All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S MISTRESS: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 Chapters
Chapter 21: The First Night
"Alex, have you seen Christine anywhere around?" Ruth asked for the umpteenth time that night.Alex only shook his head as he stared out in the distance.There were at the topmost floor of the biggest hotel in the city, enjoying the view after a long day filled with congratulations and smiles."Oh, that girl!" Ruth hissed by his side.Alex turned to look at his wife. His brows rose as he admired her beauty but at the same time, he wondered why she was getting so worked up over Christine's absence.He had been sad too but after thinking about it for a while, he realized that it was the best thing for Christine to leave. He couldn't give her the love she truly deserved. It was best she went somewhere she could get another chance at love."Hey, come here," he whispered.Ruth paused at the door and slowly, she moved towards him.Alex pulled his wife closer and stared into her eyes."Why are you so concerned by Christine's absence?" He whispered, his lips hovering above Ruth.Ruth let her
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Chapter 22: Newly Wedded Problem
As the rays of sun kissed the couples naked skin the next morning, Ruth was the first to open her eyes.She looked over at Alex messed up hair and smiled to herself. He was so cute.And he had a good cock too.Her eyes went down to her hand and she smiled when she saw that it was hard and ready.Slowly, she slipped from her position and sat on top of him.The movement caused Alex to stir but he needed time to completely pull out of sleep.Ruth lowered herself and kissed him on the lip. This time his hirs fluttered open and he was stunned for a moment, before he remembered where he was."Hey husband," Ruth mumbled against his lips.She picked his hands and moved them to her waist. She took his cock and positioned it into her folds."Hmmm, that feels so good," she moaned and Alex closed his eyes too.He was fully awake now. His hands on her waist tightened as he allowed the warm feeling of her body take over him.He pulled her neck to him and he kissed her, passionately. Ruth was truly
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Chapter 23: Trouble Returns
It had been a month since Christine came to settle into her new life. It was hard but she gave herself into work so much that the pain had become numb.Ofcourse Ruth kept calling, constantly asking for favours. The ones she could do, she did for her but mostly, Christine, just wanted Ruth to start handling issues on her own."Miss, Christine?"Christine snapped out of her thoughts and raised her eyes from her laptop. She had zoned out again."Yes, Hilda," she replied in that smooth voice of hers.Hilda stepped into the room her olive skin glowing under the white light above them.She stopped in front of Christine's table and presented an envelope to her. "This came in from the headquarters. It seems the executives are extremely proud of you," she said wiggling her brows.Christine smiled at her secretary's enthusiasm but she was sure Mr. Davies, Ruth's father just sent her another impossible task to try and complete.She took the envelope from her and dropped it on the table in front
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Chapter 24: The Wrong Problem 
"Did he hurt you?! Did he lay his hands on you? What did he do to you?" Christine's words came out so fast it was as if she was trying to win a marathon.She was so agitated and concerned as she held her friend in her hands checking her over to see if there was any sign of trauma on her body.Ruth's face which was shocked at Christine's reaction calmed into a smile as she looked into her best friend's eyes."No one cares about me the way you do Chris," Ruth said in a calm voice with a genuine smile on her face as she gazed into Christine's troubled eyes.Christine did not care about Ruth's comment. All she needed we're answers and she frantically asked for one."Did he threaten you not to tell anyone! I swear to God if that man hurts you he's going to have me to face with. I'm going to fuck him up so much he is going to hate his life... " Christine threatened with so much anger.She would not be able to forgive herself if Alex had turned out to be one of those weird men who got off fr
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Chapter 25: The Wrong Fetish
She was finally ready to talk and Christine was eager to know what was the problem that would make Ruth look for her and trace her down to this place.Christine shifted closer closing the gap that was between them."It was all a trap Chris, I should have seen it but I was blind. I should have read the signs, all the red flags that were being waved right in my face, but I did not," Ruth sounded so heartbroken and emotional and Chris hated herself every minute. She had a hand in Ruth's marriage to Alex so she was part responsible for whatsoever pain her friend was going through.For Alex's sake, she hoped whatever Ruth was going to tell her was not true. For his sake, she hoped he had never hurt her friend because she was going to bring down fire and brimstone on him."It's okay baby," Christine cooed to a sad Ruth as she carressed her hair with her hands. Even though she was eager to hear what Ruth had to say, she did not want to push her and end up shutting her up. She wanted her to
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Chapter 26: Crazy Reasons
It was as if the words Ruth had just spoken were some magical words as the whole world seemed to come to a stand still as dhe blurted it out."What?!" Christine bellowed, breaking the silence."I am leaving the marriage Chris! I can't continue like this!" Ruth reiterated."What are people going to say? What are your parents going to–Oh my God you're mum is going to kill me!" Christine shouted as the repercussions of Ruth's proposal downed on her."Stop being dramatic for fuck sake. I won't be the first woman to get divorced," Ruth said with a roll of her eye."But the marriage is barely a month old! People are going to talk Ruth! You guys are still supposed to be on honeymoon for fuck's sake!" Christine exclaimed.Ruth had not yet divorced Alex but Christine was already feeling the pain that would follow her if that happened. Ruth's mother would insist that she had a hand in it.'But you know you could end up having him for yourself if she leaves him?' a small voice in her head spoke.
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Chapter 27: Wrong Dreams
"Why would you do that?" Christine asked. She was flabbergasted by what she had just heard."Find a vibrator. Or handcuffs. Or a whip," Ruth added."How are any of those any better?" Christine asked wide-eyed."Is that not what you told me to do?" Ruth asked.Christine shook her head. She had given up on Ruth."Do whatever you feel is best my dear," Christine sighed. "I am super tired and I need some rest.""Unfortunately for you, there is no rest. You need to get your things, We have to be back in New York today so that you can report for your new position," Ruth said."About that, so you are serious," Christine said."Did I look like I was joking?" Ruth asked with an attitude as she got up from the chair and walked over to where she had dumped a couple of shopping bags on the table."But why would you do such a thing? I am happy over here," Christine said. She was already panicking knowing what her return to New York entailed. It meant meeting with the one man who seemed to have po
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Chapter 28: Caught Moaning 
Christine was livid with fear. She was still confused from being jerked up from sleep and was the more confused to hear Ruth's question.Her sleepy eyes were opened to twice their size as they tried to make out the silhouette of Ruth's figure which was looking above her.Her room was dark. She had not turned the light on when she had come in and collapsed onto her bed. At least that was what she remembered happening. But she was able to see Ruth's face thanks to the dim light that filtered into the room from the opened door.She however could not read Ruth's expression through the dimly lit room but she wished she could. It would have given her a better understanding of what she was about to face."Um..." She started to say trying to fill the silence between them."You were moaning my husband's name, Christine. Why was that?" Ruth asked.Her voice was not helping matters. Christine longed to read Ruth's emotion in her voice since her facial expression was out of the question but Ruth
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Chapter 29: Bathroom Fantasies
"A friend?" Christine asked."Yes, a friend," Ruth answered.From the way Ruth's eyes danced with mischief, Christine knew that this was more than just a friend and that there was more to the story."Spill," Christine said in a commanding tone as she looked at Ruth through squinted eyes.Ruth rolled her eyes and said, "He's just a guy I met on Tinder.""On Tinder?" Christine asked shocked as she lifted her body off the bed to have a better view of her friend."Yes, on Tinder," Ruth repeated with an attitude stressing the letter 'r'."What the fuck are you on Tinder for? What are you looking for on Tinder? Do you forget you are married?"The only answer she got from Ruth was just a shrug of her shoulders as she ignored Christine and focused her attention back on the beeping iPhone in her hands.Christine was not going to let this conversation die and so she got off the bed and walked over to where Ruth stood.Ruth was so engrossed in whatever it was she was doing on her phone that she
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Chapter 30: She is Pregnant
Christine felt more relaxed after her bath.Her first foster mother after leaving the orphanage had always said that one felt better after a bath although she was not sure if this feeling of relaxation she was feeling was from the bath or from what had transpired during the bath.Clara, her first foster mother was the best she ever had. It had hurt her so much when she had to leave her care when she went to jail.Clara had been an orphan just like her and when she had left orphanage care at the age of sixteen she had refused to stay with a foster family and had survived on her own. She had to make a living for herself which she did by selling drugs.Christine had not known she was a drug dealer when she started living with her. Clara had hidden it so well and it was not until the day when their tiny apartment had been busted by the police did she found out.Although Clara was an addict, she made sure Christine never for once touched any drugs. She even stopped doing drugs in her prese
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