All Chapters of ADULPHUS And The PRINCESS : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
67 Chapters
Episode 31
A cold wind blew violently as trees were shoved out of their roots and flew around, hitting the ground and pieces into several pieces.Lilia looked around with confused eyes, she couldn't understand where she was, no matter how hard the trees were uprooted by the strong wind. As they got close to her, a powerful power broke them into several pieces, pieces flew everywhere accompanied by a tremendous earthquake that didn't affect Lilia. Lilia strolled deep, a deep dark fog overwhelmed her and she couldn't see a thing but her instincts guided her, she kept on walking not knowing where she was or how she got there, everything stood like a mystery to her, nothing else was heard except her breathing.Suddenly, Lilia heard a faint sound behind her, her hearing was so sharp that she could hear it quickly and swiftly. She turned back but still thick darkness surrounded her."Who are you?" She cried out in a loud tone, her throat ached as she scareamed. Her sharp eyes flickered around the dar
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Episode 32
The woods were silent and the only thing Lilia could hear was the rustling sound of leaves. She walked closer towards the two women whose eyes pierced on each other.Avena Adolphus' mother gently pulled down the cloak from her head, her long black hair revealed but her eyes were so stern and filled with concern."Mother" she acknowledged with a slight bow. The older woman stared at her for a long time, she had so much evil in her eyes and her right hand held a broom as black as her gown. Her hair was also black just like her daughter but there was a bit of grey at the side which represented her old age. "You will give birth to the child present in your womb in the next full moon, is your husband aware of this?" The older woman asked, her voice was as harsh and hard as her facial expression.Avena glanced at her stomach, she placed her hand on it and gently rubbed it. With worried eyes, she looked up at her mother, her eyes held words that her mouth couldn't proceed out, "No mother" s
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Episode 33
Adolphus stared at Lilia's lifeless body, panic in his eyes. He glanced at the open wound in her stomach where she was stabbed, with pain, he cursed himself for not being there on time. With blurg eyes, he twisted his fist in anger, "No!" He screamed and threw a strong blow on a table nearby which fell into pieces by his uproar.Panting, he glanced back at Lilia who lay still , it's been two days since her attack and not even a part of her body moved, she wasn't even breathing and the thought of losing her shattered his heart. He won't be able to forgive himself if she dies, he will prefer to go with her because right now, he realized how attached his heart is to this human, a lady he fell in love with at first sight but the anger in him prevented him from realizing it from the beginning. With his gaze on her, He sat beside her with eyes welled up in tears. He just can't live without her, his heart was breaking and he wished she could open the ocean eyes of hers he wanted to dive in
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Episode 34
Queen Mena strolled down the hallway, the sound of her footsteps echoed down the quiet hallway as there was no sign of maids around. With hard eyes, she fixed her gaze to the king's chamber. It's been two days and Lilia has been away from the palace. Right now she is too busy to look for a princess who decides to run away from the kingdom as she pleases. With a scoff, she got to the door of the king, the soldier opened and watched as she walked in.King Arthur heard footsteps in his room, he was so weak to look up and he felt a cutting pain in his stomach. He groaned in distress, his lips trembling as he gasped for breath. Queen Mena stared at her husband's almost lifeless body with disgust. Why isn't he dead yet? The kingdom will be invaded tomorrow evening and he should have been dead by this time. She couldn't wait to rule with the man she loves, king Fabian of Sunan. A real man who knows how to pleasure her the best way her body earns, just the thought of his touch on her skin a
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Episode 35
Lilia and Adolphus walked into the palace which was unusually quiet. Confused, Lilia scanned around the large and long hallway, there was no sign of a maid or a soldier and a strange feeling overwhelmed Lilia that instant. Adolphus glanced at her and noticed the concerned look on her face. He himself knew that something dangerous was about to happen but he could not place it. "Something isn't right, '' Lilia muttered as they strolled towards the throne room. To her surprise, she found no soldier at the door, she glanced at Adolphus and looked back to the door, impatiently, she flung the door open and found the throne room empty, her father wasn't in. Filled with worry, she ran out of the throne room and ran towards her father's chamber, Adolphus followed her with ease, he could sense danger approaching. With a pounding heart, Lilia pushed the door of her father's chamber and at the sight of her father, her heart dropped."Father!" She screamed and ran to him, he looked lifeless, p
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Episode 36
Lilia sat still, the cold dry ground made her body shiver as she kept mute in the darkness of the dungeon, her face soaked in tears. She could feel cobwebs all over the walls and ants slowly climbed her legs. The dungeon was covered in dust and an awful smell filled her nostrils. With puffy eyes, she sniffed as tears found it hard to come out, her heart died from pain and bitter anguish. Her hair covered her face but she didn't care, her mind, thought and life is a mess now and she wondered what could have happened to her father and Adolphus. A tear rolled down her eyes accompanied with more bitter tears that broke her heart. Everything the woman who she has always seen as her mother said was so shocking for her to believe. She knew that she has always had this connection with Mama Gunad right from the first time she went into the village. As a little girl, she walked through a small hut in the royal carriage, the door was opened and she saw young children her age surrounded by an o
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Episode 37
King Fabian scanned the crowd who stood before him, his hardened look fixed on the princess and her lover whose strength surprised him. He must find a way to get rid of them completely and he and Suna have come out with the perfect plan which was announced and made the people boil in rage."People of Anedo" He let out in a loud voice, his tone, deep and clear that everyone could hear him even from a distance. He turned to Lilia, who looked down and sobbed, the chains tied around her hand made it difficult for her to move, she just laid still on the ground and wondered what fate had in store for her and Adolphus. "Gathered today is I, King Fabian, King of Sunan and second head of the kings" he introduced with pride in his voice. He turned to Queen Mena who had a sad look on her face her eyes red as she placed a clean napkin on her face, tears rolling down her eyes. King Fabian looked back to the crowd, "Today, I bring to you bad news concerning the health of your king, king Arthur"
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Episode 38
The sound of chattering plates were heard along with the whispering of noises. Lilia stood still with her gaze fixed on the dishes as she washed them slowly, her mind far away from her. After Adolphus' execution, she awoke to the realization and cried her eyes out until there were no more tears left to shed. The soldiers drew her into the dungeon and starved her throughout that day. Lilia couldn't eat anything either, her mouth was sore and her heart was bitter. All she could do was stare at space and bite her nails, her head almost running wild with thoughts. "She looks like a slave, poor princess" the voice of a maid nearby accomapined by a burst of loud laughter cut through her thoughts. Lilia didn't say a word but fixed her little strength on the plates she washed, her life didn't make any more sense to her so it isn't worth living. Lilia heard footsteps behind her, she could feel the eyes of someone staring at her, "You stink!" A familiar voice cut her through. Lilia's eyes na
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Episode 39
Lilia roared loudly, her body filled with anger as she stared at both men before her. The great light from her eyes brightened the room as both men scanned around in fear as their lips began to tremble. Lilia's face began to transform, hairs began to grow rapidly on her face, her teeth elongated and they became pointy and so sharp that the tip twinkled to the touch of the light. Her ears began to grow longer in the form of a wolf and her fingers grew long and sharp.With a tremendous fury, the chains around her broke into several bits as it scattered round the room which began to shake. Both soldiers looked terrified, they knelt on the as their legs became so weak that they couldn't stand, their eyes in the princess who transformed into a being they have never seen in their life. Lilia roared, her voice loud as thousands of wolf's, shd felt a great strength begin to grow in her, at once she moved her right hand and a great force pushed the soldiers towards the wall and they hit the wa
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Episode 40
The hallway to the dungeon was so dark and an awful smell filled the atmosphere. Disgusted, Suna placed a hand over her nose and walked towards the dungeon where Lilia was kept. The soldier led the way and the more they strolled in, the more it became silent and darker. Soon, they approached Lilia's cell, the soldier pushed the gate open and Suna strolled in, her eyes scanned around in irritation. Her gaze rested on the body of the dead soldier and next to him was Lilia who stared at her motionlessly. Suna inspected Lilia and was shocked to find a clean dress over her, she stood confused and wondered who gave her the cloth, anger gently rose in her."So, I can see that you are stronger than you look" Suna asserted and walked slowly towards Lilia, her sharp eyes not leaving the girl who glared at her emotionlessly. Lilia didn't say a word, she watched Suna who came closer to her, their eyes locked and the deep hatred they have for each other grew strongly.Lilia's silence annoyed Su
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