All Chapters of Her Billionaire Single Dad: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
177 Chapters
Chapter 141
James went to Amanda's room to check up on her immediately after he got out of bed. He met her while still asleep in her room.She had woken up as the doctor stated but she was too weak to have a discussion with him which forced him to stay away and later retire to his room feeling sad. He hoped to talk with her the next day but she was still asleep.James decided not to go to school so he would stay with her at home. He went to the living room to sit and watch TV.Eric, who had walked down the stairs to get something from the kitchen, saw James sitting on a couch. He was still dressed in his pajamas and looked like he wasn't going to school.He headed towards his direction and came to stand in front of him after switching off the TV."You should be preparing for school, James," Eric said looking at him."Auntie Amanda is still not sound. I don't want to go to school, I want to look after her here at home," James said with a sad expression."James, I understand how you feel but she wi
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Chapter 142
Eric went to the club to meet Marcus after he rounded up what he was doing in the office. He followed the address sent by Marcus. He met Marcus waiting patiently at a table in the club for him.They exchanged pleasantries before he joined him."What took you so long Man?" Marcus asked him. Eric has stayed almost an hour instead of thirty minutes to show up."I had more documents to check out. I had to carefully scan through them in order to avoid making a mistake. My apologies," Eric said as he grabbed the wine bottle and helped himself."Okay, how is Amanda doing? I could remember you calling me last night to tell you about how she passed out when you guys got home," Marcus said as he remembered when Eric called him the previous night, informing him about what happened with Amanda.He was the one that gingered him to find out who was after Amanda's life in order to stop everything that was happening to her.Eric had agreed and decided to hire another secret agent, adding to the one h
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Chapter 143
Sophia sat lazily in the sitting room, attending to her nails while thinking of everything that happened in Eric's company. He had refused her to go in so they could meet. She laughed as she knew he can never avoid her forever because there is a child between the both of them.She knew she had betrayed him in the past and deserved any ill-treatment he would give her but at least she only requested an audience between them. She wasn't going to kill him or take James away. She laughed as she continued thinking about it, knowing that one day Eric would be forced to face her. She would make sure of that.She waved for a maid to come over and the maid did. "Prepare my bath. I want to have a bath in the next thirty minutes. Let's be warm. Add a lot of scented flowers and nerve calming antidotes okay?" She instructed."Yes ma'am!" The maid said and bowed before leaving to carry out Sophia's instruction.She looked at her beautiful milky skin and fine long legs which she adored so much. It
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Chapter 144
It was a bright beautiful morning. Eric decided to make it up to James for what happened between them by driving him to school.After James was done preparing for school, he walked into his room to meet him. He met him arranging his books into his backpack. On sighting Eric, James frowned. He was yet to forget what happened, he knew his dad was there to apologize but he chose to act like he didn't see him come inside."Good morning son!" Eric cheerfully called out as he strode to him with a charming smile plastered on his face. James looked away and pretended like he didn't hear Eric. He continued arranging the books into his backpack."Hey! I know you are still angry about what happened yesterday. I am here to apologize," Eric said, standing beside him while looking at him.James didn't look at him and still continued arranging the books, acting like he wasn't there with him."C'mon son, I am sorry. I apologize. Don't try to act so stubborn," Eric said to him and placed his hand on t
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Chapter 145
"Why are you here?" Eric asked, stopping her from saying whatever she wanted to say first."Eric, darling! Is it how you welcome your ex-wife?" Sophia asked and took his hand. Immediately a photographer who was sitting at another table inside the cafe secretly took a picture before Eric dragged his hand away."Know your boundaries, Sophia!" Eric barked at her."Seriously? When did we come to this? I only remember traveling out and now I am back and you are acting this cold towards me," Sophia said sarcastically with a grumpy look on her face."Oh shut up Sophia!" Eric barked in anger, not understanding why she was acting the way she was."Thirteen years Sophia, you left and never even came to check up on your own son. I don't have in mind that you never showed up because of shame. Yes, shame would not let you after everything you did. You gold digger!" Eric barked as much as he tried to control his temper."I did what I did for the safety of our son Eric. I was forced to do it because
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Chapter 146
After having breakfast with Amanda, Eric went to work early. They were going to have a company meeting concerning the contract preparation. He had decided to be very strict this time around to avoid mistakes.Anyone who messes with the contract documents this time around will receive his wrath. All the workers gathered in regard to the meeting including his secretary and his Assistant.He made sure there was no device to record their conversation and had the doors closed.He exchanged greetings with everyone before he cleared his throat and proceeded to state what the meeting they were having was all about."Once again this year, we have gotten another offer to join a competition regarding a huge contract which will elevate the success of this company, and with me here are the contract documents. Everything is included in it, all we have to do is to bring up our ideas and put them together to achieve something," he said and looked at everyone in the hall to make sure they were paying
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Chapter 147
Eric walked to the living room to check the news just as Marcus had said on the phone. He saw the picture of him and Sophia kissing and holding hands in the cafe on the screen. The News channel was reporting about him and his ex-wife being captured in a cafe together after many years of them being apart and his ex-wife being abroad.Eric got mad as he knew it was the work of Sophia. She had purposely done all she did in the cafe to make them become headlines again so people would think they never stopped seeing each other.He groaned and kicked a couch before he started heading upstairs to his room. On getting to his room, he picked up his cell phone and saw many notifications on his screen, they were all about him and Sophia which got him very annoyed.He threw the cell phone away and sat down to think of what to do. He wasn't smart and had been taken advantage of by Sophia again. He knew that no matter the amount of explanation he would give to the media, it would not clear everythi
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Chapter 148
Sophia happily celebrated her victory while watching the ongoing commotion of the reporters she had paid to escalate the the matter was creating. It left her feeling very happy and satisfied with it.She drank with David Anderson in the garden while they laughed and got lovey dovey with each other.Sophia couldn't stop applauding herself for a job well done as she felt that Eric deserved what she did to him. She wasn't done yet and would be doing more.She was particularly pissed with her knowing that he has another woman in his life, she would make sure she scatters their relationship which she feels shouldn't hold because Eric doesn't deserve to move on and forget about her easily. She still wants him on his knees, begging her to come back.She scoffed as she thought about how Amanda would be reacting to the news which was all over the place.She wondered how she was going to feel. She laughed as she thought about how sour their relationship would be now, and if the woman is the con
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Chapter 149
The next day, Amanda refused to talk to Eric. She didn't see any reason to do so because she was still feeling hurt by what she saw on the internet. The news had popped up on her phone on its own because anything concerning Eric was a global matter that reporters don't joke with.She had been surprised at first when she saw it. She had to open the link to the news. The pictures attached to it left her shattered, used, and broken. "How could Eric do such a thing to her? He was publicly seeing and kissing his ex-wife which the camera had captured. She wondered how long they had been seeing each other.She concluded he had been using her because of James who got close to him because of her. Amanda felt tears running down her eyes as she thought more about everything.She heard him knock yesterday at the door, calling out her name and asking her to open the door but she refused because she didn't see any reason why she should do so.She didn't want to see his face and listen to whatever
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Chapter 150
After the discussion with Harvey. Amanda went back home with a heavy heart. All through the journey home she thought about everything with confusion.She had always thought that Eric loved her not because she had mended his relationship with his son but because he got attracted to her personality but all was a lie. He was only pretending to like her just to mess her up and use her to keep his good relationship with James going because, without her, they might go back to how they used to be.She wiped off the tears running down her cheeks for the fifth time. She looked outside the window regretting why she had jumped into loving again after her relationship with Kelvin crashed.When she got home, she met James and Eric having dinner together. James stood up and rushed towards her when he sighted her."Aunty Amanda, you are back. I have been waiting for you," James said as he walked up to her."Oh, I am sorry for keeping you waiting. I had an important place to be," Amanda replied with
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