All Chapters of The Savage Alpha's Rebel: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
135 Chapters
121. Jade is not dead 
121. Jade is not dead Jade's POVI was working in the farm when my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was the Principal calling again.I closed my eyes and blew out a heave as it wasn't too long ago when I was called to school by her. After all, my son was a little devil who liked to cause chaos to others for even thinking about harming him.Preparing myself for another visit to school, I hit the green call icon and put the phone to my ear, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Watchman. What is it that Zade did this time?"A small smile cracked on my lips as I anticipated her reply coming with a long sigh. She always does that before telling me about my son and his mischief. "Miss Banks, I assure you there's nothing to worry about. However, a small accident has taken place in school." I dropped the tool I was using and focused solely on the Principal's voice that was coming slowly from the phone.I removed it from my ear and stared at it. I wasn't sure what the accident was about. But the thought of
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122. Zade is my son alone 
122. Zade is my son alone Zach's POV It was as if my soul departed from my body when I saw Zade falling thud on the ground. I didn't waste a second as I rushed to him and picked him up in my arms. "Z-Zach..." "You'll be alright, Kiddo. You will..." My tone bled dry as I held him to my chest. The anger to shred the rogues intensified. I lifted my eyes only to see flesh, bones and blood on the spot they were lying not long ago. And amidst the mess was Rogue covered in blood, his claws dangling with pieces of flesh. I was glad he did it because I would have taken them to my dungeons in NYC to torture them. I would have... Fuck, I couldn't dwell on what I would have done to them as Zade fainted in my arms. "H-he fainted!" I blinked my teary lashes. "I'll get the car out." Conor announced and we followed him outside the room. The teachers and Principal covered their mouths with their hands when I walked into sight. I didn't wait for them to take a glance at Zade and rushed
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123. Meeting Zade as his father 
123. Meeting Zade as his father Jade's POV I was lifted off my feet as he put his greedy lips on mine. I erupted into a gasp of protest, but it rippled in his mouth before dying a welcome death. I wish I could deny that I didn't want this kiss. This was all that I used to cherish when my sexual life was concerned back then. I used to revel in his touch and bloom like a fresh flower after each lovemaking session. But that was what I had five years ago. After I left his pack, I never indulged in any relationship. And though Audrey stole kisses from me, it didn't make me feel as dizzy as this. Only Zach Salvay could do this to me. Only his lips could do this to me. My lips softened and parted, allowing an easy access to his tongue into my mouth. With every lick, every swirl, every slurp, my heart skipped beating. Liquid heat settled between my legs and my core tightened like it has never before in these five years. Zach entered a hand in my shirt and squeezed my waist. I win
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124. Zade will go to his people 
124. Zade will go to his people Jade's POV"Mom," Zade's face twinkled with relief."Zade," I rushed to him and lowered down on his body to hug him. "Oh Zade, you will kill your mom one day." "I am sorry, mom. But I really didn't do anything this time." I clutched my mouth to keep the sobs in because Zade's voice lacked the usual chiming I was fond of. "The rogues bursted in the school and they got me. They took me up in a room and threatened to kill me." I blinked tears out of my sight as I regarded him from head to toe. My son was naked from the top and a bandage was around his little torso. It was completely red in the middle as if someone just spilled red paint on the fine white strips.A drip was being supplied to him whose syringe pierced the back of his left hand. I removed hair from his face and kissed him over and over again. "Oh darling, I was so scared." I hugged him as Zade revealed what further happened in that room in his school.So he was being saved by Zach and tho
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125. Back in Full Moon Pack again 
125. Back in Full Moon Pack again Zach's POVI didn't expect Jade to agree with me so obediently. She was only mad when I dropped my decision on her. But when the morning crept in and I visited her in Zade's ward, she didn't throw any tantrums. All that she asked from me was to give her some time so she could meet everyone before we left.I was afraid she might disappear again so I refused. Although I was pretending to be cold to her, my true intention was to make her bend as per my will. There's no way I'm letting her slip out of my captivity again.My heart still thumps as I think back about her jump down the cliff. It was real. She did fall down. I saw it with my own eyes.Now as I regarded Jade patting Zade's back as she stared out of the window of the plane, I was forced to marvel how she did that. The telekinesis and faking her death. She couldn't do it alone. There has to be someone with enormous powers that assisted her.I would dig down the earth if that's what it takes to g
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126. Back in the mansion 
126. Back in the mansion Jade's POVOld memories slammed into my awareness when we landed at NYC airport. I held Zade in my arms tightly as Zach led us out through a private exit route that I was cognizant with.My legs refused to move further and out of it when I reached the center of the passage. My heart caught speed and tears began to form in my eyes again."What's wrong, mom?" Zade touched my cheek.I blinked my eyes and flashed a smile at him, "Nothing."I couldn't confess it to him. Not that he needed to know. But the man who forced me to come back to his ruling state and pack knew what was going on in my mind. He looked at me with eyes full of assorted emotions. He recalled it, too. We've used this private exit after we returned from our hot holiday five years ago. It was the best time of my life that I spent with him. And the time during which I conceived Zade. However, it was also the time after which my life sloped down into the darkest trench of affliction. Ignoring Zac
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127. Zade's time in the mansion 
127. Zade's time in the mansion Jade's POV"Welcome back to your room again, Jade." Ice spread through me as I gawked at the interior of the room that used to be mine when I lived here.It was in the same condition. Nothing changed. From the hangings I used to decorate the room to the curtains of my choice, they were still intact."You must be surprised seeing everything as it is." He removed the curtains from the huge window. "Zach never let anyone change anything in your room. He would clean it with his own hands except for today." I preferred to stay quiet and took baby steps towards the bed. The first thing I reminisced while looking at it was our time we spent naked in bed. Seeing the white sheets lay clean and tidy on the mattress made my heart swirl. I quickly averted my gaze and tried to cover those thoughts with something else. "I would like to be alone please." I didn't even try to look at Nathan. "Please, bring Zade back to me whenever Luke is done examining him.""Alrig
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128. Jade wants to leave?! 
128. Jade wants to leave?! Jade's POV I didn't know when I fell asleep. But when I woke up again, I had Zach lying next to me and his fingers playing with my hair. I flinched away from him and got out of the bed. "What are you doing here?" My gaze fell on the sky outside the window. "I was waiting for you to wake up. You didn't come to lunch, dad. It's dinner time now." It was pitch black. I didn't realize I didn't wake up for hours. Zade wasn't in the room either. Panic began to rise up within me for not having him around. "He's with Lelah in their room." Zach said. Their room? As if he read my thoughts, he got up and closed the gap between and added, "They've decided to share a room together and Nathan modified it within a few hours as per their requirements." I moved a few steps away so he couldn't lay his hands on me. Sweeping a gaze around the room, I realized the clothes were gone too. "I took care of your closet." Zach walked towards it and slid the door aside
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129. Meeting Gianna
129. Meeting Gianna I didn't sleep the whole night for two reasons. One I didn't want to get into that bed again. I was afraid Zach might sneak into my room to touch me. Second because my stomach was growling and I didn't have the guts to go out and grab some food from the kitchen.It's not like I was not offered any food. Zach came in with a trolley full of food I would have loved to dig in. Then Katie too came to visit me followed by Jenna. Chris and Vicky didn't stay behind in the line as they came to see me with chocolates and junk food that I politely refused as I asked some privacy of my own. While they were happy to see me, I was not even one bit happy about any of this. I sat by the window doing nothing but stare at the dark sky. Although I think I saw Zach smoke back to back cigarettes while he was standing out in the open and discussing something with his father, he could die for all I cared. It was his lungs and if he wanted to spoil them by puffing ten cigarettes in one
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130. Jade knows the truth 
130. Jade knows the truth Jade's POV My eyes lingered on the date carved on the headstone. The date of her death. It was the same when I concluded that Zach cheated on me and decided to take the matters of my mother's death's revenge in my own hands.I can't forget that date. It's etched in my mind.I blinked my eyes and averted my eyes towards Alpha Zavier's face, "This is... Gianna... She is dead? But Zach... His mate. And Lelah," My mind was blacking out. I rubbed a trembling hand on my face, "Lelah is not his daughter?" A painful smile danced on his shaking lips. He slowly shook his head left and right, "Lelah is Gianna and her husband Richie's daughter. He's resting over there." I fearfully followed the direction of his pointing finger. My breathing fractured as I laid my eyes on the grave next to Gianna's. The headstone has the name, Richard Donovan, and the epitaph below it read: An obedient son, loving husband, a devoted father. "Gianna already had a family before she me
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