All Chapters of Falling for the Doctor: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
61. Special to Us
~ ~ ~ ~ ~Cattleya growled, trying not to fall when Megan flung an arm around her shoulder, leaning her whole weight onto her. Megan tossed a glance over her shoulder when she heard the giggles and saw that it was only the two volleyball players she had been flirting with the whole day, “Mmh, don’t fall behind, my loves. I promised you a good night, didn’t I?” Cattleya snapped at her, smelling the strong liquor on her breath, “Shut up, Meg. You’re completely wasted.” She smugly said, blowing in her ear, “Don’t be jelly, Catty. Mmh, I’ve always wondered what it’s like to dominate a dominatrix—” “That’s it.” She viciously let go of the lieutenant who instantly tripped, unable to hold her own. The two women instantly stepped up to catch her in time, laughing now. Cattleya ran her hand in her hair, frustratingly looking at her and then, at them, disregarding her friend completely, “Do whatever you want with her.” “Ms. Kir.” She jerked on the spot, taken aback by the sudden voice. She
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62: The Psychopath
Standing in her surgeon attire, surrounded by both Jillian and Emma, Cassandra was preparing herself to perform a hysterectomy with their assistance. Her patient has been put under general anesthesia. She approached the table, held the tool which Emma handed her and made a small incision in her patient’s belly button. Using a laparoscope, a tiny camera was inserted through the cut and an image was projected from it to the screen. As she watched the image, examining the internal organs, she made two other tiny incisions in the lower abdomen before proceeding for the removal process. Two hours later, when the surgery was completed and Jillian was attending to the now awake patient, Cassandra spent a good time meticulously washing her hand with antibacterial soap. She wore back her white coat, exited the room, nodding towards the patient’s husband, signalling him to proceed to her office. She opened the woman’s file, jotting down some medications as well as advising the husband about
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63. Slow Death
Cassandra jerked awake, when freezing water slammed against her face, knocking the breath out of her. She inhaled sharply, instinctively pulled at her hands to find out she couldn’t move them. Her eyes adjusted to the light and among the icy droplets that dripped from her hair, she made out the dark shape looming over her, her heart pounding in her chest.When her vision cleared, she impassively gazed at Charles. She exhaled slowly, shaking her hands to test out the cable ties which were locked around her wrists onto the arms of a metal chair. Too strong. Her feet were also locked together. She eyed the room, realizing that she was still in her clinic, in her laboratory.“It’s futile to resist, doctor.” She frowned at him, “What do you want from me?” He raised the post-it note, shifting through the small pages. He gazed at it, muttered something under his breath and slid it back in his pocket. He approached her, raising his hand to caress the area near her temple, noting the injury ma
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64. To Love and Lose Her
Cattleya reached for her packet of cigarettes near the gear shift, taking one out and bringing it to her lips. She furrowed her brows, searching for her lighter and grumbled under her breath, “Dammit.” In her haste to leave the manor to join Cassandra and Megan for dinner, she forgot to take one. That was frustrating. She had cleared her schedule for nothing. It gave her a headache thinking about all those postponed meetings that needed to be allocated again. She should have known the doctor had unpredictable emergencies to attend to. It wouldn't be the first time that something like this would happen anyway and she was certain it wouldn't be the last time too. Cassandra prioritized human life above everything else. She closed her car's door, walking to Selena who was leaning against the hood of her Bugatti Chiron, “I suppose you don’t have a light?” Selena shook her head, her eyes stuck on the ring adorning her finger, “I don’t smoke, Ms. Kir.” "Why am I not
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65. A Nightmare
She ran through the hallways of the hospital, tears rolling down her cheeks. Where did they take her? Why didn’t the lieutenant let her ride in the ambulance? She should be with the doctor right now. “Hey you, don’t run in the corridors!” A nurse crossly spat at her, grabbing onto her arm, stopping her. She stiffened, “Please, it’s— they brought Cassandra in. Doctor York. Where did they take her?” The nurse scoffed at her, finding it hard to follow up with what she was saying, “Dr. York doesn’t work here. If you need to consult an ob-gyn—” Selena shook her shoulders frantically, her eyes blurring again, “She’s badly injured, goddamn you! She was bleeding. The ambulance— it must have come here!” A bit startled, the nurse stammered, “Oh my God. Is that true?! She must be in the ER then! Right there! But you can’t go in—” She released her, ignoring her warning as she made her way there. She saw another nurse, carrying blood packets in her hands and she followed her, bar
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66. Helpless
JFK International Airport Charles checked his passport and his flight ticket for what seemed to be the thousandth time. His hands were trembling. So far. So good. He kept repeating this in his mind, assuring himself that he was safe and sound. He had bought a one-way trip to Paris and now he was waiting in the common area to board the plane. He had been so nervous all day, when he went to hand over his luggage, when he passed through the airport security gates but really, it was all in his imagination. He raised his eyes to the TV fixed on a pillar, reading the words on the blue ticker: Obstetrics specialist consultant, Dr. Cassandra York is currently in a comatose state after brutal assault by employee. The state medical board sends heartfelt message. He huffed. So she slipped into a coma? He guessed that it was better than anything. All week long, he has kept a low profile and read articles about her. Her state has been worsening. She deserved it
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67. Vague Memories
Her head throbbed, her body felt sore and heavy. Cassandra stirred. She opened her eyes slowly and winced when the light felt too intense. She was about to cover them and as she raised her arm, something snapped, an excruciating pain slashing through her like a blade and she trembled, leaving her hand in place. She bit her lips hard, strangling a sob, vague memories coming back to her in fragments. When her eyes adjusted to the light in the room, she was startled to see that Selena was sleeping right beside her, her arms strongly wrapped around her body, her head pressed on her shoulder. Her heart raced. Tears trickled her eyes. Maybe everything wasn’t so bad after all. She sighed in relief, relishing her warmth. She terribly wished she could hold her right now. “Selena…” She realized how weak her voice sounded… and then it dawned on her about how sore and dry her throat felt. Maybe she should let her sleep. It must have been a terrifying night. She observed the hosp
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68. Make It Up To You
Cassandra lamented to herself as she rested her head back against the edge of her wide jacuzzi, trying to find a comfortable way to relax. It was rather tiring and frustrating. How was she supposed to freaking live like this? She had been discharged from the hospital this morning with a plaster cast enveloping her right forearm and a tight waterproof wristband for her left hand. She rested her right arm gently on the edge, the sound of the plastic bag that Selena tied around it, annoying her slightly.She closed her eyes, letting her body soak in the warm water. No amount of painkillers could take away that agony and she was starting to get used to the pain now. It seemed that it was embedded in her, that it was part of her.She could barely hold anything. Not even a fucking spoon. She was rendered completely useless. Could she still call herself a doctor? Would she be able to continue working someday? She didn’t think this type of injury was alright in this line
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69. It Will Heal
Selena settled the grocery in the back of the Range Rover and drove back. She felt all giddy at the thought of cooking for the doctor and making her eat. She turned up the volume, blasting a popular song and whistling along. She stopped by the police department, parking the car beside those motorbikes. She walked in, looked around, seeing cops lingering around. She felt a bit nervous, wondering if she should have given Megan a call first. "You lookin' for something, miss?" One of the officers approached her and she baffled, a bit startled, "Yeah, my cat." She heard them laughing at her and she cleared her voice, "I'm looking for lieutena— Captain Brooks, actually." "Oooh, the captain, huh? Why, mmh? She'll help you find your cat?" She heard them cackling with laughter now and she was flustered, stepping away from them as they were clearly mocking her, "Yeah. I gave her my cat. I've come to take it back." They chuckled. The officer held her shoulder gently, di
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70. The Verdict
Jeremy rang the doorbell and waited. Five people were standing right behind him, waiting. Those damn sharks couldn’t even wait for a day. Selena opened the door, frowning slightly. She stared at them, trying to put up an intimidating front. Cassandra clearly told her not to do or say anything reckless, although it was on the tip of her tongue to curse at them right now. Without saying a thing, she stepped aside, letting them in. She had no idea who all these people were and given that Cassandra’s lawyer, Jeremy Mayer was accompanying them, it could only mean one thing. They were here because of that darn footage. She closed the door and went back to the doctor’s side. As she watched Cassandra exchanging a few greetings with them, some kissing her cheeks, others patting her shoulder, she felt a bit hopeful that maybe, all of these people were close friends with her. Jeremy commented, smiling a bit as he spotted the little flowers, “That’s a pretty colorful cas
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