Semua Bab Rise of Power: Return of The Pathetic Commoner: Bab 161 - Bab 170
248 Bab
Chapter 158: The Main Opponent
"THIS is embarrassing!" Nicole couldn’t help but exclaim as she read the article.The article detailed how the wedding reception turned into a disaster, and how Daphne Sandoval left Francis Wellington in the most humiliating way to marry August.The news was giving Nicole a headache, and Jake wasn't happy about it either. He muttered a curse under his breath as he read the trending news on his phone.Nicole decided to use her connections in the media industry to take down the article. She quickly dialed one of her contacts at a news channel and explained the situation."I'm sorry, Ma'am," the person on the other end said. "I could ask my people to delete the articles, but it will take days. The news was heavily scattered everywhere."
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Chapter 159: Trial Marriage
Meanwhile, August's coworkers, who had been invited to the party, watched in disbelief as he socialized with everyone except them. They had once treated him as an outcast, but now he seemed like a different person altogether."I must be dreaming," said Kaylee, taking a sip of her wine. "How did this happen?"Peter shrugged. "He's not the same August we knew."“Of course, he will not be the same.” Carla scoffed and crossed her arms, her gaze fixed on August and Daphne. "I bet Samantha regrets choosing Bruce over August."As if on cue, they looked at Samantha, who was slightly trembling as August gave her a cold, intense gaze after he answered the reporters about the press conference he was going to conduct. A
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Chapter 160: Authority
DESPITE his attempts to brush it off, August felt a searing anger and hurt bubbling up inside him after his conversation with Henry. He forced a smile and mingled with the guests. However, he couldn't help but scoff at the realization that, despite Charles declaring him as the heir, people still think of him as a pathetic commoner.‘They can't fool me now,’ he thought bitterly to himself, his mind wandering as guests chatted away at him.He scanned the crowd, memories of the engagement party flooding back. The same guests who had insulted him without knowing the full story were here once again, and August couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment toward them.But despite it all, August held his head high, determined to prove them wrong. He knew he was more than what they saw him as. He was going to fight tooth and nail to keep it.Charles' unwavering trust in him, despite his numerous failures and lack of experience, touched something deep within August. He vowed to himself that he
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Chapter 161: Sandoval Family's Son-In-Law
AS August and Daphne went outside the Ace Hotel, a black limousine parked in front of them.“Let’s go,” said August as he glanced at Daphne.It was a signal for one of the bodyguards who were also scattered outside the place to open the door for the both of them. As the door to the middle was opened, August assisted Daphne to get in the car first, and he followed afterward.“To the Remington mansion,” August commanded Nicollo, the driver of the limousine for tonight.“Yes, young master,” Nicollo answered. He closed the mini-window that was separating the driver’s seat to the back, and he immediately obliged August.As August regained his reputation as an heir, the true heir this
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Chapter 162: Meeting
FROM the day August lived in the Sandoval mansion, his life became difficult as the Sandoval family intended him to feel. They were treating him like trash, although they weren’t telling him insulting phrases right in front of their face.They couldn’t afford to do it, knowing how powerful August was right now.But they could do it in a different way—Using emotions to attack August’s weak side.“August, can you make me a green tea? I want the water to be warm,” commanded Jake while he was watching television in the living room. “Ask for Nica’s help if you’re not sure about the specifics. I am picky when it comes to my beverage.”"Alright, father," replied August, affectionately acknowledging Jake as if he were h
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Chapter 163: Dinner Time
A FEW minutes passed, and the maids had set the dining table for Bruce, Samantha, Nicole, and Daphne. The maids were standing behind them just in case someone called them to command something.As they were about to start eating, Daphne realized that August was nowhere to be seen.“Wait, where’s August?” Daphne asked as she roamed around the area to check where her husband was.To her surprise, August was already there standing behind Jake, looking dashing in his expensive black polo shirt and white shorts. With that, they realized that August was still an heir no matter how badly they treated him.Nicole couldn’t resist making a sarcastic comment, “Right. We forgot August is a part of our family now!”
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Chapter 164: Proof, or Accusation?
THE whole Sandoval family rushed to Jake as they saw him coughing uncomfortably. He had just taken a spoonful of soup, which was August’s cooking, and it seemed to have gone down the wrong way.“Father!” Bruce and Samantha called in unison as they tried to make Jake stop from coughing.Samantha lightly caressed and hit Jake’s back, while Bruce took the water from the side and immediately gave it to Jake, which the latter drank in three gulps.It looked like Jake wanted to say something, but he was saving his energy to calm himself down first. He hit his chest repeatedly while breathing heavily. Nicole, on the other hand, was just silent as she also went beside her husband.“Is something wrong in the soup?” asked Bruce as the tip of his
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Chapter 165: A Sudden Report
DAPHNE showed Samantha a video. It was a clip of Samantha adding salt and sugar to August's dish, with a wicked smile on her face.“You're stupid,” Daphne said, shaking her head. “I lived in Hawaii for too long, and I learned how to cook because of that. The moment I saw what you did, I recooked the dishes again.”Samantha's face turned red with embarrassment, not knowing what to say.“If you plan to sabotage my husband like this, try harder.” Daphne approached Samantha, caressing her cheek with a hint of intimidation. “You may have thought of me as an illegitimate child, but the Sandoval blood is still with me, and you'll forever be an in-law.”Daphne made sure to emphasize each and every word so Samantha would feel its in
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Chapter 166: Remington Corporation's New Subsidiary
THE afternoon came, and August informed Daphne that he was going home and wanted to request a meeting about the Remington and Sandoval family’s future partnership. Nicole and Jake couldn’t help but smile as they were in the living room, waiting for their great son-in-law to arrive. “I think August will come in a minute,” Nicole said with excitement, looking at the clock. “I hope it’s about the Joint Venture already.” Jake nodded and agreed. He couldn’t suppress the smile on his face. As Daphne walked past them, Nicole called her. “Daphne, come here. Sit with us while waiting for August.” “No. I prefer to stay in my room,” Daphne declined the offer nonchalantly. Jake noticed Nicole’s grip on her dress tightening. He didn’t like how Daphne was talking to them. “That’s an order. Sit here,” Jake said firmly, trying to assert his authority. ‘I don’t even like to be in a room with you too, what more if I’m going to strike up a conversation? I’ll die,’ complained Daphne at the back o
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Chapter 167: Information
AUGUST got everyone’s attention, including Daphne, because of his statement. Daphne looked at him intently, wondering what was going onto his mind, but she couldn’t decipher it.“You should sit first so we can discuss it,” said August as he smiled widely. He accompanied Jake onto his seat. “I know, this isn’t what you asked me to do, but Father was really picky when it comes to partnerships.”Nicole raised a brow, thinking whether August’s sentence was a compliment or not. Because for her, it sounded like the Sandoval Corporation wasn’t competent enough to qualify as a partner of the Remington Corporation.And it was really the case.August sat on his chair beside Daphne. “I had a conversation with Father earlier, and despite doing my best for him to agree with my proposal, I couldn’t convince him.”“You’re just incompetent,” Samantha scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t talk nonsense and make excuses for your failures,” she added, causing the place to be silent.Daphne, who was sittin
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