All Chapters of Abused for Revenge : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
44 Chapters
Chapter 21
"that mark symbolizes leadership. According to history and child born with that mark means the moon goddess has favors that child and had given him the crown of rulership, hence he's to rule over all packs as the Alpha of all Alphas." She said and her head was bowed all through. "So you mean the destiny of werewolves to be crowned Alpha has to be destined right from the onset only if they are born with that mark? What if my father was the Alpha but I wasn't born with that mark, does that mean I'll be denied the throne?" I asked trying to process all of this. "Not entirely. But I can make you understand if you Permit me to tell you a story." She requested and I gave her a nod to go ahead. "A long time ago. Days before we were born, all the packs were once living in peace but until one Time when two packs had a misunderstanding with each other and waged war against each other. And it was agreed that Which ever looses become slaves to the winning pack. So the battles was fought and of
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Chapter 22
"Don't worry I'll inform all the alphas and set tomorrow Aside for the introduction. I too can't wait to meet that slave girl of yours.." Micheal said and I wanted to object to that when the sound of the door opening interrupted me. "Alpha" Wallace dashed in with a panic look on his face. "The Lycan blood pack members are invading into our pack." "What??" I yelled And Both me and Micheal rose up. Talk of the devil "I don't know but adophus and his pack members burst into our and they are really taking us, we need to...what? Micheal?" His eyes darted towards to my side and was when he notice we were two in the room. "You came back??" He was as shock as I was earlier but I've got no time for this. They can exchange pleasantries later. I brushed forward to leave and I believe they both got the message, they followed behind me as we all walked out. No guards could be seen around the premises. They all possibly at the borders alreadyAdophus! I know even though I've never and will
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Chapter 23
Taking three deep breaths, I started for the door but just the moment I opened it, Mrs pryanka walked in."Hey Dacianna good morning. you...going out??" She asked the obvious. "Um yeah? I actually want to get some air." I faked a grin. "Oh I was actually coming to inform you that the alpha warned me not to let you out." My heart skipped a bit. At mention of that? Why will he say that? Is that a new rule or Does it know I plan to escape?Of course he must have known that my pack members are here to take me so..."Um...may I know why?" "I don't know but he strictly warned me not to..." "What's that??" I raised a fake alarm cutting her off and pointed behind her in other to distract her and it worked. The little time was enough for me to reach for an object and hit her so hard with it. She winced and dropped down on the floor... she fainted. I felt so bad and guilt for doing that to her but I needed to do this for myself. That was the only way I know I can escape right now. I race
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Chapter 24
"My guess, you connived with your brother to run away, more like you are planning to escape and now you are looking for your brother now cause he's no where to be found." He smirked, one of his eye brow raised. God... how the hell did he know that?? Wait... does he have something to do with my brother's disappearance? Of course he does. "Where's he?" I ask calmly through gritted teeth. "What did you do to him??" "Me..?" He chuckled. "I didn't do anything rather that question should be for your brother. You know The nerve of him to invade my pack and kill half of my pack members. How dare he?" He yelled the last setence, he eyes completely red and burning with anger. "Well he came to save me." "Where is he??" He ask in a serene tone. "Who??" I muttered. "Your stupid brother Damon. Where's he?" Like I'll tell him even though I knew? "No That question should be from from me. Where's my brother?" He drove his hands in his hair and suddenly gripped my tiny arms. "Don't you dar
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Chapter 25
I went down on my kneels begging. Lowell was just staring at me while still pointing the knife down on Damon and as if Damon wanted to prologue this, he manage to push Lowell off. Next, his bones start cracking and popping, his furs sprouting out, his claws sprouting and just like that he had transformed into his fierce Gigantic wolf. Damon's wolf's name is Coda and coda is a very huge scary wolf, all other wolf are nothing compare to him, no wolf dares challenge him. Coda was going to attack Lowell but Lowell threw the dagger at him and the dagger pieced to his leg. Coda grunted and landed on the floor, Lowell made use of the space. He himself transformed into his own wolf. My jaw dropped at what I saw. The wolf was terribly familiar and while my brain was trying to formulate where we've met before. Coda and Lowell wolf started another episode of fight. Watching every move of Lowell's wolf, I finally remember where I've seen it fight. He was that wolf that came to save me that day
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Chapter 26
I and Lowell were both staring at each other. His eyes conveying that I've said the worst thing, I try to withdraw my gaze from him but it felt as if our gaze was padlocked or maybe a part of me was desperately craving that he will share his past with my father with me. At least I deserve to know why I'm here paying for my father's sins right? "Alpha!" Someone's voice slice though the awkward silence and tension. Both I and Lowell turn to see one of the guard bowing. "You sent for me before" the guard said still bowing. "Yes" Lowell clears his throat as he turns his full attention to the guard "I want you to make preparations for the new captive to flee now." A part of me came to life When I heard that but I won't keep my hopes up. Maybe he isn't talking about my brother, I mean they must have captured most of our park members. "Who specifically Alpha?" The guard asks. In as much as I wanted to hear Lowell's reply, I also panicked. Lowell turns to stare at me and I shy my eyes
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Chapter 27
A/n: I am sorry for the late update. "Well I don't know about other parks but here, when an Alpha wants to makes his slave official and known to other Alphas, he sets date and officially introduce her. Introduction actually is a rare event, Slaves who are introduced are a mark that they are going to be slaves forever to that Alpha till she dies. It's also to ensure that no other Alpha have the right to her as she's been legally owned by that Alpha." I felt a surged of panic shoots through me and held me rigid. It felt like the little wish I had this morning was crumpling before my feet, the thought that Lowell doesn't have plans of letting me go. Was this why he had easily granted my requests yesterday, is this the price I'm paying for sparing my brother's life. "one golden advise dacianna," ma'am pryanka say softly, now staring directly at me. She was done primping me up. "No matter what happen during your introduction. Don't ever think of running away okay. Be at your very best
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Chapter 28
"Micheal!" Wallace yelled and casted him a warning glare. "What?" He yelled back "Isn't it better she is made aware of the sacredness of this introduction just so she know better not to screw things up." "Enough!" That was Lowell yelling "Now let's get down on this.." Only then did my little brain translated everything my hears heard earlier. Technically I am about to get raped by how many men... the thought of it sucked air from my lungs as I found myself panting in terror. "So it's true?" My own voice sounded far away from me as I turn to face Lowell "You are having me raped by God knows how many men for your own selfish gains?" And I thought he changed. How didn't I saw this coming? He couldn't have just let my brother go just like that without getting anything in return. Lowell opened his mouth to say something but instead turn to his guard. "Strip her off and lay her down." Before I could protest, hands were already pulling my dress roughly. "Let go off me." I kicked, fo
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Chapter 29
The once shocked faces turns to fury but do I give a shit? No so with that, I signaled both Micheal and Wallace as we both walked out. Micheal was reluctant at first, he had this disapproving look on his face all along while Wallace face was simply blank. "You know you are going to regret this right?" Micheal didn't waste time in dishing out his anger and disapproval to me while the guards were preparing the horse outside. "Regret what?" I played ignorance "The hell what were you thinking letting your slave go off like that at the heat of her introduction right and to ice it up, you were justifying her actions. Tell me something, you didn't suddenly grow soft hearted and pity for your slave girl right?" Though Micheal eyes was flaming with furry but there was curiousity glistening in his face which made me question my own self. No I didn't grow soft hearted, hell why would I? She's my enemy I just didn't deem it fit to share my slave with anyone, yes that's it and I hope it is.
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Chapter 30
Though her voice was a feminine tremor but it sounded so serene and after processing what she just said, a gasp flew out of my lips."Wo...What??!!" My own voice sounded so far from me. Saying I was drawn into a trancelike state would be an understatement. Yes I've heard of stories that the moon goddess does visit her subjects but that's on rare occasions and never in my wildest dream would I ever expect to meet her. And she's really no different from what they've qualified her to be. She's beautiful and she emits a placid Aura. Her presence made me feel so safe infact. "You... you are indeed the moon goddess?" I don't know if that was a question or a statement. " what do I owe this honor and where am I?" "Answering your first question my child, you are honored because..." she paused, her smile not leaving her face. Then she starts extending her hands. I followed it and watch it kissed gently with my shoulder. It felt so warm and refreshing. " I had found Favour in you my
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