All Chapters of The Code of The Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
86 Chapters
Chapter 11
I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds singing. My eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the bright sunshine that seeped into the room from the windows behind the bed.A gentle breeze created by the ceiling fan softly brushed my hair into my face, causing a chill to sweep over me. I pulled the comforter over my shoulders and sighed in contentment. My eyes opened again as I remembered what had happened.I had been in Heat.I hadn't realized it in the moment, likely because I was blinded by the sudden onset of pain. But I knew almost instinctively that's what had happened.Heat was rare-it occurred only after twenty-four hours had gone by of mates meeting each other and not consummating their bond. Most people didn't make it to this point. The fact that Luca and I did, however, was probably due to our unfortunate and unusual introduction. I couldn't imagine sleeping with the guy right after he'd kidnapped me, no matter how much I wanted to.I sat up in the bed.Feeling a cold breez
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Chapter 12
I sat down on the bed, my dirty laundry still in my hands. The last time I'd been on that bed, I had gotten off it to throw up. There was a similar feeling in my stomach at that moment.This relationship is doomed, I thought.While there was a part of me that was extremely jealous that Luca hadn't waited for me to have sex for the first time, there was another part of me that sympathized with his reasoning.It was true that most people waited for their mate to have sex. It was rare to come across someone who didn't. But those people who I knew that didn't wait were those, like Luca, who didn't meet their mate until they were much older.My mother was one of them. She would always tell me that there was a nagging feeling in the back of her head that told her she would never meet her mate. I could imagine Luca probably heard the same voice.That was something to sympathize with.The more reasonable parts of me, however, understood why people waited for their mate. After being around you
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Chapter 13
I glanced around me at the grocery bags that I would have to carry inside in the pouring rain. Looping as many bags as I could around my arms, I took a deep breath before opening the car door and making a run towards the house.Thankfully, the door wasn't locked and I made my way inside to the kitchen with relative ease. Placing the bags on the countertop, I made another trip to the truck, running through sheets of rain that fell from the sky. After a few trips, the truck had been completely unloaded and I was soaked to the skin.As I wiped the rainwater from my face, the lights in the kitchen flickered off."Wonderful." I mumbled.I looked out the kitchen window to see the trees outside swaying in the heavy wind. I could hear the pounding of rain against the side of the house as I stood there and listened to the storm.Beginning to take the groceries out of the bags, I blindly stocked the fridge and the pantry. As I emerged from the pantry, I saw the shadowy outline of Luca standing
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Chapter 14
I don't remember putting the rest of the groceries away. But, somehow, when I returned to my senses, I was standing alone in the kitchen with empty grocery bags in my hands and the power had come back on.I don't remember what else Luca had said to me before he walked away. I just remember watching his lips as they moved and recalling the way they felt pressed against mine.Even after the several minutes it had been since he'd left the kitchen, the taste of Luca's mouth lingered on my tongue, leaving me longing for more.I found myself reminiscing about the feeling of his hands on my face, wishing he hadn't pulled away from me. The racing thoughts added weight behind the pull I felt towards Luca.The imaginary rope I felt tethered to earlier that day had just become shorter and now tugged me backward, forcing me into a test of strength and self-control. I wanted nothing more than to leap into his arms and let him kiss me for the entire rest of my existence.I knew that it was nothing
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Chapter 15
I woke at the break of dawn the next morning feeling more rested than I'd felt in a long time. Getting out of bed quietly so as not to wake Luca, who was stillsleeping soundly on the floor, I left the bedroom and went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea.I sat out on the back deck drinking it, watching the purple sky slowly fade to pink and then orange. I tried not to spend those solitary, peaceful moments thinking solely of Luca.But I failed.He was all I could think of.His perfect tan skin.Obsidian-black hair that curled just so.Gorgeous green eyes that almost glowed in their intensity. Supple pink lips that were always plastered in a sexy half-smile. Not to mention a body that would have inspired Bernini himself.And that damned pet name.Every time the word 'amore' slipped off his tongue I felt a year added to my life. I only snapped out of my perverse thoughts when I absentmindedly took a sip from my mug and singed my tongue on the tea that was still too hot to drink.In t
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Chapter 16
"Luca?"I stepped into the garage through the open door to see the back of his shoulders and head as he removed the canvas top from his Jeep."I'm over here, amore," he said.Luca kept his attention on the straps he was pulling off the interior crossbar as I walked over to where he stood."I figured we could take the Jeep," he said."It's supposed to be done raining for a few days so why not take your top off."My eyebrows furrowed.Luca stopped what he was doing and laughed at himself."I meant to say why not take the top off" he said, gesturing to the Jeep as he shook his head."Mhm."I walked over to the car parked beside the Jeep that was still under a dust cover. I couldn't help but try and deduce what kind of sports car it was by studying the curves and angles that were hugged by the canvas."What's this?" I asked.Luca put a hand up on the side of the Jeep and propped himself against it."Used to be my favorite thing in the world," he answered."Used to be?""It's my second fav
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Chapter 17
I stared at the half-finished canvas in front of me; trying-as I had been for the past two hours-to gather the motivation to paint. I had nothing else to do and Luca had disappeared into his office above the garage.I fought the urge to slap the paint on my brush in a large 'X' across the canvas and trash it. All I had done for the past few hours had been stare at the imperfections and flaws that I saw and it infuriated me.Would I be able to finish the painting in a month? If I was, who knew if I would even see my parents on their anniversary...When would I give them the painting?I couldn't imagine just mailing them something that had taken me months to finish. All of my work up to that point felt useless. Taking a deep breath, I stood up from the floor and stretched my legs out.As I was walking downstairs to make myself a late lunch, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Mady's name and photo flashing across the screen.I eagerly answered the call."Bitch, you are
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Chapter 18
After finally making some progress on the canvas, I was robbed of my lighting by the setting sun. I went downstairs and stepped out onto the back deck to get some fresh air. As soon as I walked out, the lights in the pool came on, turning the water bright blue.I heard a gate open and shut and looked over to see Bates running full speed at the pool, taking his shirt off and throwing it on the concrete."Cannonball!" He screamed before leaping into the air and the crashing down into the pool, soaking everything within a fifteen foot radius.As he surfaced, we made eye contact."Are you six?" I asked him, laughing."Come down here and ask me to my face," he said threateningly."Dude, I was trying ask you what kind of pizza you wanted!"Blaine shouted, walking through the gate that Bates had just dashed through.Luca followed him, noticing me standing on the deck."I've already told you!" Bates yelled."I want cheese with extra cheese!""Six-year-old status confirmed," I said, earning a
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Chapter 19
The rest of the night passed without allowing for any more time to think.The boys plowed through the pizza and went downstairs to the basement to watch a hockey game while I stayed upstairs and took a bath.Luca came upstairs later that night after Bates and Blaine had left to find me sitting in the bed with my notepad resting on my knees as I doodled.He leaned over to look at the sheet of paper, seeing the dogwood flowers I had sketched out and begun shading."That's really good," he said.I couldn't help but blush."Thank you."He backed away and walked into the bathroom, staying in there for a few minutes to shower and get ready for bed. I was pestered the whole time he was in there by a nagging guilt in the back of my head.When he came out of the bathroom, dressed again in only boxer briefs, I felt like I was experiencing déjà vu.He grabbed the blanket that was thrown over the back of the chair beside the bed and tossed it to the ground.As he reached over to grab a pillow, I
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Chapter 20
I woke up the next morning cuddling one of the pillows that separated Luca and I, the other pillow having disappeared under the sheets.When my eyes opened to see him lying next to me, I couldn't help but stare for a few moments. Hands and arms tucked under his pillow, Luca laid on his stomach with his head turned towards me. His olive skin was a stark contrast against the pure white color of the sheets and his dark hair stood out even more so.Luca's facial hair had grown out a bit since I'd met him a few days prior. It added to his masculine aura and I decided that I liked it.After laying there for a few moments, knowing I wouldn't fall back asleep, I sat up in the bed slowly before getting up to walk quietly across the bedroom floor. It was still early in the morning, the room cast with blue hues of the twilight.I closed the door behind me softly and walked into the kitchen to make tea.Barely catching the kettle before it began to whistle, I had nearly dozed off standing at the
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