All Chapters of My baby daddy is my step dad : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
80 Chapters
It's been two Weeks since I had been living with Harry and all we did was move from one location to another and from different companies to another and signing different kinds of endorsements .I wouldn't say that this was something I loved but then I really did Love everything that's happening right now .I still didn't understand how I got to understand harry better ,the both of us haven't had any problems together and it was just one of the most sweetest feelings that I could ever wish for but what I didn't understand was why he suddenly stop being nice to me all he did was come out go out with me and most times he orders foods he never eat the food I prepare ,but that wasn't my business ,I could care less about everything that's happening ,if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore then that's his business and I could care less about It ."Mommy are you coming soon it's been two weeks already " Beckley said from the other end of the line and I just couldn't help but laugh ."
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Am sorry for causing you so much pain
I stared at mom shocked and she also gave me that hard glare without breaking away .In my entire life I had never felt this shock.I was so shocked to the bone marrow that I couldn't say a word anymore I just watched her, but what was she doing here ,how did she even get to know our House .I felt my heart beat increasing as I held on to the door knob, unable to move away or just open it I was scared ,so scared than I had ever been .What was she doing here? The looks I had known hadn't changed; it was just that she looked more matured and her face still looked pretty .She's pretty look Never left her face, it was just like I was seeing the older versions of crystal right here ."Mom "I called again, unable to hold my emotions anymore ."Would you at least let me In"she stated coldly .I looked at her ,the pullover she wore and her tight jeans and shoes made her look more perfect and her hair seemed to have changed color ."Babe who's there and why aren't you coming back in "I heard
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Did he sell me off
I stood by the far waiting for the woman to come ,there's no way I was going to leave here without having a positive result "Are you sure that this is a good idea Kylie ,you know you shouldn't involve this woman,you should have just done your stuff all by yourself ,I think that would have been better. I just don't see any use of add-on her because I don't think that she's worth it .I didn't listen to what Kendall was saying. All my thoughts and my focus were on the woman. When I saw the Shadow approaching I knew it was her ."How did it go ?" I asked her immediately she go to where I was ."I told you not to come out and wait for me , don't tell me that you haven't Been cold "the woman said instead of answering my question .For the first time I ever felt like Kendall was right and I felt like slapping this woman is ,how dare she question me ,who is she to ask that question she had just no right ."I asked you a question woman and I don't expect you to give me such silly answers, I
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Lunch with his finance
I stood by the window waiting for the so-called Liam . I looked at the wall clock in the room and it indicated that it was still 8pm and I wondered why he hadn't arrived yet .I didn't like the way the woman had dressed me up seductively but then I still had no choice but to be this way ,after all my boss had sold me to him and there was nothing that I could do about it at this moment .The door to the room that I was seated in suddenly opened and a girl suddenly walked in . "Ma mr Liam is Here and he wants you in his room at this moment ,I would strongly advise that you waste no more time going to him and I would advise you that you follow me at this moment "the girl told and I just stood up ,I was already sick and tired of sitting here and waiting for him ..I walked out of the room behind the girl and without saying a word to her .We took an elevator to a different room and when it stopped ,it stopped in a different hall entirely ."You can go in now ma "the sa
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What the fuck are you doing with my woman'
It's Been three days since I brought that girl Into my House and I Just couldn't imagine why this had to happen .I knew that I never really liked the girl but something in me tells me that I can't just let her go .The past three days have been hell for us .Though we haven't really had any conversation together, we have been nice to each other ."Don't tell me you are still waiting for me to tell you what I have with my CEO"I heard someone say and I turned to look at Dora walk-ing towards me in just a bikini .Her skin looked as flawless as ever and the more I kept thinking the more I felt like there was something about her .No woman had ever made me feel this way .After that might of the dinner ,I stayed to console her and the next day when she woke up she made me dinner and even prepared me for work and even yesterday she asked the maids to back off their duties and she made sure she took care of me ."Don't tell me you are still lost," she whispered, sitting beside
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Kidnap her babies
The nice smell I got from the house was something that I just couldn't understand .There was just something that I couldn't place my hands on .I didn't know why the bed was feeling so comfy and there was just something about it .I knew that this wasn't where I used to sleep , something told me that this pace was different and it really did feel nice and more comfy ,I loved it .The moment I opened my eyes the first thing that blinded my eyes was the harsh light that shined brightly into the room .For a moment I closed them back and I tried to recover where I was but after waiting for a while I found out that this wasn't a house , there was something different about this place that I was I just couldn't get my hands on it .Where was I?" ,that was the question that was ringing in my mind at the moment and I was dying to have answers .I stood up from the bed and looked around the room and for a moment my mind told me that I wasn't in England anymore ,but where I was .The room
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I love you
The last thing I ever wanted in this life was for me and my kids to be happy and to be able to give my kids the life that they deserve but some factors just try to stop that and stand on my way but that wasn't going to happen on my way ,am not going to in my role of being a mother ,I must make sure that they had the best life that they had always dreamt of as kids and that was having their dad with them and also us being one big family that had Been their wish all along ."Mommy mommy are you listening?" Crystal's sad voice broke me out of My thoughts and I turned to look at the screen just to see her staring at me. The prettiest eyes that I had ever since ,I knew I shouldn't be saying this but I was really grateful that I kept these kids ,I just couldn't imagine what my life would be right now without these kids in them ,that would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me ."Mommy ,i took a week to get to us ,that's just so unfair and you know that ,how could a mother
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The kids have been kidnapped
I smiled looking at the kids going to bed,this was by far one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened to me ,I just couldn't imagine what my life would be without kids ."Do you want anything else ?" I asked Crystal before putting off the lights ."Aunt ,can you please tell me more bedtime stories ,I really do need it "she whispered looking at me .I knew that I couldn't leave and I knew that she was being this way because she missed her mom and wished she was here .These last few weeks with these kids have been the best in my life ,one of them. Best experiences that I could ever wish for and I was loving the kid out everyday ,I loved everything that was happening . My phone rang from the other room ,I could hear it and I wondered who it was that was calling me ."Crystal why don't you go to bed , can't you see your siblings are already sleeping, I would be back. I just want to pick this call "I told Crystal who just rolled her eyes and laid on the bed closing
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What is she hiding
I stared at the message like I had seen a ghost.What was she Talking about?I could suddenly feel my heart beating so hard against my chest ,I knew this was it .Only the muscular voice of Hardy could be heard ,I knew he was trying his best to bring me back from what I was .When I felt his strong arms wrapped tightly around me ,I knew this was it ,this man was just so protective of me. After being in his arms for long ,I pulled away and he gave me a peck on my forehead .I looked at him and forced out the most fakest smile that I had ever given to anyone my entire life.I literally hated this feeling and I hated what I was doing at this moment but then I had no choice, I just had to do it .Harry stared deep into my eyes and signed. "You know you can tell me anything ,I won't stop helping "he whispered .I smiled and walked away ,I couldn't never let him see the nervousness on my face ,I couldn't let him know about the kids like this ,I know he's going to be so angry ,I could tel
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It's for the best
The moment the call ended ,I puffed out the smoke from the stick of cigarettes and threw it away .The cries from the girl were really getting on my nerves and at this moment all I could think of was just shutting her up but that little bitch was something else but one thing I knew for the fact that I wouldn't hurt her no matter what ,I wasn't going to do that ."Shut your mouth you dirty bitch b"I yelled in frustration at the little girl who couldn't stop crying . "Please let me go ,let me go see mommy she would be so worried sick about me "."If you mummy doesn't do as I say am so going to kill you , you should shut up and stop taking because your voice is so fucking annoying little girl " I saw the way her face went from and all the tears dried up from her eyes. All I could see this month was just a little helpless girl and I just couldn't believe that I was the one causing her this much pain .The girl looked tired from crying and I saw the way her face lifted the
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