the fun they had at the farm. He could almost smell the scent of the fresh crops and feel the warmth of the sun on his skin. But his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rustling bushes nearby. He stopped in his tracks and listened carefully. “Shit!” He exclaimed. “What’s that? Oh my God I hope it’s not what I’m thinking?” He asked himself quietly in fear and trepidation. ”Is it the sound of Amah warriors approaching?” He continued to ruminate. He couldn't take any chances. He carefully placed Princess Princess Princess Diana on the ground and crouched down, ready to attack if need be. The sound of rustling bushes grew louder and louder, but to his surprise, it was just a small animal, a bunny for that matter, scurrying away. Jacquard breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the princess once more. “Such a drag. These animals sure can get one a really high blood pressure.” He said to himself, after wh
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Chapter 144
Jacquard continued running through the night with memories of his past flooding his mind. He remembered the times he spent with his family before they were left by him and his brother, by the proposal of the neighboring kingdom's soldiers. The pain of leaving his loved ones was too much to bear, but the thought of the princess's safety gave him the strength to keep moving. He thought back to the time he and his twin brother, Jacquard uard, went to their friend's farm. They had so much fun working and playing together, but a little argument over who should carry the most harvest nearly ruined their day. Jacquard wanted to carry more than his fair share, but Jacquard insisted on carrying an equal amount. Jacquard smiled as he continued remember how the words of Lucky had diffused the situation in a lucid illusion. They all ended up carrying an equal amount and left the farm with big smiles on their faces. It was moments like those that made him miss his family even more. The memories
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Chapter 145
Jacquard started to panic as he realized how close the warriors were getting. He knew he had to think as fast as possible and come up with a plan that could at least put him on the higher ground of the table of turbulence. "What do I do now? It’s only getting more and more complicated!" Jacquard thought to himself, with a faint trace of fear. "I can't let them catch me with the princess. We’ll be done for." He said He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. "Think, Jacquard , think," he whispered to himself. "What can I do to get out of this situation?" Just at the moment when he was still thinking, the memories of the charm song his mother taught him flooded his mind. "Maybe that's it," he said to himself. "Maybe the charm song can help me get out of this." He started to hum the song softly, hoping it would have the same effect as it did the last time. But as he hummed, he noticed that the warriors were getting even closer. He needed to sing the song louder. He too
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Chapter 146
As Jacquard fainted, Jack couldn't believe his luck. He had always envied his brother's skills and successes, and now he had the chance to claim the glory for himself. He approached the unconscious form of his brother and the princess, carefully picking her up and cradling her in his arms. He looked down at her sleeping face, and couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He had always wanted to prove himself to the kingdom, to show that he was just as capable as his brother, and this was his chance. “Yes! This is my perfect victory. That’s right… I win!” He exclaimed joyfully. Jack's heart leapt with fulfillment although he did his best to conceal it. He felt as though a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders, and the weight of his envy and resentment had been lifted away. The mission to rescue Princess Diana was a success, and he was the hero who saved her. It was all he had ever wanted, and now that he had it, he could barely contain his elation.
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Chapter 147
"Rash!" Oh, boy. I hurry up and get a plain blue towel around my waist while there's another in my hands, being used to clean my face and torso. I get out of the bathroom and go to the closet. I put on a simple nylon black shirt, long enough that the hem stops around my thighs, and a khaki short. On the way, I slip into my flip-flops, getting down the stairs, I see aunt Melissa, giggling to the screen of her phone. She's Face-timing with someone, and really, I don't want to know who it is. When she catch my figure, walking to the couch, she quickly wraps it up and tells me. "So, what's the plan?" I shrug. She's placing her phone away, and concentrating on me. "I don't know." "You're a dickhead." She says. Well, I have a dickhead, the thought comes abruptly but I quickly shake it away. "What do you think...wait, where's granny?" "She's not around." Remember that I said she and granny never gets along. This is one of the obviousness that I mean. Granny is religious on her si
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Chapter 148
I'm still surprised that she remembers me by my first name. She lets me pick the books that I want to, after we've returned the previous ones to their rightful places.When I'm done, she leads me back to her table, and make me sign on the record book once again, after re-writing my name, and the new date.Outside, I have three textbooks, all cramped to my chest. Damn, these are heavy even when they'd looked as though they would be light.I am about crossing the road when I heard, "Rash." It's a familiar voice. I turn to the person. Dean's grinning. He wears a black jacket on top, inner white shirt under and a blue jean. The sole of his canvas kinds of lit under the day light. "Hey." I say back, coolly."Um, what're you doing here?" Whilst saying, his eyes dart to the library's building, "oh, came here?""Yeah." Is all I say, staring into his eyes. I see they are green. They are so bright. The beauty runs in the family, don't you think?"Hey, what's up with you?" He notices.Well, h
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