All Chapters of Hotter Than Hell: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
333 Chapters
DukeThis was my grandfather’s place. He decided when he turned sixty that he no longer wanted to live in society and purchased a hundred acres bordering thousands of acres of uninhabited state land. The small container shack he built with his own two hands was off-grid and self-sufficient. The property was in a trust that wasn’t directly traceable to me. I’d never mentioned the place to anyone in the club because it was my fallout shelter if things hit the fan and I had no safe place to go.I’d learned long ago that no matter how good life was going, it went to shit quickly. To stay alive, you needed a fallout. This property was mine.There were shaggy bark juniper trees along with tumbleweed bushes. If vehicles came from any direction, the dust cloud would signal us. Hiking in would take someone with experience. There were traps set in the higher hills around the property. My grandfather had shown me how to keep each one in working order and how to set up new ones. Where my father f
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CoriI wasn’t sure what to think. Beggars couldn’t be choosers ran through my mind. Daylight would put a different perspective on things, I hoped. For now, I was body and brain weary. I snuggled in closer to a very naked Duke. I’d left my bra and underwear on. If he wanted them off, he could remove them.His warmth closed around me and I didn’t feel suffocated. The coolness of the bedroom surprised me. I quickly fell asleep and didn’t wake until Duke stirred. He got up quickly and went upstairs with no light. I heard the bathroom door close and used the opportunity to dress. Curiosity was killing me. I grabbed the solar light I’d used the night before and walked upstairs.The walls didn’t look like the inside of a steel can; they were textured like a normal home. It was hard to believe I was standing inside a shipping container. It was like a bare-boned tiny home. I turned at the door opening.Duke walked out in all his glory, sporting a semi-erection and a grin. The picture-perfect i
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CoriPrimitive and amazing. I could breathe. I rested my coffee on the deck, then stretched my arms out and did exactly that. Closing my eyes, I allowed the fresh air to fill my lungs. When I opened them, Duke was watching.“Beautiful.” I breathed in the freshness. “I could stay for an extended period of time if there’s a mall within an hour’s drive.”Duke threw his head back and laughed, the sound so uniquely him. We finished our coffee in the double swing looking over the valley. I wasn’t sure why this man came into my life now but I was glad he had. He allowed me to heal in my own time and I never had to pretend. Even with Mak, I did. I didn’t want her pity or guilt. Duke, and his quiet presence, calmed the inner rage and fear that boiled inside my soul.We finished our coffee and Duke led me back to the house. He pulled out my new phone from his pocket and handed it to me. I hadn’t seen my true phone in ages. I lived off that phone and it contained all my contacts. This showed my
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DukeThe picture she made when she came out of the water startled me. I always thought her beautiful but even choking, she was stunning. I hadn’t laughed in years and she brought it out without trying. If I could get the image out of my head of her breasts bouncing before she hit the water, my dick would appreciate it.“It’s freezing,” she yelled after spitting out several mouthfuls. “How deep is this?” she asked and sank down a little, though I knew she couldn’t touch. My grandfather brought me here for weekly baths whether we needed them or not. To a young kid, “not” was a good way to live. In the winter, there was a forty-gallon washtub that was set up in the kitchen. With no water heater, it was a long process to heat the water and fill it. Summers were easier.If Cori would stay, I wouldn’t leave. I leased the cabin near the clubhouse so I didn’t become a hermit like my grandfather. Dax needed a hand and I wasn’t ready to leave civilization behind. I easily could with Cori, thoug
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CoriThe cool water felt wonderful. I scrubbed myself, including my hair. I’d spotted olive oil on the counter. It would help to get a comb through the mess that would be waiting after the wash. I didn’t have a razor for my legs and armpits but could touch up those places later. I scrubbed my skin using the soap on a hand towel left on the counter. The cool clean water made me feel better and I wasn’t quite as exhausted.Duke came inside just as I finished. He quickly jogged down the stairs to the bedroom and returned with two towels, then made his escape out the front door again. After drying off, I went to the bedroom to moisturize. My skin had been through some shit and I needed to take better care of it. Today was a good day to start.Duke piqued my interest even more. I was beginning to think him a saint. I knew few men who would turn down a blow job when their dick was raging. Him wanting me wasn’t a question. I wanted him too. I knew I wasn’t ready.I walked away from my past m
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DukeWhen I finished checking the property and locking the utility room and garage, I went back inside. Cori was downstairs and I smiled because I heard her humming. If a bath did that much good for her, it might do something for me.Yeah, no.I shucked my clothes and climbed into the small tub. I had to bend my legs to fit. Cori looked sexy but I looked like an elephant taking a bath in a teacup. I grabbed the soap and washed, trying to keep my mind off the sight of Cori in this tub. It wasn’t like there was room to crawl in with her. But the fantasy. It was hard to get my mind off. My soapy hand rubbed over my junk which was already half alive with thoughts of Cori’s naked body. Brown thighs wrapped around my shoulders as I ate out her fucking pussy. My fingers making her come. My cock in her mouth between those incredible lips.My eyes were closed, my head back when Cori startled me.“Does it taste as good as it looks?” she asked throatily.I sleepily raised my eyelids. She wore on
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CoriDuke taught me crazy eights. We played for several hours until we were both cheating so badly we couldn’t stop laughing and the game became ridiculous.“Thank you,” I said after we had the deck put away.His expression questioned my statement.“You took my mind off everything and I enjoyed playing cards. It’s not something I would normally admit to. Thank you,” I repeated.He gave me a quick hug. Duke grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the bed. He then lifted the side of the mattress and hydraulics did the rest. Underneath there was a trap door. Duke moved the lever that kept it locked and pulled it open. I could only see darkness down the hole.“Escape tunnel,” he typed into his phone. “Exits in the garage.”“Good to know, I guess. Your grandfather was paranoid.”My phone chimed.“For a reason.” He didn’t share what that reason was.We went upstairs to eat and Duke opened the front door and a few vents I hadn’t noticed in the ceiling. They drew the cooler outside air inside w
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CoriThe next two weeks went much like our first two days. Duke taught me signs to look for in the desert. He taught me how to find my way back to the house. He made me get us home after the second day. We probably did some extra hiking but we made it and I felt proud of myself.My body was no longer sore and I was actually using my left hand. Bumping it didn’t hurt like it had. My calves gained muscle and I began gaining control over fear. I wasn’t in the city so it would need to be tested. I didn’t feel like there was a man waiting to cut off my fingers and rape me around each corner. Being away from everyone allowed me to see the fear for what it was. Trauma. With my head clearer, I could finally divide out the memories and think of them in small bits without becoming overwhelmed.I didn’t have the words to explain it to Duke. He was my rock and I would always be grateful to him for understanding what I needed when I did not.The second week, nature began speaking to me. The land a
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DukeSex simply happened.It wasn’t as a form of payment and Cori was magnificent.It changed us.We stayed in bed the following day, exploring each other’s bodies. She sucked me off while I pulled her amazing hair.Her only comment was, “Harder, baby.” With my dick down her throat, she still managed to moan it. I gave harder and faster and she took it.We shared a bath in the tiny tub to clean ourselves after eating a large dinner, laughing the entire time. Cori was propped between my knees and chest, her legs hanging far over the edge. We didn’t come close to fitting. Water spilled everywhere in the kitchen and we laughed even harder. It took my mind off the earlier text from Dax that I hadn’t yet shared. I didn’t want to ruin the day.The following morning, we set out on another hike. I couldn’t stay still. Cori looked at me a few times with a question in her eyes but she didn’t ask. When we took a break for lunch, I showed her the text.“They came after Sofia and the kids when she
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DukeWhat Cori meant by play was spend my money or more precisely rack up charges on my card. My grandfather left me the property and a heavy chunk of change. He’d worked for the railroad and had a good pension and great life insurance policy. I could live on his property and never work another day in my life.He gave me freedom.“I need phone numbers from my cell and I can find out everything we need to know about Miles’ club,” Cori said. “Chances are good we’ll need an invite and I know a few girls who play the animal circuit.”“Do I want to know what the animal circuit is?” I typed.Cori laughed and patted my hand.“Don’t worry, you’ll be the master and I’ll be the fox.”We spent the afternoon shopping. Her idea of master was an expensive suit.“Most masters will be in leather gear but if you want to make a stir, stick with a fifty shades suit. It will attract more attention,” she explained.I didn’t know what a fifty shades suit was and decided not to ask. If her skimpy fox outfit
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