All Chapters of LITTLE MISS KATE AND THE MAFIAN CEO: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
41 Chapters
Chapter 30
In a moment Nick rose to his feet, stretching his tall frame to its usual height. "I-Is that it?" Katie asked, bewildered. ''My pipes are fixed?" "Yup." He replied. "Just like that?" "One hundred percent good as new." He answered, a taunting edge to his tone. Kate gasped in glee. Moving closer to the sink, she turned the faucets, and everything was working great to her delight! A smile found its way up her face. "Thanks for helping me with the plumbing, Nick." She lilted, her gratitude overwhelming her. "Believe me, I'm not doing this for you at all." He returned, smirking when her expression transformed, her eyes narrowing. "Infact," He continued, his tone aloof. "I'm doing this more for myself than for you. The sooner we get your problem fixed, the sooner we can get back to completing our work concerning the policy." Katie cast him a glowering look. Seriously, where did this rude jerk even get the nerve?! "Where to now, Katie?" He probed, ignoring her expression. Katherin
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Chapter 31
The horrendous flames were back again, but this time, much worse. The smoke that covered everything and everywhere was so dense it could as well have been black fog. Somewhere amidst the nightmarish destruction unfolding all around him, Nicholas Smith could make out the agonizing cries of Anna in pain, and another sweet sickening smell swirled with the acrid smoke encircling all around him.The smell of cooked human flesh! "Anna!" He screamed in terror, fighting for control over his paralyzed limbs amidst the dreadfulness devouring him whole. "Anna!" He yelled again, crawling towards the horrendous sound of her screams, which seemed to be death throes now. But then a deafening blast sounded, and an orangey-yellow fireball burst upwards and outwards from nowhere, cutting through the solid wall of smoke and stink and swallowing him into oblivion.**Nick jerked up from the chair on which he sat, letting out a strangled cry. The smoke, the heat, and much worse. . . The insufferable pai
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Chapter 32
A dull tap sounded as Katherine Cooper dropped something atop Nicholas Smith's table. He grudgingly tore his eyes away from his system to glance at it. All the blood in his body jumped back to his heart at once. This was the capsule of suppressants he'd been looking for all weekend! Eventually, he'd given up searching, concluding that he'd misplaced it somewhere perhaps, but now, somehow, Kate had gotten hold of it. That could only mean one thing. He'd forgotten it at her house in his haste to leave, the day he'd helped out with her plumbing. Nick turned his gaze back to his system, reluctant to look up at her lest she catch a glimpse of the shaken look on his face. "What is that?" He quizzed, his tone wintry. "I don't know, you're supposed to be the one who tells me." Kate stated, arms across her chest. "I found this at my house the day you came over. It isn't mine, definitely, plus, I haven't had anyone over in ages, so it has to be -" "It's not mine!" He sharply cut in. "Of c
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Chapter 33
One week later. . .Katie swung the panel doors open, and all eyes in the room turned on her as she walked in. Where was Nick? Slightly Clearing her throat, she slowly began to pick her way past the tangle of bodies present in the hall for the meeting that had been called all of a sudden. She was making her way to the front so she could have a better view of the stage when Christy Wagner rushed towards her dramatically. "Congratulations, Katie!" She said, giving Katherine a warm hug. Kate was bewildered. First of all, Christy was in the accounting department so they barely ever saw eye to eye, and secondly, even when they saw, the relationship between them was a little more than official. She wondered how Christy had gotten to know that something great enough to be congratulated about, had happened to her. But that wasn't what was bothering her most. What exactly was the incident, and how was it that Christy had come to know before her? "I knew that even if everyone else had fail
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Chapter 34
Confused, Katie raised her eyes to look into his, searching for unspoken answers. As she held that enchanting dark-eyed gaze with hers, Nick did something he'd never done before. Taking her hand firmly in his, he tugged her along gently and began leading the way outside. Katie found herself following meekly as if she were under his spell. His spell. . .?! At that thought, Katie shook her head slightly as if trying to rouse herself. Well, whatever spell he had cast on her was broken as soon as they stepped through the door. Katherine tugged at his hand, drawing him back and forcing him to a halt. Nick turned his head to throw her a glance, something that usually wasn't there twinkling in those obsidian eyes- before he pulled her along once more."Wait, wait, wait, Nick where are we going?" She finally spoke, drawing him back again. "I'll explain on the way. Just come on, there's no time." He answered abruptly, pulling her along again as he quickened his pace slightly. Katherine bro
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Chapter 35
By now some of the other security guards had smelt a rat and were all rushing towards them already because they'd started attracting attention. Katherine was barely a few heartbeats from pouncing on Nicholas Smith when the security guard pulled her back by the collar. "Katie, when did you leave my side?! I've been looking for you all over!'' He said with affected concern and they both froze. Katie in bewilderment, the security guard to see who it was that spoke."You know this woman, sir?" He asked, turning to Nick now. "Yes. She's with me." Nick answered, going round the width of him so that he was now standing directly beside Kate.In a twinkling, his quick hand snaked itself around her waist and firmly pulled her body to his. Letting out a gasp in shock, Katie whipped her head to the side as soon as she felt his hand burn a sizzling hot path along the cool material of her dress. "Can you not play along just once!" He subtly hissed into her ear, his warm breath tickling the sensi
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Chapter 36
Katie woke up to the sound of the P.A. announcing that the plane would be touching down soon. Instinctively her eyes moved to the side in search of Nick, but to her surprise he wasn't there. Then how was it that the earthy scent of him was all around her? Looking down, Katie realized his suit jacket was over her. He must have put it over her when she'd slept in case she got cold. Katherine knew she was crazy to think this, but a part of her was willing to be deluded for the sweetness of it. It was so enthralling to know that somehow, in some way, Nick cared about her. She sat up at once, turning her head from side to side in search of Nick, slightly concerned. Thankfully she caught sight of him coming back towards their seats in a moment. "You're finally awake, sleeping beauty." He teased, a sarky gloss to the edge of his tone. "I was thinking you were going to remain that way until I woke you with true love's first kiss." He continued, and Katie snorted out a laugh to hide her t
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Chapter 37
"Did I say our? I meant your hotel room." He said, smirking at the breath of relief she let out in that instant. "Unless you prefer we made it ours?" He teased, lowering his face to hers. Nick chuckled at the bright red color she turned in that instant. Easing the door open, he parted way for her to enter, before going in after her. The match had just begun by the time they'd arrived the massive stadium and Kate could already feel thrilled.Surprisingly, everywhere was already packed with mostly Emiratirs. A few foreigners poked out here and there too. Nick had somehow gotten them VIP seats with the most wonderful view of the pitch.No sooner had they taken their seats that the match kicked off with frenzied excitement. Katie kept a steady flow of comments the entire time, unable to hide her excitement. Meanwhile Nick remained silent, watching intently all the while."Which team do you think is doing better?''Katie tapped his hand gently, her excited face beaming with smiles. Turni
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Chapter 38
Katie couldn't explain why her heart skipped a beat as soon as a knock finally sounded on her door early that morning. Perhaps, it was because she'd been anticipating it since she had an early rise by six. Maybe it was for some other reason, either way she couldn't tell why.Dashing up from her bed, she skidded to a halt at the large dressing mirror, taking a moment to scrutinize her appearance.Kate pushed back a loose strand of hair behind her ears, and by then another knock sounded. Hurrying off to the door full of smiles, she dragged it open and her face fell.The cheery gray eyes staring back at her were those of a stranger.“Good morning, miss.” “Good morning.” Katherine replied dryly. The young hotel attendant flushed at her tone. “Oh. I'm so sorry. Were you expecting someone else?” She asked. She was quite calculative. Katie affected a small smile. “No, it's fine. What are you here for?” “Oh. W-well, since it's late enough for you to be awake, I was sent to ask what you'd
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Chapter 39
After moments of anticipation, Katherine was fully aware of where they were going before their plane touched down in Malè, the Maldives. But where exactly in the Maldives were they going? That part, to a great extent, remained a mystery as Nick refused to spill the beans no matter how deviously she coaxed. Eventually, Katie gave up, leaving the answers to her questions to be provided by time. A part of her was still having a hard time believing that everything she'd experienced in the last two days was real, and not just another sweet dream. The Maldives was such a ‘hot’ place to be. Recently, a friend of hers had returned from her ‘picture perfect’-as she'd described it, honeymoon in a special resort in the Maldives, and she'd said it was so romantic. Actually, now that she thought about it, her friend wasn't the only one. Everyone was talking about how great a vacation to the Maldives was. Much so that even she, curious for a personal experience of such a dreamy place, had p
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