All Chapters of The Mafia's Queen: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
156 Chapters
I am just some thrash
Ava: "I have known you for years. I know you are an introvert and you have a small circle and I know all the people in that circle, I can say this for sure and this girl was never in your circle before. "Leon: "What do you want to say ? Please be clear . "Ava: "Are you cheating on me with her?"Leon: "What? Are you mad?"Ava: "Is this your baby ? "Leon: " I don't want to answer that . Think what ever you want . And just remember one thing Ariadne is not going anywhere if anyone has any problem with it then they are free to go."Ava: "So you are saying that I shall leave?"Leon: "I don't remember taking your name but if you want then move out."Ava: " Ok then why to just move out from your house I will move out from your life . I think we should call off the wedding . "Leon: "You are clever enough to make decisions for yourself . I promised you that I will give you everything you want , If that's what you want then I am fine with it . "Ava: "Ok then."Things were falling out of t
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The wedding
Jake:"I am sorry to say this but you were never our first choice.You are talented dear, you are gorgeous but I am sorry this is just not for you.I am sure many better opportunities are waiting for you ahead , honey."Ava: "Oh Jake , you are a funny man.You are a funny - funny little man.Come on let's end all this give me the contract and I will sign it."Jake:"Ava listen to me."Ava: "Just give me the fucking paper."She bangs her fist on the table .Jake:"We always had our eyes on another girl but somehow we were not able to get her but now we don't have that issue so we want to sign her."Ava: "Who is the bitch ? "Oliver: "Ariadne , have you heard of her before."Ava: "She is always in between."Oliver:"She is a rising star."Ava:"Why do you want to sign her ? What is the problem with me ? Am I not pretty enough ?...... Or am I not talented.Do I wear fake hair ? "Oliver:"It's not about you.....You are good but this girl Ariadne: she is amazing ."Ava::"Do you know everything about
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Life without love
A sweet surrendering scent of the moist morning dew that cascades all around the sublime forest. The mixed cool autumn leaves from the tall trees lay scattered on the forest floor; they were in the motion of turning a brittle brown. There was the sound of shattered glass that emphasised the leaves being crunched, as if you were to step on them, pushing their papery remains deep into the brilliant white snow, which lined the ground like a fresh white cotton sheet. The passive and daunting forest has the appeal of a forgotten land, which has been lost in time. The isolated forest remained in a capsule, untouched by the destructive essence of man.The dark shadows of the voluminous trees and puzzled bushes had become the structure of the forest. The trees stood proud and tall as protectors of the exigent grounds, as the impregnated bushes that had consumed the hard regions of the forest, concealed the land from beneath the vibrant portals of the open sky.The isolated forest has the appe
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I curse my fate
When things are strained in your relationship , you both may tend to read things into what one another say that aren’t really there .When you’re constantly misinterpreting what the other person is saying, your relationship can’t grow in the right direction .You can’t talk about anything without worrying that he’ll blow up or it’ll start a fight. You’re to the point that you just come home from work, swig a bottle of wine, and try to get into bed before he gets home.Is this really how you want to live for the foreseeable future?............ I didn’t think so. And thanks for not answering.I was........."John:"Still not looking for an answer...... I got it now."Sara::"Good.... .And.......Whether it be sex , your looks , or your ability to earn money , this guy has made it clear that he’s not emotionally invested in you.Why the hell are you wasting time on him ? If you’re in a casual relationship , that’s one thing , but if you’re hoping this guy is The One , I hate to break it to yo
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We are all a little messed up
Erica::"It's not your fault.It's their fault they are not aware of what they have lost."Ariadne::"Who are you kidding ? "Erica::"I am not kidding.You are a strong little girl.Just have faith."Ariadne::"You know today I was wondering maybe if the father of my child knew that he had a child he would have been here with us.It's weird because I miss a person I have never met.At least I would not have been alone.I could have a shoulder to cry on and strong arms to protect me and hold me in weak times.......I feel so alone.I feel like I will get crushed under the burden of my problems."Erica::"Just remember the one who breaks you can never heal you.... "Ariadne::"I don't know.Maybe he is a wrong person but the least he could do is apologize.That will also make me feel better.He is guilty after all.... ."Erica::"You must let go of the idea that you can heal only if the person who hurt you apologizes or regrets their actions.Instead of laying blame on them for your current situation , y
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I am all alone
She didn't even thought that it was necessary to converse with him before taking all the careless decisions .We put a lot of ourselves into our relationships, which is why the process of moving on from an ex can feel like it's taking an eternity.But like the relationship that ended, your phase of getting over the loss of that relationship won't last forever....He sat in his car and turned on some music.He was listening to music on shuffle when ' their ' song came up.The song that was supposed to be played on their wedding.Lately, he would have immediately skipped the song due to the ties it had to his ex, but instead he let it play.He tried not to let even a single memory of Olivia come to his mind.It was hard but it was worth a try.It wasn't until the song ended and the next one began that his mind registered how he was able to listen the whole song without thinking about them at all.It was in this moment that he realized I that it was not too hard to get over Olivia.After all she
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Darkness and light
There are two sides of the world. One on which the sun shines, that is brighter than the day and the other that has barely seen the face of the sun. The other kind thrives in darkness. But the thing is that to be a part of one you will have to cut all the time roots from the other side. The problem arises when you try to be a part of both. When you want the sun but also want the glory of the stars. When you want to make the moon shine brighter than the sun. When you want to cure dark with light.
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Lost and found
Things that are lost are meant to be found. But is it true always? No.Maybe at tomes you loose something but there is no way you can find them. Or maybe you could but it is not worth it. Maybe it is better that its lost. Ariadne lost a part of herself but that was for good. The part she lost could be found but she would hate that. She wont want her back old self back because that's gone for good.It took her years to be someone she never thought she could be. And that was going to be worth it.
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The spy
Ariadne woke up from her power nap. She was feeling quiet relaxed because she haven't slept in days. How can she sleep with everything that is going around.She stretched her arms.She went to Ella's crib and gently woke her up. She got some money from the odd jobs she did. So she thought that she will buy something for her daughter. She haven't got anything for her from her money. She didn't had a lot but at least she will be able to buy her a dress.She didn't wanted to disturb Ella but it gets easier to dress her when she is awake.
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"Hi baby, wake up." Ella giggled and woke with a cute smile on her face."Did you sleep well." Ariadne lifted her up gently and swayed her. Ella was mumbling. Like she was trying to respond to her mom. It was so cute.Ariadne gave her a bath and dressed her in a white dress. All colours looked so good on her. Ella had tge prettiest eyes they were not Ari's. She must have got them from her dad.Which reminded Ariadne that it will be her second mission. From tomorrow she will get on that. She doesn't want him back but he should know what he did.
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