All Chapters of About Last Night: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
48 Chapters
Trauma "What the hell?! What happened to you?!"  Miya was hysterical when she fetched me. Claus left me crying inside the car. Someone picked him up and that's just it. He left me...alone...crying. I don't think that I can even drive in my state so I called Miya. The service van took her here, which immediately left after sending Miya here.  "Beautrin..." she held my face and tried to wipe my tears but they were still dripping. It just won't stop falling! I've been trying! I've been trying so hard to contain my tears but it just won't budge. I could see Miya's face with intense sadness as she looked at my whole face. I know. I know that my face shows how hurt and broken I am right now. There are no enough words to describe what I am feeling right now. This is just too much for me to handle. "M-Mi..." I cried louder. She did nothing else but
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Consequences"I have to tell him... I have to tell him... I have to tell him..." That's what I said over and over again when I woke up the next morning inside my condo. I am not sure, and I don't know how he will react on this. But I wish...I am wishing that he'll believe me now. Because honestly, I don't know what to do. I wanna raise the kid alone so bad but...but what if those people come back and hurt me again? What if they take my child away from me again?!No!This is not about me anymore! But also for my unborn child. I have to protect my child...our child. Together. Claus and I will do it together! His child needs him. We need him...I-I can't be alone because I'm scared! I am afraid not only for myself but also for my child...our child.I lazily took a bath before dressing myself up. When I was satisfied with my look, I immediately left the room."Trin...?" Miya immediately noticed me. She was sitting in the living room and it looked like she was talking to someone on her c
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Never again Has someone already told me that my life would end up being this hard? I bet no. Because I wasn't prepared. I... No one is prepared. B-but I never thought my life would be this difficult. I never thought that the day would come when I don't even want be alive...that I would rather wish be gone. I didn't think I would choose to be selfish on this. I just want to disappear from the world because of what is happening to me. I know how much my mother and father are angry with me. I know that. Ever since I was a child, I could feel it. I was never the priority. It was always my twin. But even so, I still understand them. I tried to understand them from the very beginning. I...took my time. I took my time and did everything for me to be noticed by them, so that they could acknowledge me, that one day they would remember that their daughter has a twin and isn't alone. I took my time. I was living not for myself but to satisfy my family. But it was never enough. I...was never e
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BrokenSadness. Undenial. Angry. Frustrated. It's so sad that I have to lose someone I truly value just so I would wake up in my own daydream. That the daydream, the dream, the place that I've been trying to live on is not at all a dream but a nightmare. I clutched my Momma's dress tightly to my chest as I cried. Memories of her when I was still young washed over me. "You're back in your room. Why don't you come out, hmm? It's your birthday and one of our princesses is sulking already." It was Momma Delia's voice when she came inside my room. I sighed. Any child will probably sulk inside his or her room if your own parents don't greet and pay attention to you. They only greeted Beatriz while when in fact, we're twins. We have the same birthday too so I don't understand why am I treated differently.I'm sad. But...I can't be mad at them. Sulking, yes, but I am never the type of the person who'll invest myself with too much hate.Even if they think I'm cursed, at least I still kno
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For goodLeaving may be the hardest thing to do for many. Who would want to leave the place you grew up in, right? No one wants to leave and go somewhere unfamiliar to you.But now, that is the easiest way for me to finally let go of everything. The easiest and the most practical way to do. Leaving is the easiest choice for me right now. Not the easiest escape, because everything won't be easy for me, that's for sure. I guess I've been through all the hardships in life that I am somewhat feeling calm. I don't know. Maybe I'm not yet saddened by what I'm going to go through in the future.nBut at least, now... I can finally be free.Free from pain, from hurt, from all the shits that I've been through, from the people who caused my life so much...pain."Are you really serious? Are you really going to leave? The Philippines?" Tammy asked me one question. I don't exactly know how many times did she asked me that. She looks like she's not convinced yet. We're both leaning on her car while
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Indira"Your designs are quite interesting! I saw some of your posts in social media and I must say that everything looks unique. I am not surprise anymore as to why your works became a hot topic and trended all over Paris!" Mr. Del Rio's assistant voiced out.I smiled at what I heard. My designs really came from someone. From my baby. My child is my inspiration while I was doing it. My baby is the reason why I made such a masterpiece. I softly caressed my swelling stomach. This is my nine month already, and I can say that leaving the place where I used to live is such a good decision. I am now better. Better than anything else. Better than before. And who would have thought that I'll end up designing clothes, rather than modeling one, like I used to, huh?When I was in the Philippines, I used to model clothes and such. Well, I always wanted to design clothes but I have never tried it before. I just thought of designing because of my baby. My first designs were baby clothes. When w
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Little Fashionista"Yes, I'm already here, Raf. You should actually arrive by now because your condo is nearer to the building. I even arrive earlier than you, what the hell? Did you overslept or what?" I irritatedly asked the person on the other line. I am frowning, a little irritated that Raf isn't still here when he is really needed here. I heard his faint voice on the other line. "I had last night, Trin. Come on." My jaw dropped. By 'fun', it's not a normal fun It's the other kind of fun whenever he speaks that! "Rafael Del Rio! You just got laid again?!" I rolled my eyes. Ugh! This gay! Yes! He is very much gay...but I am not really sure, I don't know. He keeps on telling me that he is but still...I have doubts since I really saw how he looked at my friend, Miya. And if you're wondering who he is, well, he is Rafael Del Rio. Yes. The guy who carried me out of the restaurant when I was in labor. The guy who I thought will just be my business partner, but turns out to
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Eijaz Alazne Indira Silverio"Mommy, wake up Mommy, please..."Hearing Indira's soft voice made me smile. She continued to give feathery kisses on my face. I groaned and smiled when I felt her lips on mine.I slowly opened my eyes. My heart immediately jumped in happiness when I saw her face. Ahh... What a good way to greet her Mother a good morning. A very good morning for me, indeed."Good morning, pretty girl. Did you have a good sleep?" I whispered, kissing her lips. My daughter's face brightened as she smiled. Her gummy smile appeared. "Yes mommy! Because I slept beside you!" I grinned. She pouted a bit. "Mommy, can we go out today? Like a date? Can we date for today Mommy?"I raised my brow at her. When my little princess is being extra sweet like this again, sometimes, she just want me to buy her something. "Hmm, what do you want to buy this time baby girl?" I teased. I even poked her side softly causing the little child to frown at me. A pout is starting to appear at their s
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Change of VenueWe did the usual things that we always do inside the mall. All eyes were on us. Of course, I know now that Indira and I can no longer walk without the eyes of the folks following us or maybe the cameras. While we were playing inside the arcade, there were people who has their cameras pointed at us, mostly young people.Nevertheless, even though many people were looking at me and my daughtet, I was thankful that no one approached us. They still value our privacy, and they know that this time is not the right time to approach us. Because of that, Indira and I enjoyed our bonding. We were both sweating when we're done so I changed her with a new pair of clothes. I packed her one pair because I know how she always sweats like crazy everytime she feels a little bit of heat. "That was fun, Mommy!" She exclaimed with a smile on her face but the tiredness was already visible. We had just finished lunch when she requested that we go on the rides. And now, we're both so exhau
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Backing Out...?"Then if that's the case, we're not joining.""What?!" Raf shouted loudly from the other line. I sighed. I caressed my forehead, closing my eyes tightly. I looked at Indira. I let out a loud sigh before going out of the room.When I got out, I went straight to the kitchen to drink water. I feel like a big storm passed by when Raf told me about the new venue of the Fashion Show. Oh God!"It's not possible to back out now, Trin. You know that we're one of the people who arranged this, right?"I hissed. I violently put the glass down after drinking. Gosh! I don't know but I feel so stressed now! Earlier I felt so good and then... Gosh!"Why did they change it?! It was already settled in Paris because that's where it usually takes place! Why the sudden change of plans?!" I asked, irritated of the fact that the higher ups really change it. We're one of the planner here, can't we say no? a great country! It's my home, of course! But...but I can't go back th
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