All Chapters of Starstruck by the Alpha: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
239 Chapters
Chapter 138: The Alpha's Sacrifice
ROSESo that night, Rum had a tussle with the dark whims and almost had his head ripped off.And I thought that he finally had enough of my no response. How selfish can you get, Rose Cintilar?A large hand covered mine, squeezing it gently. I looked up and those blue eyes gave me a reassuring smile. I gazed at our hands as a smile touched my lips. 'An explosion from your chest?' Ellis rubbed his chin in ponderment, his eyes focused on the empty plates on the table. 'What do you think it is, Ellis?' Elena leaned closer to him. 'The special ability.''It's hard to tell for now.' Ellis sighed in frustration. 'A healing explosion… it's strange and unusual. But one thing's for sure: the dark whims knows about it.'The older werewolf turned to Rum with a look of warning. 'That's why it made you go for the bullet instead.'Elena jolted with a sudden revelation. 'So Rose was put at gunpoint to make Kee embrace his own death?'Ellis nodded. 'It must be done at Keithen's will, so his body wo
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Chapter 139: The Ancient Scrolls... and More Secrets
ROSE She knows. No—I shook my head inside. She doesn’t know. She’s suspecting it. All she has are speculations, not evidence, and she’s aware of it. So she’s trying to test me, to get that evidence she needs. I have to be careful. I mustn’t let slip of anything that will lead her to the truth. I MUST KEEP IT A SECRET TILL THE END! ‘What’s outside the Howling Five?’ I asked, rearranging my facial features into an innocent puzzlement. ‘What do you mean?’ She seemed offended by the question. Quickly, I explained, ‘I mean, is there a world beyond the Howling Five? I remember Rum said that the five largest packs came together as the Howling Five—that means there are other packs roaming your world, right?’ Elena studied me quietly for a second and then smirked. ‘I always find you a smart human.’ Can she tell that I’m avoiding the topic of Quinn? Maybe I should stay on the topic the next time she brings it up. I moved closer to the Luna as she meandered through rows of rectangul
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Chapter 140: 'To kiss you or kick your stupid adorable brain.'
ROSE ‘So what have you ladies found?’ Rum’s popped through and all the fear and anxiety I had earlier vanished in an instant. My senses perked up and I turned to the voice just in time to catch a kiss on my forehead. When I opened my eyes, he was right there smiling down at me. The soft caress of his thumb on my cheek was like a warm hug and I immediately felt more settled. ‘Not much.’ Elena stretched her arms forward. ‘Just the whole history of the were-folks.’ She pounded her back lightly and asked, ‘What about you, Rose? Anything you want to ask us?’ It felt like she was inducting me into the werewolf living and I didn’t like it one bit. ‘Nope.’ I shook my head, staring at the page. For some reason, the words made sense again—earlier on, someone blurred them after a sentence. ‘Elena.’ Rum exhaled and said, ‘I think you better go to Ellis.’ The serious tone in his voice made Elena jump from her seat in worry. ‘Why? What happened?’ She took one look at Rum and relaxed kno
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Chapter 141: 'I'll be back for you, I promise'
ROSE'Fuck….' Was all he managed to utter after a long silence and a face hardened with the ominous truth. I wanted to give him a hug but I knew it wouldn't help with anything. His face said everything: he's screwed up big time. Of all the mistakes he had made thus far, this is the worst of them all. 'Rum….' I reached out a hand but he stepped away. 'Jesus Christ….' He grabbed his head in helplessness then raked his fingers through his hair in the slow, fierce way of a knife cutting his scalp open. 'Rum!' I grabbed his wrists to stop him from hurting himself. He spun around, panic and fear in his eyes. 'We need to leave.' I searched those blue sapphires with the same anxiety. 'L-Leave? To where?' 'We can't stay. They'll find out.' Rum’s eyes were darting around nervously. ‘But, Rum.’ I held his hands in mine and whispered, ‘the sooner everyone knows that your Beta’s consumed, the better chance we have at getting the dark whims right—.’ ‘NO!’ He snarled, his gaze darkened wit
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Chapter 142: Disappeared
ROSERum inched closer until our clothes touched, and he whispered in a low voice that only I could hear. ‘If my uncle was consumed, then it doesn’t make sense for the dark whims to kill Berardo and let Erick live.’ I squinted at him. ‘But Berardo did die and Erick lived.’‘Because Alpha Erick might have found out that the dark whims were consuming Berardo. So he had no choice but to kill his own cub and hide his entire pack.’ Horror hardened my face. ‘B-But why would the dark whims consume another one when it already got your uncle?’ ‘Cause my uncle’s a Beta.’ Those blue eyes shone with resolution. ‘Betas are still weaker compared to Alphas. I bet the dark whims needed the strength of the largest pack—since my father died, they couldn’t consume him. So they took the next werewolf, my uncle. But they realised it wasn’t enough—so they tried to take the next strong candidate, Berardo.’ ‘What about you?’ I frowned in disapproval. And Rum was taken aback. ‘What about me?’ ‘You’re a
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Chapter 143: 'This cave is very deep'
ROSE‘What is it?’ Rum asked, offering his hand. I took it and shrugged. ‘I thought I saw something.’ And Rum halted. ‘What is it? What did you see?’ I described it to him and he turned to the pond and smiled at it. Then, he looked at me again and said, ‘I know a place we can use as our hideout. Come on.’ *****A cave, located out of the sight of the pond, somewhere above the middle of the mountain—a quarter of height from the peak. I thought the cave would be empty, but there were traces of its last occupants—stones arranged in the circle of what appears to be a campfire, long sticks carved like skewers, woollen covers, and thick patches of dried grass. Rum was moving around with ease searching while I stood in one spot absorbing my new environment. The air was as cooling as the air conditioned space inside B.A.D. but it carried the freshness of the snow at the peck of the mountain and the clear water of the pond. Gathering the front seams of the robe around my neck, I ignor
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Chapter 144: 'You want me that badly, huh?'
ROSE Warm and moist lips cushioned down on my right shoulder, stirring me from my dreams. Then I felt the soft thudding of a heartbeat against my skin and the warm flesh of a strong chest against my back. I was under the covers and his chest hair was grazing my shoulder blades. The hair along his arms were tickling my waist and his thighs were rubbing against mine. His large warm hands were on my breasts, squeezing them gently, feeling them whole. A shiver shot up my spine. ‘Morning, cub,’ greeted the deep raspy voice and a hand glided up my front, caressing and stroking, before thick fingers reached my jaw and nudged my chin aside. Then, the same lips moulded softly against mine. ‘Mmm….’ I kissed him back and then opened my eyes when he pulled away. His nose buried in the crook of my neck and he took a strong whiff, pouring goosebumps all over me. ‘Keithen…,’ I moaned, the name I had screamed with pleasure just a few hours ago. He kissed my nape. ‘I never knew this pl
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Chapter 145: 'This is your home?'
ROSE 'This is amazing….' That was the twentieth one I've heard since we entered the streets. 'No one's stopping or gawking,' Rum breathed in awe. He flipped around with a large grin and a gaze of disbelief. 'This really works!' It was the biggest compliment I've received, since I started styling him. And because he kept repeating it, I felt less awkward getting the praise. Almost like it was normal for me to receive one. I smiled at our hands holding each other, my feet kept moving alongside his, following his leisure pace. But unlike him, I kept my face within the large flaps of my hood. 'This feels so different.' He was grinning like a kid who's just discovered the marvels of chocolate, and I couldn't help but smile along. 'You don't take this path often?' I sneaked a peek at a woman piling up some potatoes for her stall. 'Only when it's empty.' Rum was boldly looking around, like he was walking down the runway, soaking in the atmosphere. 'It's weird when they keep st
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Chapter 146: The Alpha's Gamma & His News
ROSE I heard this voice earlier. The authoritative one. The one that belonged to—. 'Did the Luna sent you two?' he asked. Did he not recognise Rum? Oh, we weren't facing him directly so he couldn't tell. I glanced at Rum. His eyes were on the floor, struggling. He didn't reply. He couldn't. If there was a hole in the ground right now, he'd jump into it without any hesitation. I kinda understood why. I caught the name too. Earlier. And I knew for sure this was him—Rum's best friend and the husband of his first love—Gamma Hector. 'Speak up!' the voice hissed in a hushed tone, as though he didn't want to be heard by anyone else other than us. I should probably answer him. Rum looked like he wanted to remain anonymous. 'W-We're here to fetch for Alpha Magnus,' I said, mimicking the language here. And Rum's face jerked up, appalled. What the fuck? He mouthed. Glaring back, I flashed my palms in my robes and mouthed, What else then? 'Alpha Magnus?' The werewolf at t
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Chapter 147: 'You still love her, don't you?'
ROSEOh, what a jerk! My feet stomped forward, ignoring the cries behind me. 'Hey! You're going the wrong way, goddamn it!' Rum came after me. 'Rose!' Why can't he tell me? The name of his first love, the one who dumped him to marry his best friend. Just tell me if she was Rola or Roseb, is it that tough?! 'ROSE!' A fierce grip came over my wrist and a strong force twirled me around. Two angry blue sapphires bored into my face. 'Have you forgotten about the rogues? Stay close to me, damn it, what the fuck is wrong with you?' I tried to pry my hand out. 'Nothing's wrong! There! That's what you wanted to hear. Nothing's wrong with me! I'm perfectly fine!' His grip tightened. I could tell from the look on his face, he was trying to fight the agitation. 'I was being honest when I said I don't want to talk about it.' His voice was calm and serious. Which made me feel childish—and hence even more infuriating. 'Because it's all in the past.' I stared at the ground. 'Fuck… that look.
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