All Chapters of Single Daddy's Beloved Wife: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
198 Chapters
Old ways
There was only one thing Ricardo didn't want. And that was switching to his old ways of dealing with things. In the past, he knew no woman would dare blackmail. He would get rid of them with the snap of his finger.But now, he had two people to protect from his old self. His son and wife. He didn't wish to do something which would make Alana hate him. Especially killing someone she considered a friend, “Sir, I managed to cancel the meetings just as you instructed…madam held the board meeting today, and it went well…” Dario explained while perusing through some files.“It seems she has everything under control…they agree to everything she says,” Dario added and glanced up only to stop when he noticed his boss was not paying attention. On the other hand, Ricardo was lost in thoughts. He didn't understand how he got so careless as to let another woman in his bed. He wasn't drunk, that night he had a few drinks with his friends, but he was sober when he retired to his room.“Sir…” Dario
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Alana's legs seemed to have lost all ability to function. Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest. Tears flooded her eyes, making it impossible for her to see.She pushed the door open as she dragged herself in, the two people talking stopped immediately as she walked in. Ricardo was shocked as he rose from his chair abruptly. Fear flashed in his eyes, seeing Alana stoop by the door.“Sweetheart, you…” Ricardo left his desk and rushed to Alana, she seemed lifeless and lifeless, wasn't blinking. Her face was flooded with tears.“It's not what…what you think.” Ricardo tried to justify himself, but unfortunately, Alana pushed him away out of the office, slammed the door shut and locked it completely, leaving Ricardo out. Alana headed straight to where Joslyn was standing awkwardly. She didn't look scared or shocked.“Alana, I know you…” Joslyn started once Alana came to stand in front of her; however, she got a shock of a lifetime.“Don't you dare!” Alana lashed out at Jo
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Stay for Santiago's sake
Ricardo kept pacing back and forth in his bedroom. It was past 9 pm, and he was waiting for Alana. He came back earlier than usual, all because of what had been happening in his life.“Damn this,” he let out a curse and continued pacing, this was the first time he was feeling so scared. Alana wasn't talking to him. Her silence was slowly killing him.“I should go and look for her,” he decided, and rushed to get the car keys when the door creaked open. He stopped immediately and glanced back, only to see a tired-looking Alana walk in. His heart raced to see her. It felt like years had passed, and he was just seeing her.“Where have you been, I was actually…” Ricardo said and rushed to Alana. He didn't even get to touch her when she stretched out her hand, strongly keeping him at arm's length. “Don't,” Alana muttered and made her way inside. Ricardo was completely shattered, he turned around and watched as Alana dragged herself to the closet.“Can we talk,” he whispered, he understood
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Separate rooms
(Alana)My days seemed longer than usual. It turned out Marcela had come to stay for good. She visited the company more frequently. I was worried she would find out what was happening between Ricardo and me. “Marcela, I'm not sure whether this is a good idea,” I said, trying to stop Marcela from making such a mistake of giving me a position. “I heard what you've been doing…you are Ricardo's wife…you deserve it,” Marcela said, glancing back at me. I didn't know what to say to get out of the situation. If only she knew what was happening. “Alana, I know what your mother and I did is unforgivable…but trust me, you are perfect for Ricardo,” Marcela said with a smile. I handed her the wine I was pouring for her and both of us sat down in the private lounge. Watching the backyard.“Do you regret getting married to him?” Marcela asked after a while of silence in the room. I didn't know what to say, but one thing was certain. I didn't regret it.“No,” I shook my head lightly, I saw Marcela
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A mix up
Ricardo glanced around the place as soon as he got out of the car. Why did Alana come to such a place? Ricardo let out an exhalation and decided to go in. He came to the club after Dennis informed him where Alana was.Glancing around, Ricardo was busy on his phone as he made his way to the entrance. He would get his wife and leave. On the other hand, Camilo was somewhere around coaxing him to hurry.“Hello sir,” one of the security men greeted him. Of course, they knew who he was.Ricardo hated the idea of having his wife in such a bad place. As soon as he entered the building, His eyes darted around. Although he had been to the club on multiple occasions. He knew it wasn't good for women.“Sir, do you need a table?” One of the waiters approached him and Ricardo was too occupied looking around. It was crowded and noisy.“The VIP section?” The waiter asked again, this time Ricardo was paying attention. “Not needed,” Ricardo shook his head and made his way to the bar counter. He didn'
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Two wrongs
Alana stirred in her sleep. Her body felt stiff…she couldn't move. Even her eyes seemed heavy. She shifted a little trying to find a comfortable position "Ah, " she rubbed her eyes, finally getting a grip of herself. "Ricky, stop it," she muttered when she felt someone run their hand on her face. The hand felt manly and she knew who that person was."You know I hate…" Alana said, opening her eyes only to stop when she found the last person she expected to see staring at her."You were dreaming about him?" Rocco asked coldly but a shocked Alana only shrugged him away and sat up."W-what did you do…tell me!" She lashed out when she looked around and found herself in a strange room. Rocco ignored her anger and rose from the bed."A good morning greeting will be nice," Rocco scoffed and walked to the table. Ignoring the sharp pain in her head, Alana tried to stand but she fell back down. "You had too much to drink…probably a hangover taking effect," the man said nonchalantly and came ba
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A daughter-in-law
Alana returned to her chair and gracefully sat down. The woman before her used to be her friend, but now she wasn't. Joslyn, on the other hand, had a stern expression plastered on her face.“Do you think I can stoop so low, huh? Alana, your husband is a man and…”“You didn't answer my question….you claim to be my best friend, but know… I'm thinking otherwise,” Alana remarked, cutting Joslyn off. She was disappointed in Joslyn. The fact that she claimed to have slept with Ricardo broke her heart. “He was drunk, Alana, we both know what a man can do… I didn't…sobs…we've been friends since childhood…sobs…why would I want to do that…"? Joslyn broke into sobs, and Alana crossed her leg over the other.“I don't want you to work here anymore,” Alana simply said and dragged her laptop closer to her. Joslyn looked up in awe.“Are you doing this because you are afraid…people might find out…why he did,” this time Joslyn sounded irritated, at that moment Alana's gaze turned sour. “I don't beli
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Ricardo to the rescue
Ricardo arrived at the private farmhouse and, to his surprise, it was beautifully set up. He was aware of how capable Alana was, but saw the effort she put into it. He couldn't help but be amazed.“You look distracted…anything wrong?” Camilo said with narrowed eyes and handed Ricardo a glass of champagne. “Nothing,” Ricardo simply said and leaned against the counter. The entire hall was filled with different people, both from the media houses and some of his important acquaintances.“Where is Alana…she did a remarkable job as always,” Camilo remarked with a smile, unfortunately, there was no reply from Ricardo. He was worried about Alana, just then two men joined them, they were Ricardo's top clients. He knew how significant the event was, hence he sat with them. While Ricardo was talking to his friends, Marcela was entertaining her friends who didn't stop talking and complimenting the decorations. “Yes of course…my daughter-in-law did this.she's astonishing,” Marcela said with chu
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Spreading rumors
Alana was a little nervous when Ricardo held her hand as they descended the stairs. The entire room went dark and only a single spotlight fell on them. Everyone had gathered around and watched in anticipation. To realize the dress, she was wearing complimented the tuxedo Ricardo was wearing. “Relax,” she heard Ricardo murmur and only then did Alana realize she was sweating so much, her palms were wet and slippery. If not for Ricardo holding her hand tightly.“Aw, aren't they a beautiful couple,”“Ha! She's so beautiful…no wonder Mr. Romero is crazy about her.”“Shush, why do I feel so envious…they complement each other…” Alana heard all sorts of murmurs rising around as soon as she and Ricardo joined the guests. Marcela, who had been smiling from ear to ear, came forward and stood between Ricardo and Alana.“You look lovely, my dear….” Marcela hugged her and Alana did the same. She was worried about the dress she was wearing, what she didn't know was that it looked beautiful and uniq
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Stolen jewelry
Early the next morning, Alana woke up earlier than usual. After a scandalous night of trying to keep the secrets happening in her marriage from Marcela. She knew things were turning for the worse. Ricardo had a reputation to keep. If scandals broke out then he was likely to lose a lot."Madam, I didn't check the dress when loading it in the car…" Mrs Marks said when Alana asked her about the dress. It was difficult to know exactly how her dress became like that all of a sudden."Are you sure…I mean you didn't see anyone?" She failed to understand how something so mysterious happened. She thought Santiago must have played with the box and used paper scissors to ruin the dress… unfortunately he was too young to do such a thing."When it was delivered from the office…we didn't open it," Mrs Marks said, sounding agitated. Alana didn't want to sound like she was accusing her servants but she wanted answers."It's okay…I was just curious "Alana said warmly and patted Mrs Marks on the shou
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