All Chapters of Amara: The Mafia Gambit: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
197 Chapters
Chapter 171
Dee's POV I was filled with rage so I dragged Amara to the bathroom and tied her to the iron bars that protected the window. She screamed as I turned on the shower that released droplets of water as cold as ice on her body. "It isn't my intention to hurt you princess, but you give me no choice," I said and unbuckled my belt. Her eyes blazed as she saw what I was about to do but she regained composure and shut her eyes. I let it land on her back and expected a loud scream, instead she dug into her lips and shut her eyes. Her skin, which was smooth and soft, became smeared with blood from the first lash. "You ain't gonna beg me, huh?" I whipped her again, this time with the iron part of the belt and it drew out blood. "If that is what you want, then you will have to whip me till I die because you won't see my tears, neither will you hear me plead." She challenged me with her nose flaring in defiance which brought out the beast in me. "Alright, then. But don't blame me for whatever
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Chapter 172
Luciano's POV It was decided on. Going to Arianna's house wasn't a thing of choice but a necessary step in finding Amara. Since Dee had her, he wouldn't be comfortable going to anyone for help apart from her. Massimo would have been a better partner but he was a lone wolf and didn't understand what honor and loyalty was all about. "Let's go," I said to Obinna who was trying to come to terms with his given assignment. All I needed him to do was to get into Arianna's database and find out Dee's present location. From what I heard, he was good at it, the only problem with him was that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. I was yet to understand what he did that made me trust him easily, I only hoped that I wasn't making a mistake. "What will you do if I decide to escape right now? Maybe jump through the window?" He asked to test me. I found it funny that he tried to tease me but I didn't laugh. "Maybe you should try it and find out," I said stiffly. The driver swerved around a bend
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Chapter 173
Luciano's POV My eyes darted around the room in search of Obinna and I found him squatting with his hands on his head under the dining table. He looked like a weakling with his pale face and quick pants. "God has really confirmed himself in my life. I dreamt about this yesterday and it came to pass," He whispered to me while I rolled my eyes, almost asking him to tell his god to release the love of life. I strained my ears to hear what he said but I only heard my name and Arianna's. Bullets flew around the house in reckless abandon as men fell to the ground like packs of cards. I scanned the spot where I squatted and realized that I was vulnerable so I moved away, with my eyes still on Obinna. I dug into my holster and snatched the other pistol and cocked it. With two guns in my hands, I was emboldened and resumed shooting at the intruders. I captured one of the man's face I had shot and realized that he worked for Massimo. If Massimo was around then he would make sure I don't l
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chapter 174
Luciano's POV Ensuring the safety of my men as a boss was more important than mine. And since it was settled, I had to find a way out of Arianna's mansion without causing another shooting spree. I remained calm, knowing that I still had men who were loyal to me. Raul and Dante made up the number, and some other guards that I couldn't remember their names. Stefano and Luca's betrayal had hurt me because I thought that they could give their lives for me. But now, I was reminded that anyone could become a traitor, even when you least expected it. "Once I give you a sign, be quick to follow. I don't want another ruckus or we might not survive it," I ordered calmly, still holding my gun firmly behind the passage and they nodded. My men respected me because of my presence. Unlike some other bosses who only delegated duties to their men and didn't care if they lived to tell the tale, I made it a principle to always be with them. That was the contrast between Dee and I. He was quick to
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Chapter 175
Luciano's POV Morning came quicker than I wanted as my body felt like a trailer had rode on it. Sleeping was supposed to take away half of the exhaustion, instead I drowned in it. Amara would have helped to ease my burden but my chicken-shit brother still held onto her. I had bad plans for him, and something told me that I was closing in on him already. I only hoped that he wouldn't sell Amara before I got to him. "What do you think is the best way for us to attack Arianna's mansion now that she is dead?" I asked my men and Gio, feeling better after dousing two cups of strong coffee. Ignoring my tiredness, I had my bath and asked Raul to inform everyone that we were having a meeting. Massimo's visit to Arianna was to scare me and nothing else. He tracked me wherever I went so it wasn't hard for him to know that I was with her. The only reason I didn't engage in a fight with him was because it wasn't my place, neither was his. "I don't think
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Chapter 176
Amara's POV It was difficult ignoring the fact that Dee no longer cared about me like he used too. He wasn't interested in my health and he rarely coerced me to have my bath. Even when he came into the room and saw me quiet, he'd ignored me and picked whatever he wanted and left. I shouldn't have been affected by his nonchalance but I was. I pretended that I didn't notice anything and minded my business. The only thing my heart craved for was leaving his house. I hadn't thought about where I would go if I eventually escaped but I didn't care though it was risky. Being without a husband in the mafia world meant exposing yourself to all kinds of hurt. And it would be worse for me, since people knew that I belonged to Luciano. I smirked, remembering that he wasn't just looking for me because he loved me but also to redeem his pride and save his face from the other Capos that wouldn't keep their mouth shut. He came into the room with a tray, and my n
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Chapter 177
Amara's POV I stared at the mirror, observing the minor changes in my body. I had gotten more round than before which was as a result of my pregnancy. The red dress I was asked to wear fit tightly to my skin. Dee wanted me out of the room to somewhere I didn't know so he asked me to dress up nicely. I was surprised that he allowed me to do everything on my own, unlike the last time that Mariam was around to make me feel like a piece of shit. I did my make-up to the best of my ability and I was happy that it came out fine. Using makeup wasn't my thing because I never had the time to look good. Everyone around me regarded me as a worthless person and since I didn't care, I gave them a show with my quirky dressing. When I still picked pockets, I had to wear baggy pants so that there would be enough space for me to keep the money I had stolen. "Are you ready?" Dee asked, staring at me warily while I watched his movements through the mirro
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Chapter 178
Amara's POV I stared at him indignantly waiting for him to hit me or push me like he would have done but he surprised me by doing nothing. I was even more surprised when I saw his scary expression turn sad, making me wonder what was going on with him. "No one loves me," He complained again, while I was irritated that he whined like a child. If the boss acted like him then the enemies would have destroyed us a long time ago. He had forgotten that love wasn't what he needed. For him to achieve anything as one of the mafia mobs, he had to earn respect from his equals and that couldn't happen if he continued to show weakness. "Who doesn't love you?" I asked to show concern. "My family," He replied and I rolled my eyes while he didn't watch. "You don't earn love, Dee. You have to fight for it. In our world, men don't care about love. What they need is to be fea
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Chapter 179
Amara's POV The time ticked slowly and even now it was just five in the evening. I hadn't seen Dee since his confession yesterday evening then he brought me dinner at night and I barely managed to eat it. Not like he considered it a confession, to him saying that he killed my parents was to instill fear in me. I had stifled a yawn severally but it didn't stop the tiredness from sinking in. My body was cold and I was also very hungry. Since Dee didn't bring me food and had me locked in the room, no one else could try even if they wanted to. The only person that might have cared about me was Mariam, but I hadn't seen her in a while and I hoped that Dee hadn't killed her or sent her away. Memories of the argument I had with Luciano the day Obinna sent me the video of my parents murder flooded my mind. I had only one wish and that was to see Luciano again even if it was just for a minute. It took me getting kidnapped and facing torture to realize that he wasn't as bad as I thought he
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Chapter 180
Luciano's POV I sat on my armchair, staring at Obinna while he talked non stop. Though I had other issues, watching him interact with Gio and the other men helped to distract me. "Amara is carrying my child. Are you aware?" I asked and he stared at me with his eyes widened in surprise. "Congratulations, bro. You know, in my country, Nigeria, you aren't considered a man until you have children of your own. And once some of us realizes that our wives are incapable of turning our sperm into children, we find a mistress or take a second wife," He lectured me while I massaged my temples. Fuck! I want to kill this man. I imagined how cheating on Amara would make her feel and I shook the thought off my head. I had already decided not to hurt her so cheating was not an option. It was very important that every mafioso had an heir that would taken over his position either as a capo, a consiglier or an underboss. Though I had Gio, people didn't consi
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