All Chapters of Completion Sports: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
240 Chapters
Joel walked out wearing shorts that showed his scraped up legs, a red t-shirt molded to his chest, and his bag slung over his shoulder. I wanted to thread my fingers through his wet hair. He gave me a relieved smile when he saw me waiting outside the locker room.He planted his arms against the wall behind me, caging me in. “Thanks for waiting.” His head dipped and he kissed me with an intensity that had my pulse soaring.“Get a room,” was shouted from one of his teammates and the others laughed.I blushed, but Joel didn’t look their way or acknowledge them at all. “We’ll be drinking heavily tonight. Are you ready?”“Ready?”“You didn’t stick around last week. I want you with me tonight. I just need to warn you that it gets rowdy.”“I can handle rowdy.” His teammates forgotten, I went up on my toes and kissed him.We walked to the bus hand in hand with a few other players joining us. Before the bus took off, cold beer cans from a cooler in the back were tossed to all the players. Joel
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At my stricken look, Van stood up. “Stay here and eat. I’ll go talk to him,” he said with what sounded like frustration.I was too upset to answer. I should be the one going after Joel. What could I say? Nothing. I’d told Van the truth. It didn’t take away from my feelings for Joel, but there was no way to explain it. I knew both brothers intimately now. There was no comparison between the two. Joel was it for me and I’d completely fucked it up.My food arrived. My stomach was too upset to take more than a few bites. I was afraid I wouldn’t keep even that down. I paid the bill and walked across the street. I didn’t see Joel or Van, so I went to our room. Joel’s things were gone and the door between us was locked on his side. I knocked, but he didn’t answer. I had no idea if he was in there. I had fifteen minutes until the bus left. I packed my things and went downstairs.I could hear the shouts from outside before I got to the large lobby doors. Players were trying to hold both brothe
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My heart thudded against my chest until I thought it would burst. Then I reminded myself a broken heart couldn’t suffer additional damage. Ted was unlucky enough to be the first person I saw when I walked onto the second floor.“Cami.” He sounded surprised. His eyes slowly scrutinized my body from head to toe and returned to my chest. “We weren’t expecting you back for another week or so.” From his expression, he wanted to bury his face between my boobs.“Are you speaking to me or my breasts?” You would think his head would snap up, but he just continued looking at my chest for at least another minute.His voice went hoarse. “Cami, I missed you.”“Since you had the balls to tell everyone we were sleeping together, I’m sure you did. Since I know that’s a lie, I can truthfully admit I didn’t miss you at all.” His face went red, which only gave me additional courage. “Please refrain from retrieving my personal phone number from HR as you threatened in your email. I would hate to have som
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My assignment came on Thursday. I reported directly to Miller now and was one of three journalists working non-profit organization news. It was a huge step up, though not exactly my dream. On my own time, Miller said I could research stories that crumbled your heart and made you stand up and cheer. Through non-profit I had a greater chance of finding them. And I had a small office on the third floor.The new Cami charged forward and made friends with my two co-workers immediately. Trett and Julianne, who told me to call her JJ, were eager to get me into the fold. Saturday night I was attending a black tie dinner for the local hospital reporting on the guest speakers and fashion. Not exactly my cup of tea, but Trett was accompanying me to teach me the ropes. After work Friday, JJ accompanied me to an upscale secondhand shop for a dress.The third one I tried on was a charm. It displayed entirely too much boob, but JJ thought it was perfect.“I would give anything to have your chest. Su
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Miller called me into his office on Wednesday.“Charles Woodrow from The Colt Sentinel has requested to run your series in his local paper. We have a set price for requests like this and you’ll receive compensation too. I wanted to let you know before you left for the championship.”My plane flew out on Friday morning. I took a cab to the hotel, ordered room service, and took a nap after I ate. An hour later, I gave up the nap idea. I had a particularly boring file playing on my recorder when someone knocked at my hotel room door. I looked out the peephole and Van stood there. What the hell? I wasn’t sure I could handle Van, but I knew I needed to face him. New Cami didn’t run from her problems.He was lifting his hand to knock again when I opened the door. His bad-boy grin flashed. “I didn’t think you would answer.”He looked so good because he looked so much like Joel. Added to the effect was his tight t-shirt and mussed hair. But no scar for me to tenderly run my fingers over. I cr
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I made it through the crowd at the stadium and found my seat. Green shirts surrounded me, but a few rows back red covered a larger section. I was glad I didn’t recognize anyone. Van made coming here easier, but I knew the gossip spread about me was nothing good. The excitement today was at a higher level than the previous matches. Television crews were here. Van mentioned ESPN was televising the match on one of their many stations. For U.S. Rugby League, this was the main event.I jumped up and down at the first kick when Van caught the ball and started the attack down field. After their fifth tackle, The Slam ended up with a one-point drop goal. Seattle’s team, The Tide, came back with a try and successful conversion totaling six points.No one in the stadium stayed in their seats for long. The intensity of the match was brutal. Van didn’t get up for several minutes after a particularly nasty hit, but Joel finally helped him gain his feet and they resumed play. At the half, The Slam
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By Monday, I was pissed off. Joel hadn’t wanted to listen to me. He wasn’t worth the shit feelings I was carrying around. Lunch with my girlfriends was out of the question. I couldn’t speak about what happened over the weekend. Van was sending me text messages left and right. I didn’t read them past the first line that showed up on my phone. Delete was my friend. Stub’s message was quick and to the point.Stub: Just tell me which brother to killI didn’t reply. I couldn’t. She didn’t contact me again. I walked to a corner café on Monday and buried my face in a book. Tuesday, I wore an old uncomfortable sports bra and my loose clothes that made me look dumpy. Trett and JJ tried to get me to open up, but I politely told them I was fine.Fine, that was me. Modest, non-sexy, fine Cami. I could live with it.I was at my desk on Friday, finishing a piece on the need for donors at the local blood bank when I heard a noise behind me. I turned and Charlie stood at the door to my office.Charli
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Charlie loaned me his Jeep for the ride to Joel’s home. He also gave me directions in case I got lost. I’d been there once, but it was semi-dark and I remembered lots of winding turns while sitting on the back of Van’s bike.I found the house. There were a few lights on, so I hoped he was home. With shaking hands and legs that didn’t want to support me, I knocked on the door. Van answered wearing nothing but a low-riding pair of jeans. His chest was yummy, but not the one I most wanted to see.Van was staring at me in shock. “Is Joel here?” I asked with more confidence than I actually felt now that match time actually arrived.“Come in. Joel you have company,” he yelled over his shoulder before whispering to me, “Good for you.”Joel came out of the kitchen with a dishtowel in his hand. He stopped dead in his tracks.“I think I’ll go up to my room.” Van headed for the stairs.Here it goes, “No, Van. You need to be here.” I walked closer to Joel, who still hadn’t moved. “Charlie showed
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The next two weeks were a whirlwind. The Journal agreed I could finish my work and take my last week as vacation. Joel flew in to help me pack. I met his father, who I ended up liking more than I thought I would. The next day, we drove Carmen, my old faithful car, on a long grueling drive across the state to my parents’ house so they could meet Joel. I introduced him as my boyfriend because he hadn’t proposed yet. My mom whispered to me the following morning that Joel asked my father for my hand in marriage. So old-fashioned and so perfect for my father. They loved him. Joel slept in the guest room and never snuck into my bedroom, which drove me crazy, though I admired his respect for my parents. I left Carmen, behind at their house because Joel insisted I would be driving something reliable into town each day when I went to work. My father drove us to the airport. My mother wouldn’t come because she said she would do nothing but cry the entire way there and back. Saying goodbye was h
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IF TRUE LOVE HAPPENS only once in a lifetime, I’m fucked. My fists hit the heavy bag, and pain lances through my ungloved knuckles. Sweat trails down my body and I still can’t let go of whatever it is that’s eating me alive. The bag might be taking a pounding, but hitting it does little to stop my restlessness. The Slam’s season ended three months ago, and my life has been completely in the dumps since. We won the damn championship and I shouldn’t feel this way. What the hell is wrong with me?It all goes back to Cami and my brother, Joel. He got the girl I had no idea I actually wanted, until it was too late. Cami is a great sister-in-law, but what if I hadn’t been such an asshole and had made a stand-up decision for once? What then?I always blamed my sad fucking life for my stupid choices, which is a joke. Yes, I lost my mom when I was sixteen and it’s something that changed me. Unfortunately, it didn’t change me into someone she’d be proud of. I’m a womanizing dick. For one night,
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