Semua Bab The Alpha’s Second Chance Mate: Bab 81 - Bab 90
106 Bab
Chapter 81
Chapter 81The words came out of her lips faster than she had gotten the time to think about it but she didn't need to think about it he had been there for her in her darkest time when she felt like the only thing that she could do to herself was to end her own life she has literally almost hit rock bottom and was about to end her story just like that and then like a piercing light…he just appeared. She had already given up on herself at that moment, and yet he dived into the leg without a moment of hesitation and rushed after her struggling to bring her up when she herself was equally troubling to just drown. He had given her hope again that there was something worth living for auntie know that he was going through his own trials she couldn't just back away and leave him like this but he was quite protective over her and he was afraid for her that if people were treating him like this when he had been nothing but considerate and a good leader all this time how will they treat her
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Chapter 82
Chapter 82Janita was holding her heart in her throat when she walked into the all that served as the court premises for the case that was being judged between the alpha King and the owner of The orchards Chad dark woods and she was not the only one everybody was chattering with anticipation as they waited for the judge of the whole thing to arrive; the second oldest council member.He who was not as well known for his sense of Justice as much as he was known for his Love of money was the one that was going to judge the case now now that is was now the oldest member of the pack that belong to the council that was just how it worked by age since it was meant to show and amount of wisdom but the poor girl was instantly worried this man was someone that could have easily been bribed and it was something that had been reported several times because of his connections and of his family relations because it came from a very wealthy background he was often bailed out of those situations and
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Chapter 83
Chapter 83As the judge went behind closed doors to finally decide everything with the jury of the court everyone began to discuss hotly between themselves about what the judgement was going to be. Everyone was now very badly divided but unlike the four more people were now in the favour of the Alpha King.Agnes was just waiting for her friend to rub it across her face that she had been wrong about him anyone even a deaf person could be able to tell that it was obviously Diana's voice that was played over the speakers a few moments ago and she was actually so shocked that the Queen Luna could be so heartless the Queen Luna was supposed to be someone that represented kindness and Goodwill for all but if that evidence was really true and nobody had actually tried to fake her voice then it means that she had possibly gotten a hand in the whole situation. she immediately began to run down her spine she thought about the possibility that this woman was actually capable of killing in order
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Chapter 84
Chapter 84Three large bells rang once loud and clear, declaring that every wolf present should return to the court room.The rules were simple and everyone present knew it. If the bell rang for the third time, and they were not present, seated and silent, they would be thrown out of court.The second bell rang and Diane became even more restless. It was true that Edward was her lover, and it was also true that she cared for him, but she was not going to risk being in court.If Edward saw her, there was a possibility that he would tell the whole court that they planned selling the orchard together.So she stood outside the court doors, pretending that she was busy with something as the bell rang a third time, and the heavy looking, gigantic doors closed shut.The entire courtroom was now quiet. Even the sound of the passing wind could easily be heard, no one dared to speak, not even Jade.He knew this court case would determine his fate, and although he was confident that Edward would
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Chapter 85
Chapter 85The park had prepared a special dinner for jade to celebrate his victory. The omegas had gathered together in the kitchen to make the evening delicacies.Janita was amongst them setting the tables, this night she thought would not just be wonderful, it would be the best dinner ever served.She had finished arranging the stack of plates she had brought from the kitchen, she needed to go back and bring more.Everyone was working fast, and so was she. She wasn’t paying attention to anyone else, the only thing on her mind at the moment was to get to the kitchen, get more plates, come back to the dining and continue her arrangements.Not paying attention, she bumped into someone, she didn’t even look back, she just said sorry and made an attempt to continue walking. But whoever she bumped into wasn’t having it.Before she realized what was happening, she was making her way to the ground. Her fellow omega had dragged her hard by the hair, and her scalp was now in great pain.The
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Chapter 86
Chapter 86Her hand shook, as she reached for the spoon, she knew something like this would happen, she knew that the Alpha wouldn’t trust the Luna, so in essence, he wouldn’t trust her too.“What is your name?” Jade asked as he observed the petit looking omega. “My name is Kathy, Alpha,” She replied looking as if she was scared to the bones. “Well Kathy, I don’t know why you seem afraid, but if there is poison in my food, then for your own sake, I hope it does it’s work in less than five seconds, because if it lasts even longer, I’ll make sure you face a fate worse that de*th,” Kathy, knew she was in trouble now, and the Luna was no where close to rescue her. She had no other option. She took the spoon, took a large scoop of the food, and shoveled it into her mouth. “Hmmmmmm, it’s tasty, can I have another spoon,” she said looking at Jade with big googly eyes. The drug would surely take a toll on her, she wasn’t as strong as the alpha, and definitely didn’t have as much resist
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Chapter 87
Chapter 87Janita didn’t say a word, she couldn’t. Her heart was racing too fast, but even the loud sound of the thumping in her chest couldn’t blocked out the sound of Jade’s heavy breaths.They were close together, too close. Jade’s wet skin was flush against Janita’s dress. He knew when she entered his room, knew when she called for him, and could have easily answered, but that would’ve spoilt his plan.He had noticed she was avoiding him, and couldn’t think of another way to lure her in. If he had answered her call when she entered the room, she would have found an excuse, and fled the scene. But he was determined to have his way this time, so he kept quiet, and hid his wolf.When he’d noticed that she was walking closer towards the bathroom, he quickly got up and grabbed a towel , tying it around his waist at the same time that she walked in.The moment Janita walked in and caught his almost naked look, her eyes widened. It was obvious to Jade that she was startled, but he didn’t
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Chapter 88
Chapter 88Janita could guess tell where she was, in fact, it was an easy guess. After all, she spent most of her day in this very room, cleaning and scrubbing, and just being present in order to see to the Alpha’s needs.But never had she dreamt of waking on his bed, besides him at that. She could feel his warmth, and something hard poking her back.She didn’t know what it was, but she didn’t dare to move. Her entire body froze as she tried to arrange her thoughts. The last thing she remembered was when she was waiting for Jade to get back, he was supposed to have returned, when she woke up from sleep the first time, but he wasn’t.She had gotten hungry waiting for him, so she decided to eat the food on the tray, because she knew that he wouldn’t eat the food, because it was already cold, then almost immediately after that, she’d fallen asleep.But she didn’t sleep on the bed, so how did she get up here. The answer to that question was also an easy guess, especially with the warmth s
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Chapter 89
Chapter 89Jade was beside her in a split second, and before she realized it she was on the bed. Her better reasoning told her to stand up, to at least try and talk her way out of this, to say stop, a simple word as stop and she knew that Jade would have let her go.But she didn’t want to, she wanted him, maybe as much as he wanted her. So she just sat there completely quiet.There was so much Jade wanted to do to her, wanted to do with her, they were so many and they all came to him at once as he stared at her as she sat on the bed edge of his bed. His second mate.The moon goddess could only be so kind to him. He kissed her, and his whole body ached for her even more than it already did. He didn’t believe it possible that he could want someone as much as he wanted Janita at this moment.He wanted to draw back, but she kissed him back.His senses left him, he carried her up and sat on the edge of the bed, then sat her down on his lap so he was still kissing her and she was straddlin
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Chapter 90
Chapter 90Janita had made up her mind when she’d left that room, she wouldn’t let her Feelings get in the way of her duties.Today she I had the aim I’ve gotten through her daily activities and avoiding jade at the same time even though all her activities were circled and centered around jade.And she was determined to see this task through. she couldn't sleep throughout the night before she laid awake on her Waiting for sleep to take over but he never did. As soon as the sun rose, she was up active and ready for the day.she had already gotten all the supplies she needed for the day, and went to Jade’s bedroom door waiting for the new Omega to come and serve his food. That was the only way she would not be in the room alone with him.As soon as the Omega entered, she was right behind her carrying a bucket filled with rags and cleaning tools. As part of her cleaning routine, she was to dress the bed.And Jade did not seem to be ready to get off the bed anytime soon. He sat on the she
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