All Chapters of How it all began: Billionaire's forced wife: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
67 Chapters
Sophia After the disastrous dinner date with Kieran, I genuinely believed that life would get back to the routine we had already established: we would share breakfast in the morning and ride to Kieran’s company, where we’d both be busy with our own work until it was time to go home. Actually, I was hoping for it as it would give me a chance to cool down my ebullient senses. But I was wrong. After that night, Kieran was never the same again. And I couldn’t figure out whether I’d prefer the old Kieran back. Because the new one was driving me crazy even more. He seemed to take every opportunity to touch me, being that just a brush of his hand in passing by or moving an escaped strand of my hair. It made me aware of him and his every move, which only added to the feeling of pleasant uneasiness that had me on edge constantly. But he didn’t even try to kiss me again, and I had to admit to myself that I wanted him to. I craved to feel his lips against mine, and even thinking about it w
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Double trouble
Kieran Words: ‘Back from CA. Need to see you ASAP.’ flashed on the screen. Fuck it! Simon was really a master at picking the right time. The fact that what I had been yearning for was almost within reach brought all my pent-up expectations to a boil, and they exploded at the worst possible moment. But dealing with the consequences could wait, as a far more important matter was demanding my attention. I needed no explanation; I had a pretty good guess of what Simon was talking about. And judging by the urgency, I wouldn’t like what he had for me. ~ ~ ~ “I have to admit I was not expecting things to be this serious when I flew down to Sacramento.” Simon was the first to break the silence that enveloped his office after he served me with his findings. “I knew it would be far from what we initially gathered, but this…” A thousand different thoughts came rushing through my head, shaking the ground I was standing on. I was about to crush under the weight of the knowledge I had come to
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SophiaWith a huff that could do little to make me less annoyed about what I was doing, I added water to a mug in which I had already placed a tea bag, and almost instantly, a chamomile aroma filled the air. ‘I hope it will calm the bitch down,’ I thought as I made my way towards Kieran’s office.I spotted the woman sitting comfortably in one of the leather chairs, and her posture rang an alarm in my head. Lowering my gaze, I noticed her slightly swollen stomach. Maybe... oh, she was pregnant! The redhead was talking on the phone, so I wordlessly placed the mug on the glass club-table in front of her and hurried out. The air surrounding her seemed thick and heavy, and I needed to be away from it so I could properly breathe.This day was getting weirder by the second, and I couldn’t seem to wait for the end of the working hours. ‘Maybe I should leave early?’ I considered briefly. It wasn’t like anyone could stop me, and Kieran was MIA. I had no idea where he went or if he was coming ba
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Do you trust me?
SophiaMy thoughts were incomprehensible, uncatchable as I melted in Kieran’s arms. Everything that had happened today, everything that had happened in the last few months, everything that had happened in the last seven years... nothing really mattered.As his warm tongue explored every curve of my mouth, gently massaging my own in a fiery dance that was sending the most pleasantly arousing currents through my entire body, the whole world ceased to exist. Time and space lost their significance completely!There were only the two of us, Kieran and I, his arms wrapped around me like the cage I desired and my hands tangled in his soft hair, holding onto it for dear life so they wouldn’t get lost in the vast universe of woken up hunger for him.No, nothing but us was important, and with a lot of courage, I had to admit that if it came to that, I would have a hard time letting Kieran go. I was half disgusted with myself because I wanted him after everything he did to me! I wanted to be nea
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One step forward, two steps back
Sophia It made sense. I understood it all. That shadow that crossed Kieran’s face whenever he mentioned kids? The pain I saw in his eyes when he talked about family? I knew what it was. A missing piece of the puzzle fell into its place, making all the other parts come together, creating a perfect symphony, a picture so clear. I realized why Kieran practically forced me into marrying him and never gave me a shred of a logical reason for it; why he was always distant and didn’t allow me to get to know him; why he deflected my every question. Our eyes were locked with each other; mine welled up with tears while his dark skies were clouded with anticipation, disappointment, and something that resembled… fear? Yes, I was sure. It was fear I saw in Kieran. It was fear that pushed him to act so unexplainably crazy. He was scared. Mighty Kieran King was afraid of me, of me rejecting him. Not because of his dominating and controlling personality or the way he treated me or even my past, n
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I'm sorry
SophiaThe Uber I called took me to Kieran’s house, and even though it was still early, I barricaded myself in my room, or better, a room assigned to me.Although I was the master of suppressing pain and pretending I was fine, I failed most miserably this time because the pain of a broken heart was not something I knew how to deal with. And Kieran broke mine in the cruelest way. He gave me hope, only to yank it out of my hands the very next moment.So, I reached for a sleeping pill, something I had never done before, but it was necessary. I needed to avoid thinking about today’s events at all costs. With all that has happened since the sun rose in the sky this morning, it was mission impossible.While I was taking a shower, the pill worked its magic, and as soon as my head touched the pillow, I was out like a light, leaving all my worries for tomorrow, hoping that, just for once, it may never come.~ ~ ~I was woken up by the heat. It was so hot I thought I was burning up in the fiery
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One more reason to stay
Sophia“I’m not going to work today.” I declared upon entering the spacious kitchen where Kieran had his breakfast.He cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows playfully. “Enjoying the perks of being the boss’s wife, I see.” But then his face suddenly changed, and it became the grim one I knew so well. “Will I find you here when I come back?”I ignored the question as I advanced towards the coffee machine. “Sophia?” a warning growl echoed behind me, but I kept my cool.Only when I got a much-needed drink and sat at the table in front of Kieran did I spare him a glance. I had to admit I liked his reaction. Seeing him try to control his anger was oddly satisfying.“What would be the point? Public humiliation when you hunt me down like an animal and drag me back here as you did in Richmond?” Sarcasm was seeping from my every word, and I pulled my lips into a fake smile.Kieran’s eyes didn’t leave my face, not even when he continued to eat. What’s more, they scrutinized me li
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Not sorry at all
Kieran I fucked up. Instead of making things right with Sophia after I snapped at her once again, even though I promised myself to do a better job of controlling my temper around her, I screwed up worse than ever before. It seemed like each time I was about to take a step in the right direction in this relationship, something major would happen, taking me two steps back. And today, it was not my fault. I had nothing with the past catching up on me, the past I tried so hard to run away from. The past… Nora. For months, I had this crippling fear of facing her again, and I knew that day had to come. And when it was finally there, it almost cost me everything I held dear. Well, at least I hoped it was not too late and that I could still salvage the image of the future I painted so vividly in my head. Because when I came face to face with my greatest failure in life, I realized the past would always remain right where it belonged and that what was to come was a hundred times more powe
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Alan King
Sophia “Good evening, Sir.” I smiled gently at the old man standing in front of me. He was beaming with authority, making me address him with the utmost respect. “Good evening.” He greeted us back, offering me his hand, which I gladly accepted. “It’s Alan for you. We are family now, after all.” “Evening, Dad,” Kieran said curtly, and I didn’t miss the coldness in his voice. So, the impression I had about their relationship when I first saw them together wasn’t that wrong. I remembered thinking the same at Ellie’s wedding reception, but it wasn’t exactly the day when my mind was at its clearest. Alan led the way to the dining room, with Kieran and me following behind. I used the chance to look around and admire the exquisite interior. I had to admit it was cozier than Kieran’s; it had that ‘woman’s touch,’ a warmth of sorts, and it got me wondering… We sat at the table set for three people, and the atmosphere made me slightly uncomfortable. Questions would be asked tonight, questi
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Please, Sophia, I need you
SophiaWe were quiet on the ride home, each occupied with their own thoughts. However, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Kieran wanted to say something but was holding himself back.“Are you still angry with me?” I heard him ask as I advanced up the stairs on the way to my room.“Yes, Kieran. I am angry. You shouldn’t have used my sister to keep me bound here.” I snapped and marched forward, leaving him behind.I got to the bathroom, took a shower, and did my nightly routine. I came to enjoy pampering myself every night. I used to think lotions, creams, and oils were overrated, but now that I had the means and time, I realized it didn’t matter if those things worked or not; the magic was in the process and the moments I had just for myself.Returning to the bedroom, I froze in my track. I didn’t expect to see Kieran standing by the bed, unbuttoning his shirt, but he was there in flesh and blood.“What the hell are you doing here?!” I hissed.“Getting ready to sleep?”“Get out!”“I hav
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