All Chapters of Rise of Power: Return of The Pathetic Commoner: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
248 Chapters
Chapter 128: Special Volunteer
“WE'LL take this,” Bruce told the saleslady as he pointed at the limited edition bag Samantha told him that she wanted. “Wrap it nicely, okay?”“Yes, sir.” The saleslady nodded before she went to the wrapping station and gave the bag to one of their employees.They were in the same store where August humiliated him before. By doing this, also buying a limited edition bag for Samantha, he could feel like he had given back what August did to him before.‘You'll never be able to embarrass me in front of everyone again, Fordman,’ said Bruce as he showed a cocky smile. ‘Because I took everything already from you.’“I know I have said this countless times already, but this is so nice…” Samantha muttered while roaming her eyes at the store. “This is the life we deserve.”“And we could still get more,” Bruce muttered as his hands landed on Samantha's cheek. “I promise you. After our wedding, we'll be in the top ten highest-ranking families in town.”Bruce leaned onto Samantha to kiss her, but
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Chapter 129: Vitamins
SILENCE filled the whole place as confusion became evident on the prisoners' faces. They nodded, even though their minds were muffled.The man in front of them was Francis Wellington, and of course, everyone knew him. That was why they couldn't believe that such a wealthy man like Francis would do volunteer work at Blackbell prison.“It's been my first time in the Blackbell prison,” Francis informed them in a serious tone.He got everyone's silence in response.Despite it being his first time, Francis smiled confidently. “I hope everything will go smoothly while I'm here.”This time, he ran his fingers through his hair, intimidating everyone with his presence.After his introduction, the prison guard explained what the event would be all about. Aside from the general check-up, there would be a medical treatment, and the giving of vitaminsAs the prison guard spoke for a long time, Francis, on the other hand, never left his gaze on August. August did the same way, not planning to cut t
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Chapter 130: Riot!
THE SHOCK was an understatement for what August felt as his eyes flickered on the area. It was a hot mess, and everything was in chaos.The prison guards looked troubled as they tried to pull the inmates away from each other, but it wouldn’t suffice as the prisoners wanted to take away the vitamins from each other.All of them looked desperate on taking that bottle, as their whole life depended on it. It made August’s brows furrow.‘I just left for a few hours,’ said August at the back of his mind. ‘What the hell happened here?’“August!”Suddenly, someone called August from behind. As he turned his direction on his back, he met Sergio’s gaze, waving his hands and asking August to come at them.“What happened here?” asked August as soon as he went to his roommates’ place. They were at the edge of the court to avoid the prisoners in rage. “What’s with the commotion?”“They suddenly became like that after a few minutes. It must be because of this,” Sergio answered and raised his hand wh
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Chapter 131: Phone Conversation
AUGUST THOUGHT that the blood came from his body at first, but his brows furrowed as he didn't feel any pain.His gaze moved in front of him, only to see Amadeus wince and muttered a curse repeatedly while holding his stomach.“Damn you, fucker,” Amadeus mumbled in an irritated tone. In one push, he was able to pin the opponent into the wall.Amadeus made the man in front of his knock out with just one kick. He smirked after that, but it didn't hide the fact that his stomach hurt badly because of his wound.“Boss!” August called as he already recovered from the shock. “Does it hurt so bad? I should take you… to the…”Clinic.But August couldn't mutter that anymore.Suddenly, August wasn't able to speak properly. It was because of the white smoke that continued to scatter from the ceiling. Amadeus felt the same thing, and before they knew it, they stumbled on the floor, unconscious.Mill, who was hiding in another empty room, thought that he was safe from anyone else's rage. He didn't
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Chapter 132: If I Can't Get Rid of Him, I'll Use Him
WITHOUT hesitation, August clicked the red button, ending the call. He composed himself in a short amount of time before turning his direction to Amadeus.“Why aren’t you resting as the doctor told you to?” August asked, diverting the topic onto something else. “It would be bad for your wound to continue moving—”“Stop saying shits, August,” Amadeus interrupted as he raised a brow. “That technique will not be effective on me.”In one swift, Amadeus attempted to take the cell phone August was holding in his right hand. However, due to his fast reflexes, he was able to jump sideward and stand up properly, staying away from Amadeus.‘He’s fast…’ said Amadeus at the back of his mind. Although his expressions were cold, he was amazed at August. ‘If only he had a great amount of focus and control, he’ll be undefeatable.’But August couldn’t control his emotions, especially when it was too overwhelming. Amadeus only shakes his head in disappointment, thinking that August’s skill would be a
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Chapter 133: Wedding Gown
‘SHIT, I almost forgot that I told Bruce to go here,’ said Francis at the back of his mind. Because of what happened, the fact that he had an agenda today almost left his mind. Luckily, he was able to prepare himself, and Wesley dealt with the situation immediately before Bruce's arrival.He couldn’t afford to let Bruce know about the humiliation he had for today. Francis would never let anyone else hold something within him. It should be the opposite.“Alright. I’ll go downstairs in a minute,” Francis replied as he folded the sleeve of his long-sleeved shirt. “Tell him to wait for a bit.”“Yes, young master,” the maid acknowledged his command before she walked away. Francis could hear the footsteps she made while walking away from the bedroom.“They’ve been preparing it too much,” commented Wesley as he chuckled. “A wine and food tasting event, and that food would be donated to a party? How ridiculous and a desperate attempt to look good at the crowd.”“You’re right, dad,” Francis r
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Chapter 134: Another Marriage
THAT QUESTION caused the room to be silent. Even Samantha, who was squeaking earlier as she saw her wedding gown, looked in Francis’ direction when she heard what Francis asked Daphne.Suddenly, both of them became everyone’s center of attention. Although Daphne was slightly thankful since they were in the dressing room— which means the reporters couldn’t follow them inside— she still couldn’t help but be irritated because of Francis.“What the hell are you talking about?” asked Daphne as she raised a brow. “Are you bored? Don’t you have something to do despite your insanely busy schedule?”Daphne threw those questions in a sarcastic tone, hoping that she would annoy Francis as much as he made her mad, but the results were the opposite. Francis raised a brow before he let out a chuckle, enjoying his future wife’s reactions.Francis turned his direction to Jake, who was behind him, and asked, “Wait, aren’t you telling her about the news yet?”“Tell what?” Daphne asked in a higher pitc
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Chapter 135: The Other Condition
“WHY WOULD you mention August's name?” asked Daphne. She was getting more irritated every second. “He wasn't even here. How disrespectful could you be?”She raised a brow and locked gazes with Francis. She doesn't have any fear of doing it— especially when Daphne struck her with her cold, intimidating gaze.Daphne never thought about August as someone she liked, not even once. The only thing she could feel about August before was madness, because he was too stupid when they first met, and pity as she could also see herself in his situation.However, just in case someone will make her choose between August and Francis, she'll choose August— no matter what the situation was, regardless of his status.“Thinking about him while you're in front of me? You're the one who's disrespectful, Daphne,” Francis stated as he gritted his teeth.Francis was annoyed at the feeling that August stole Daphne from him, although Daphne isn't his in the first place. Suddenly, his plan before to let August
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Chapter 136: It's Just a Matter Of Time
AS THE food and wine tasting event was already done, Bruce was now in the Wellington mansion, specifically in their bedroom.In front of him was a bottle of whiskey and a glass. He sipped on his drink and leaned on the chair. Bruce sighed, gripping the glass tightly as the alcohol didn't even affect him.A long time had passed after Bruce's conversation with Jake, but still, his words lingered in his mind.“August…” Bruce muttered while staring at the ceiling.His other hand clenched into fists. Remembering how his father declared the marriage made his blood boil. He had this strange possessiveness towards Daphne, and he won't let anyone take her away from him.Not even someone from the Wellington family.Bruce clicked his tongue and placed the glass again on the table. First things first, he must punish August because he was the start of every misery he had gone into.“What's the matter, baby?” Samantha, who went out of their bathroom, made Bruce return to his senses. “Are the wines
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Chapter 137: Who's My Visitor?
THE TWO months passed like it was a blow in the wind. It was already August’s eighth month in prison, and fortunately, since he didn’t have any violations, the blackbell prison management let him apply for parole.“We’ll update you about the results as soon as possible,” said the prison guard as he took the document August filled up earlier.August only nodded in response. He was nervous, but he didn’t let it show. The parole application was his only ticket to escape this place— at least for now. He might have enjoyed having a good time with some of the prisoners here, but August knew that he couldn’t stay.He should move now while he still has the chance.“Nice one, August!”
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