All Chapters of Her Billionaire Single Dad: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
177 Chapters
Chapter 111
The day was very bright and sunny. Amanda woke up very early, she felt like jogging in the pack and decided to ask Gabriel to come along with her. He found him asleep on the couch with his laptop in front of him, it looked like he worked late into the night and fell asleep while on it.Amanda couldn't blame him as she knew that she was the cause of it. Taking care of her yesterday made him lie that it was his day off while it wasn't, he had actually had a lot of work to do.Amanda walked closer and bent down to look at him properly; Well a curved jaw, pointed nose, and full lips, she wouldn't deny that Gabriel wasn't very handsome.He was the kind of man every lady wants and would die for. She smiled as she looked at his closed eyes, his glasses were about to fall off his face as he slept carelessly like he didn't have any problem at all.She looked away thinking about something which flashed into her mind. "What if he had feelings for her and couldn't come clean about it?" She asked
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Chapter 112
Amanda and Gabriel returned home after spending time at the park. To keep Amanda company, and happy. Gabriel proposed they go on a friendly date and act like couples even as deep down in his mind it was a real one for him.Amanda refused when he mentioned it but he persuaded her and she had no choice but to accept.By Evening, they were already on their way to the first place they would be visiting for their date, as they sat together in the backseat of the car.Amanda could feel Gabriel's eyes hovering all over her, and she didn't blame him, she knew any man would with the way she was dressed for our tour and date. Earlier after having her bath, she settled for a tight fitted slit gown that had a lower neck that exposed a little part of my cleavage while the long slit did justice to exposing my beautiful slender legs. She heard Gabriel swallow so hard before looking out of the window which made me chuckle which got her embarrassed and she regretted agreeing to go on a date with him
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Chapter 113
When they were done, Amanda asked that they take public transport home as she wanted to have a walk back home.Gabriel refused but she insisted and pulled off her heels to show him how serious she was. He had no other choice than to agree so that he wouldn't ruin the happy mood he had put her in.They headed home, laughing and joking with each other. Just around a corner, they saw a teenage girl of about fifteen years old run past them and then some minutes later, some teenage boys ran past them heading in the little girl's direction.Amanda suspected that the little girl was in danger as she had experienced such before and Gabriel luckily got to save her.She turned to Gabriel as she started panicking, she cannot even think of how the teenage girl would be treated by the teenage boys."Gabriel I think the girl that ran past us earlier is in trouble," Amanda said pointing towards the alley where the teenage boys were headed and the teenage girl had earlier run into."What are you talk
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Chapter 114
It was Eric and his men. On seeing him, Amanda felt a little bit safe. His men and the masked men got into a fight, when the masked men noticed that Eric's men were stronger, they started retreating but Eric's men managed to catch two of them.Amanda begged Eric to take Gabriel to the hospital which he did by asking his driver to drive him to the best hospital in the area.Gabriel was quickly rushed to the hospital with Amanda following them after Eric offered to drive her there in his car which he appreciated.She was still panicking and was restless as they left. She didn't stop blaming herself for what happened. She felt she was the cause of Eric's life being in danger and deserved to be the one who was hit. She couldn't stop crying too which made Eric uneasy as he would glance at her from the back view mirror in the car.She didn't even care if he was there as she totally forgot and wasn't herself. All she was after was Gabriel's life and how he was. She prayed that nothing shoul
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Chapter 115
Camila who was still angry at Amanda decided she wouldn't stop trying to remove Amanda from Gabriel's life so she sought to make Gabriel hate her so she would stay away from him. She planned to set Amanda up and make sure she would not escape it for any reason. She went to a bar to have a drink while thinking about it.All her life she hated Amanda so much and only wanted to see her suffer because that was what she deserved. Losing her mom at a very young age makes her less privileged and a loser to start with.She deserved the maid kind of low life and wasn't meant to experience any form of joy, peace, or happiness, that was what made her make her life a living hell before she finally left home."Why would she think now that she deserves Gabriel when she was still alive, Hale and hearty? All the while they went to high school, she had always been attracted to Gabriel because he was the richest boy in school then but it had always pissed her off that he would always stick and follow
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Chapter 116
Amanda sat with Gabriel reading a book to him. He had insisted that she do so to keep his company. She was trying her best to do whatever she could to make it up to him as she still felt guilty about the incident that happened and wanted to make sure Gabriel saw that it was never an intentional act but a mere coincidence that they never knew would occur. She never knew the whole stuff was a setup. She wondered if the men which Eric's guards had confessed and what they might say as a reason which made them attack her and Gabriel. She knew that the attack wouldn't come if there was no reason because unless you have offended such a group of people or a person among them, they would never ambush you and try to hurt you. She prayed that whosoever was behind it should be caught because the person just toiled with another person's life and deserved to be punished. She remembered Eric and how he came to their rescue, she also remembered how she yelled at him and immediately she felt very
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Chapter 117
"Who asked you to do what you did?" The doctor questioned the nurse with rage.She shivered as she avoided the doctor's gaze. She regretted doing what she did and wished she didn't listen to Camilla.She prayed that the doctor wouldn't involve the police."I am asking you a question," the doctor barked which made her shiver."If you don't tell me who asked you to do this, be ready to be locked up in jail because I'm going to involve the police," the doctor said which made the nurse look up immediately."It's the lady looking after him. The lady who brought him to the hospital. She was the one that asked me to do it while she was away so that she would not be suspected," The nurse confessed, lying that Amanda was the one that asked her to do what she did just as Camilla had asked her to do."You mean Miss Amanda?" The doctor said and the nurse quickly nodded."Why do you think I would believe you?" The doctor asked her."I have the recording of everything. I did it should in case she r
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Chapter 118
"How dare you say such. Can't you see that someone's life is involved and are you in any way meant to handle this case because it clearly shows that you ain't in any way related to being a police or anything profession related to it," Camilla said in anger.Eric looked up at her and looked away, immediately he dragged Amanda out and started leaving."Guards, are you watching her leave? Go after her and do something. The mastermind of this is getting away just like that and y'all ain't doing any," Camilla said to them."I'm sorry, it's beyond our involvement now I hope you and the patient would understand," The doctor replied and started leaving.He knew he wouldn't dare get involved if his life and his hospital still mattered to him. Eric was way more powerful with much influence than even the president of the country and everyone knew that. As he left, he wondered why Camilla would dare slap Eric across the face when she knew who he was.He waved it off and concluded that she might b
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Chapter 119
Eric led Amanda back to the car. She didn't even struggle to pull him away or pull herself of his grip. She just obeyed.He opened the car door for her and led her in, he got in too, and drove off. He knew that the best place he could take her to was her apartment which he had been keeping a close watch on in case the culprit who had been behind everything that was happening showed up.He also hired people who clean the blood and the words written on the wall of her apartment. They had rearranged it and put a more secure lock before he left the previous day.Amanda couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the hospital, it was still like a shock to her. She couldn't believe that Gabriel believed Camilla's claim when he knew how she was. She was so disappointed in Gabriel and regretted thinking that he was someone she could rely on after he came over to this place.She would have stayed away from him, she said to herself as she blamed herself, if she had stayed away, maybe none of
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Chapter 120
Eric later left that night, promising the visit the next day after work. He told her not to be scared as he would leave some of its guards around her apartment to guard it and stop whosoever would try to scare her. Amanda thanked him and saw him off to his car.He reluctantly kissed her goodnight before going to his car. Amanda waved him goodbye before he started the car and drove off.She went back to her apartment feeling very excited. She jumped on the bed after having a cool shower thinking about what happened between them.She was still surprised at herself and kept on wondering what gave her such boldness to make the first move. Maybe it was because she could no longer hold it back or she needed comfort at that moment because of what happened but in return, she felt very happy that she had finally let out her feelings and in return, it was reciprocated.She laughed to herself feeling like a high school girl newly in love, she remembered the kiss and how he trailed his tongue on
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