All Chapters of The Lycan's Slave Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
109 Chapters
Chapter 31
"Moon goddess, please help me this once," I prayed silently, and just then, the door was opened. I looked up to see three Omegas walking in with plates of food and anger on their faces."You better shift today after all these good treatments." One of them scoffed as they dropped the plate for me, walking away hastily as if I would kill them if they stayed any longer.I could only sigh. *******NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON...I was sitting on a chair in the square with my head positioned to enable me to see the moon clearly.A crowd was around me. The Alpha and Nana were also sitting on the upper ground beside me, watching me. The sounds of drums and sparkles of fire were also illuminating the whole place.Every single werewolf in the pack above the age of 18 was all looking at me in anticipation.I saw as the moon finally turned full round, and at that moment, all drums seized, leaving everywhere dead silent.My heart began to hammer so hard and loudly inside my chest that I was sure anyon
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Chapter 32
Ava's POVMy eyes opened once again and I realized I was still alive. At first, my vision was blurry with a headache hitting me so hard all over my head that it felt like it would rip out my brain, forcing a loud groan out of my lips as I blinked my eyes continuously to clear my view.Everything was hazed in my memory and I couldn't remember anything that happened or how I ended up in this strange room.I shut my eyes again, taking deep breaths and trying hard to recall all that happened, but nothing was registering in my head. All I could feel was so much heaviness in my heart that was causing me sadness.The door made a creaky sound, and my eyes fluttered and opened, directing my gaze to the door to see who was there.My jaw dropped on seeing Nana walk in with a smirk. Something about her was triggering submission in me, as if I was her slave."How are you, my slave?" She spoke out, folding her arms, and just then, I felt a very sharp pain in my neck region. The part where my mate s
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Chapter 33
After laughing for some minutes, I dried the tears of joy that made their way out of my eyes before sitting in front of the white wispy semi-transparent figure ghost of Selene in front of me.Although I knew she was just a soul with no human figure, it still seemed like she was alive and was the one in front of me with all of her emotions intact."You can see through these walls of this place, and I am sure you see how your beloved mate cried and starved himself yesterday, which was your death remembrance day. He was more pained that you hadn't visited him in the dream for once." I paused and grinned while she stared at me ferociously.Her eyes were glowing red, and you could only tell how deep her hatred for me was. If given a chance, she was definitely going to shred me into pieces, but that chance would never come.She is already dead and can't even attack me even if she is released. I kept her here so she wouldn't help anyone through dreams or hide from seeing the calamity she had
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Chapter 34
Diane's POVThere was silence in the atmosphere as everything became tense while they both stared at me with their eyes widened in shock at the statement I just made."What did you just said?" My father gasped while peering at me like I had grown two heads, but the expression on my mother's face made it clear she was thinking in the same direction as me."Who is this girl? And what do you know about her? How sure are you that prince Jaden fell for her charm?" Anna, my mother, inquired, her face frowned."I thought you said no charm can ever get the prince? I thought you said he had inner powers that backfires any magic?" My father questioned her, just as I was about replying. They both stared at each other for a few minutes."I am also confused right now." Mom sighed, resting her head on her palm."I don't think it's charm. The young girl is just a slave. Her name is Ava and she is the rejected daughter of the Alpha after her birth killed her mother. Everyone in their pack hated and b
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Chapter 35
There was dead silence in the air as I slumped onto the chair. My legs were weak already and couldn't carry me again. Different thoughts were rushing through my mind all at the same time, so I couldn't even think straight.The thought of falling in love was weird and odd to my heart, especially when I couldn't lay hands on what was so special about Ava. After passing through higher levels of supreme powers, it became impossible to get stuck with love charms.Can someone then tell me how I got these awkward feelings for a poor girl who doesn't seem to have a future? A girl who everyone hated and bullied like a piece of garbage. When I first laid eyes on her, I felt as if I had met an angel sent to be with me.No matter how I tried to deny and push it all away from my mind, it never left for a second. Since I was born, I can't remember ever caring about anyone, but as Dad just told me how endangered her life was now, I became terrified.I was afraid of losing Ava to death, and I can't t
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Chapter 36
Burning tears seared my eye sockets and poured like streams down my cheeks as I stood naked in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. It made me start to cry as I couldn't recognize myself anymore.My arms, belly, back region, and legs all had red stripes, which blemished my skin and made them so ugly and sore. Due to how much I was starving, my healing ability had diminished so badly that it now takes 24 hrs for a single wound to heal.Pain was blazing my body like a lake of fire, which left me with no strength to dress up. That whip was like a nightmare as it hurts deep into my bone marrow and even causes my skin to bleed, but I don't think Nana cares.Aurora, who I thought was my problem, doesn't disturb me anymore, and it just seems like she handed power over to Nana, who has become crueller than she was.My eyes went to the slave mark around my neck, and I felt a sharp ache in my heart, recalling that it was my father who turned me into this. He really made his daughter a
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Chapter 37
My eyes became teary, especially when Aurora gave me a mischievous smile. My eyes flashed to the clock, and I hissed angrily.In a few minutes, I would be leaving with Nana to go to school, not as a student but as a slave. After years of wishing to attend school like my peers, I would finally be going, but would only be bullied and scorned by everyone.I was dressed in a brown outdated sleeveless gown that was tattered at some parts of the edge and also had a patch at the back. The length was slightly above my knees, giving a clear view of my straight legs smeared with stripes of whip."Slave, let's go!" Nana's voice came in through mind link, and I wasted no second in running out of the room just so I would avoid being beaten. She carries that whip around, and I dread a strike.I caught up with her at the garage, and she gave me a scornful laugh on seeing how bad I looked."I just hope you don't come back naked because that gown seems to be ripping thread every second," she mocked, a
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Chapter 38
"What are they trying to do?" I gasped as it all seemed unreal to me.As I stared at them, I couldn't help but doubt my vision. I sat there on the ground peering at them with my mouth agape.The lash of Nana's whip that just landed on my neck was still burning my skin, and I was feeling the wetness of my blood cascading down slowly.The pain was so unbearable, but I couldn't cry yet as I was trying to recognize what was going on. Maybe I was having hallucinations."Start saying your last prayers because you won't come out alive!"Five girls were standing in front of me holding a skin-made whip like Nana's own, but the difference was that I could feel the heat of wolfsbane around it.There were two guys also with them, holding the trashcan of the school with a naughty smile on their faces, but the girls seemed very angry at me, as if I had offended them before."What did I do to you all?! Leave me alone, please!" I bawled, crawling back in fear as sweat covered my face while my heart h
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Chapter 39
Ava's POV The pain was so unbearable and was like a hellish fire consuming my entire being. I couldn't stop crying over one hit while wondering if I could survive another.The girls were ready to force me into killing myself, and with this wolfsbane whip, I could tell they were very close to achieving their victory over me, because there was absolutely no way I would be able to bear it.The first strike came like a thunderbolt that pierced deeper into the marrow of my bone, tearing my flesh in a streak with my blood spilling freely.My mouth was left loose as I screamed for life as the excruciating even seemed to have seized my breath. It was the most painful experience, which would actually drive me to destroy my life core to escape another lash from them.As I rolled around the ground with my eyes shut tightly, screeching and shaking vehemently from the overwhelming and heart-wrenching pain, I suddenly heard someone say something shocking.At first, I thought my ears were deceiving
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Chapter 40
Jaden's POV She fell into my arms like a log of wood, tears rolling down her eyes while I stared in terror and panic. I was breathing heavily as my heart stung like it was pierced and ripped apart with a sharp sword.Her blood was gushing from her chest where she had stabbed herself, and I wasted no second in starting to transfer my inner energy to her so it would help her heal faster and stop the bleeding.I had never done this for anyone before since I valued every single one of my powers, but there was no way I could sit back and watch her bleed.The blood stopped after a few minutes, and I could hear her breath flowing normally again, but those eyes were yet to open and there was no movement in her body.My inner energy transferred to her would help her heal faster, but to make it out of the coma alive depends only on her decision. If she decides in her heart to die and never return alive, she will be dead in some hours.My eyes were getting tearier, which was so weird to me as I
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