All Chapters of Single Daddy's Beloved Wife: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
194 Chapters
Investigate further?
The police station wasn't Alana's favorite place, it was cold and gave her chills. A place where criminals were tortured. She had heard how those who went to jail never came out the same. As long as you had been held behind bars, their reputation was forever tainted. Brigitte was in such a predicament “Detective, whatever it is… I don't think it's wise to get her arrested,” Alana said, feeling frustrated with the turnout of events. Getting to the police station, indeed, Brigitte was arrested and accused of embezzlement. The detective before her refused her to see Brigitte because the company executives ordered it. She was a criminal. “Madam, I'm afraid all the evidence is presented here…as it is, I'm only here to uphold justice," the detective said and moved around the room. Alana was irritated even more. “Evidence you say, I know her very well…she can never do that,” it was ridiculous to accuse Brigitte of something so serious. She worked hard for everything only to get arrested.
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Making love calms him
It was early in the morning, the sun was bright, and the sunlight was warm and not harsh. The birds kept chirping, and the breeze was cool. A strong gust of wind blew was sipping inside the room causing Alana to shiver. Ricardo's eyes were open, tightly holding his wife in his arms. It was a cold morning, despite the bright sunlight. The breeze caused a chill in his bones. "Mmm," Alana moaned in her sleep and curled against Ricardo. He didn't dare let her go. Despite wanting to leave the bed. He kept her warm. "Mm what time is it," the woman mumbled in her sleep as she slowly shifted around until her eyes flew open. "What?" a low exclamation escaped her lips when she glanced up and found Ricardo staring at her. With a frown, she frowned and prepared to get away from him when he held her back. "It's cold, stay for a while," the man muttered keeping his arm around her. Alana didn't have to think deeply to know she always ended up in Ricardo's bed whenever they argued. "Why should I
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Romantic date
“Here madam, drink some water,” Becky said and put a glass of water on the desk. Alana smiled and picked it up.“Thank you, Becky,” she said and shifted her gaze to Dario and Dennis. She invited the two specifically for something important. “So, what do you think,” Alana added and waited for the two men to reply. Both Dario and Dennis exchanged glances and then nodded.“Madam, the problem is everything receipt has Ms Brigitte's signature…all the bank transactions she was assigned to make are in her name,” Dennis said while Dario handed Alana some documents. “But who denied signing anything,” Alana had asked Brigitte about everything. Unfortunately, she denied having signed any documents. Alana listened as Dario and Dennis explained everything which had been going on at the office since she left. It seemed some people were operating in the shadows. They needed a scapegoat, and they targeted Brigitte. “And what has your boss been doing all this time?” Alana asked suspiciously, it was
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Childhood dreams
Ricardo was agitated as he glanced at his wristwatch and then the entrance door to the restaurant. He had never been so anxious in his life as he was. True, this wasn't the first time he was inviting Alana out. But something was different, he had some things to get off his chest. Although he was sitting far away from the door. He still could see."Where are you?" He muttered feeling nervous and prepared to leave when suddenly, the door opened, and someone walked in elegantly. She stopped for a while as if searching for someone. Ricardo did not even notice when he rose to his feet, and that his lips had curled up into a smile. His wife came, she was looking gorgeous. He imagined her like that, but now he was completely dumbstruck. People around dining turned to see her which made him feel envious. "Hello," Ricardo was brought back to reality by Alana who snapped her fingers in his face."Sweetheart," he said more like a question and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Lovely place here
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Brought her to the house
When Alana and Ricardo reached the Romero mansion, it was late. The entire mansion was in pin-drop silence. “R-Ricardo…hiccups…s-stop it” Alana stammered with giggles when she entered the room, staggering to find the light switch when Ricardo grabbed her by the waist and slammed her against the wall. A giggle came from Alana, followed by hiccups. “My husband,” Alana said in slow motion and ta1pped Ricardo on the tip of his nose. “What?” He asked as he ran his hand from her neck down her shoulder until his hand intertwined with Alana's. “Naughty,” she chuckled when he ran his tongue up her neck and stopped just at her mouth. His nose nuzzled against her face, inhaling her scent. “Mm, I feel like it,” he grabbed both her hands and trapped them above her head. A hiss escaped her throat when he leaned down, towering over her like some imposing creature of the night. “Taking advantage,” she whispered and attempted to bite his lip, but he was fast enough to move away and chuckled. “I
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Demanding money
Alana's eyes were fixed on the files presented to her by Dennis and Dario. Perusing through each page, her brows created together. There was utter silence in the living room as the two men waited for her to finish.“This shows Mr. Perez making all the transactions and using Ms Brigitte's signature… she must have signed these without knowing,” Dennis explained as Alana read through. Indeed, Mr. Perez made some fake transactions; however, it indicated that Brigitte approved of them.“There are some documents which don't require Mr. Romero's signature nor the such a case the general manager handles everything,” This time it was Dario who chimed in, Alana was aware of everything. She worked as the president for a while, and she knew how everything was run.“In terms of purchasing new merchandise, it requires Mr. Romero's signature which I make sure to read thoroughly he signs,” Dennis said just as Alana was done going through. She was helpless. Even if she had to call out Per
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Accusing his wife
“Doctor, how is she?” Alana asked once Chloe was put back on the bed. She was trying to get a glass of water but fell off. The glass broke and hurt her.“For now she's fine…please take care of her,” the doctor said and handed Alana a prescription.“Sure doc, rest assured,” Alana nodded with a smile and the doctor excused himself and was escorted out by one of the servants. The entire room was in utter silence. Alana's eyes shifted to Chloe, and she was still unconscious. “I should go,” she said and turned to leave when suddenly, Chloe's phone started ringing. With ease, she walked up to the table to switch it off when it stopped ringing and a message popped on the screen. Alana picked up the phone out of curiosity.(“You have a week to get the information I need…or get ready to shoulder the consequences”)she read the message, unfortunately, it was an unknown number.“This…” Who would send such a message to Chloe so late at night? Alana's brows creased as she tried to make sense of th
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The conference room was in utter silence, it had turned hot for some. Ricardo sat in his chair comfortably watching his wife handle the matter. This concerned her reputation. Ricardo didn't dare intervene. “This is evidence of what Mr. Perez, the former general manager, has been doing…” Alana continued showing proof of what he had done to frame Brigitte. She had Dennis distributing some files to the board members, which had their glue.“This is a lie!” Mr. Perez raised his voice and slammed his hand on the table. Alana didn't panic, but simply glanced over at the man. He seemed nervous seeing how he was tagging at his necktie frequently. “Mr. Perez, are you assuming I made this up… your name is written all over…or should I call witnesses,” Alana remarked calmly, she didn't rush, but Mr. Perez didn't look happy. “Yes…this is to frame me…everyone here knows I worked hard for this company… you failed your job and wanted to get your hands on company money!” the man yelled and Alana fel
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Passion and desire
There was something Alana didn't understand, and that was when Ricardo was acting up. And by acting up, she meant taking advantage of her. There was no resisting him“Mmm…ahh! Don't stop…” Alana's melodious voice was like music to Ricardo's eyes. He gripped her hips tightly, making her sit steadily on him while he made love to her. She clawed his shirt, fighting to pry it open and get access to his skin. Beads of sweat trickled down her face as both kissed passionately.“Ride me, baby,” Ricardo left her mouth and moved his hands to her back, hauling her tight dress until he got access to her chest. Her smooth skin smelled of roses and the sweet perfume he lovedAlana held on to his shoulders, her fingers digging into his hard muscles, he felt a sharp pain which was replaced by pleasure. Ricardo took full control as he hauled her dress until her chest was exposed.“Don't… I can't…” Alana tried to stop him, but Ricardo gripped her back firmly and leaned down to her chest, the wet heat o
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Get back his wife
“Wow, it's so beautiful… I love it,” some women kept exclaiming while checking Alana's dress. Just like Brigitte had told her. There would be some rich women who loved fashion more than anything. The four women surrounding her didn't stop complimenting her dress and simple makeup. “I'd love one…for my birthday…this is incredible" another one chimed in, Alana couldn't help but smile wholeheartedly. “She's the best…” Brigitte said and secretly elbowed Alana, both giggled inwardly. “But how come she isn't famous…with such rare talent… I've never heard of her,” this time it was the blonde lady who said. Alana noticed it was the one who wasn't impressed. Her father held some position in the government. “Emma, cool down…she's new okay…even if she's new…take a look at this,” her friend said coaxing her, but the so-called Emma shrugged and held her champagne flute elegantly. “Sweetie, I don't believe this… I mean, has she held any fashion runway…released a collection…no right…so why wo
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