All Chapters of Married to Jerk Ceo: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
157 Chapters
Chapter 130
Hearing her name being called, Sophia turned her head at that moment. Looking straight, found someone who is very familiar in his eyes. Even that figure without awkwardness immediately took a sitting position right across from him. Just keep smiling a smile that is conditional on implied meaning."You still remember me, don't you?" asked the figure.Her distinctive smile never left her lips which were daubed in nude lipstick. Wearing a semi-formal black dress with slightly open cleavage. Not to mention the blonde hair that is deliberately unraveled, adding a sexy impression to anyone who sees it.Sophia is sure that all normal men will turn their heads or pay attention to the beauty of the woman's body if they accidentally meet or pass each other."Meggy?" muttered Sophia softly."Yes, I'm Meggan Heyes. It's great that you still remember me until now," said the woman, continuing to smile.After all, how could Sophia forget Meggy. The figure of a woman who used to hug tightly and even
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Chapter 131
Exactly at seven in the evening, Tristan had just arrived at his residence. As soon as he entered the room, he did not find his wife who usually sat on the bed reading a magazine or relaxing on the couch watching television.Searching all corners of the room, he could not find the whereabouts of the man. Thinking for a moment, maybe Sophia was brought in preparing dinner as usual.Choosing to clean up for a moment, once finished, Tristan took his feet and stepped hastily towards the dining room. But unfortunately, there he never found Sophia's whereabouts.Meanwhile, Samanta, who found his employer looking confused, then drew closer. Walk over and then rebuke without awkwardness."You looking for something?"Tristan turned around. Nodding his head, the man then answered his household assistant's question."Have you seen my wife?"Samantha immediately shook her head."No, sir. Mrs. Sophia hasn't come home yet. I think she has activities out there. That's why she hasn't come home until
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Chapter 132
While frowning, Sophia took Tristan to her room. As soon as she arrived, she could see how her husband was enthusiastically looking around the room. This is Tristan's first experience staying at the Adelaide family's house. And this was the first time the man had entered Sophia's private room."My room is nice too," said the man honestly."Of course. You think even Quartararo's family room would be good?"Tristan laughed. He grabbed his wife's arm and led her to sit on the edge of the bed."Why, dear?" asked the man suddenly."Why what do you mean?""Don't hide anything from me, Sophia," Tristan replied later. Either way, he knew there must be something wrong with his wife. "I know, you must be angry with me, right? To suddenly leave without permission and even decide to stay here."Sophia let out a long breath. Even though her marriage to Tristan has not been that long, she seems sure that her husband is very familiar with all the gestures or behavior that he often shows. So that eve
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Chapter 133
This afternoon, after finishing work, Sophia asked Alexius to accompany her to the Alexis Corporation building. As soon as she got there, the woman was immediately greeted by workers who already knew her figure as the wife of the head of the company.While he was walking down the lobby, Mario, who happened to be passing by, immediately approached. The man with a proportional body decided to approach, then politely reprimanded the wife of his boss."Good afternoon Mrs Sophia."Sophia, who was waiting for the elevator to open, immediately turned her head. Seeing Mario's figure, he then smiled in a friendly manner."Mario. Nice to meet you.""Madam looking for Mr. Tristan?" asked the man. "If so, your husband is not present at the moment. He has a meeting outside with Mr. Raphael. He will probably be back in the office this afternoon."She shook her head. The goal this afternoon was not to visit the Alexis building to meet her husband. But there was another figure he wanted to go to as s
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Chapter 134
"Are you sure you want to play games with me?" asked Tristan when Sophia broke their kiss. "It's not that before going to sleep, we're already having fun."Sophia chuckled. While gently stroking Tristan's open chest because the man was indeed sleeping without clothes on, Sophia answered her husband's words."Why? Can't you come back to serve me?""Don't underestimate me, Sophia," said Tristan, no less mischievous. "It's just, I'm afraid you're the one who's exhausted."Sophia laughed again. While continuing to bring his hand to caress the skin surface of the husband's body, he whispered right in Tristan's ear."I don't feel tired in the slightest. After all, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow you won't be home, right? Think of this game as provision so I won't miss when you stay."Tristan nodded. He didn't forget that in the next few days he had to go out of town to finish work. At first he wanted to invite Sophia. But the woman refused because she had to help Aurora prepare for the
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Chapter 135
Sophia, assisted by Samanta, seemed busy checking one by one the list of food menus that would later be served at Aurora's wedding. From morning to evening, the two of them were busy struggling with each other checking what needs to be added and which needs to be corrected so that the party that will be held the day after tomorrow can go according to what has been planned.Meanwhile, Aurora herself was seen sitting relaxed on the couch from the start. There was not the slightest desire to help because at this time he himself was dizzy and heavily drunk. She needs to admit, in the early trimester of this pregnancy, she is often made helpless because of hormonal changes and erratic mood swings."If you're tired, it's better to go to your room, Aurora," Sophia suggested. It was also a pity for him to see that the woman had only been able to sit and wait with a face that was getting paler and paler. She was also really scared if Aurora suddenly went limp or became unconscious considering
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Chapter 136
"Congratulations Mario and Aurora, you are finally officially married too."Today, perhaps the happiest day for the Harald and Smith families. After trying hard to cajole, seduce, and even try to convince, Aurora finally agrees to get married. Mario had previously been confused as well. Meanwhile, Aurora, who initially asked for several months to learn to accept Mario, suddenly wanted to cancel her engagement and wedding plans. Luckily Tristan and Sophia were able to reassure the woman not to break her promise.As previously planned, Aurora and Mario finally carried out the wedding procession. Pretty simple. Very closed and private. In attendance mostly nuclear family and close relatives only. However, it does not diminish in the slightest the intimacy that is created during the sacred feast.Clad in a gray tuxedo, Mario looked so handsome tonight. It's the same with Aurora. Wearing the off-the-shoulder wedding dress that Sophia previously chose, the woman was so beautiful like prince
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Chapter 137
Sophia may be able to breathe a sigh of relief in going through the early stages of her pregnancy this time. In contrast to Aurora, who in her first trimester experienced severe drunkenness, frequent headaches, even nausea and vomiting, Sophia didn't feel that one bit. Everything was done normally and without the slightest obstacle.Of course this is a plus for him. With no complaints found, Sophia can more freely hide her pregnancy for a while from everyone, especially her husband, Tristan.While undergoing this pregnancy program, Sophia lived everything alone. From checking himself every week to the hospital. Taking all kinds of vitamins secretly every night.Even luckier, during the pregnancy which in a few days will even enter the fourth month, her body shape has not seen a significant change. Even though, her own body weight increases little by little every month, but the size of her stomach doesn't seem to be growing clearly.However, no matter what, in order to keep things that
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Chapter 138
After previously finding Sophia lying unconscious, Tristan, who was so panicked, immediately took his wife right then and there to go to the hospital their family frequents.Upon arrival, Sophia was immediately referred to the emergency room to be handled by the medical team on guard. Tristan had been waiting outside the room for quite a long time, feeling uncertain. Images of past events instantly danced in his head. For God's sake, Tristan was afraid something bad would happen to his wife again.It wasn't long before the doctor in charge finally left the room. In that second, Tristan immediately approached to ask what had caused his wife to become unconscious."How's it going, my wife, Doc?" asked Tristan anxiously. It can't be described anymore how panicked he was when he found his wife, who was initially healthy, suddenly unconscious in the toilet. Tristan certainly felt very scared. Enough for him all the calamities that this woman has received. Don't have any more problems let a
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Chapter 139
After a night's stay at the hospital, this morning Sophia was allowed by the doctor to go home. Before leaving the hospital, the woman underwent another examination to confirm her condition, whether it was really stable or still needed some treatment."I checked," said doctor Hansel. "Your condition is very stable." Turning around, the doctor stared intently, then asked again. "Do you still feel the stomach cramps that hit you before?"Sophia then shook her head. "No, doc. After yesterday I was given medicine, since then I no longer feel cramps or pain as before.""Good. That means the effects of compounds derived from seafood have completely left your body," explained doctor Hansel. "Later I will prescribe a new content-boosting drug. You can drink it twice a day after breakfast and before going to bed."Sophia nodded. After all, it was his duty to follow what the doctor advised him to do."What does it mean that during this pregnancy, I really can't even eat seafood?" asked Sophia t
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