All Chapters of Her Billionaire Single Dad: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
177 Chapters
Chapter 71
Amanda followed James in with the thoughts of talking to him about who Gabriel was. On getting there, she found James in the arms of an aged woman, no one needed to tell her that she and the man sitting next to her were James' grandparents because of the clear resemblance on their faces."Auntie Amanda, meet my grandparents," James called out excitedly and stretched his hands towards Amanda, gesturing her to come over to the living room where he was sitting in the arms of his grandmother."Good day sir, Good day ma'am," Amanda greeted politely with a bow."Good day beautiful lady, I guess you are James' tutor, he mentioned you to us on phone someday," James' grandfather said."Yes sir, I am," Amanda replied with a smile."Thank you for everything, I have heard a lot about you from James, he doesn't stop singing praises of how good you are," James' grandmother added."It's nothing ma, I'm only trying my best to be a good tutor," Amanda replied with a smile avoiding their eyes."Auntie
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Chapter 72
Eric returned to the mansion and meet his parents with James. He met them in the living room with James and bowed, greeting them. He walked up to them and bowed id head, greeting them."Welcome back dad, how was your day?"James asked him with a smile on his lips."It was fine just like you, I hope you are having a nice time with your grandparents?" Eric asked James. He nodded happily and held onto his grandmother tight which made them chuckle."He is, he had been so excited when he met us at home. He doesn't want to skip having a blissful minute and had been all over us since afternoon. How was your day my son?" Eric's mom asked him."It was okay mom, I guess you guys came because I mentioned that James wants to come to visit. It's not fair, I do expect you guys to come to check up on me sometimes," Eric said with a sad expression on his face."We are sorry but we are the ones meant to be angry, you have never been bored to visit us since the last time James left and I can remember I
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Chapter 73
James happily prepared to leave with his grandparents. He informed Amanda over the phone about his travel with his grandparents. She showed how happy she was for him, tell him to be a good boy, and wished him a safe trip.He arranged his things into the available box that could contain his things with the help of Butler Derrick, he got ready to leave for his grandparents' house in the next city.He took his new gamepads and looked around the house one more time before leaving for Eric'a room to say Goodbye.He walked to Eric's bedroom so they can say their final goodbye to each other before he would leave with his grandparents."Good morning Dad, how was your night?" James asked as he walked in."My night was fine, how about yours?" Eric asked James and gestured for him to sit down.He happily did with a smile, he looked all over the room before focusing on Eric. "I will be missing you Dad, I hope you will call me every day," James said, making puppy eyes."Of course, I will," Eric s
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Chapter 74
Mr. Bryan and his wife prepared themselves this morning as the day that they would meet the underworld leader who they had booked a meeting with. They had another silly plan in mind to bring another person down who happened to be Mr. Brown, Eric's good friend.Unknown to them that the news about their crimes is already flying around.They took lots of cash and valuables and headed in the direction that was given to them."I kind of feel nervous honey," Mr. Bryan confessed in the car."Why?" his wife asked, she had always been the Mastermind behind all their evil acts and wasn't ready to stop soon."Because of the kind of person, I heard the underworld Lord is. He can be very crafty and understandable sometimes," Mr. Bryan said."Where did you get this source of information from?" Mrs. Bryan asked her."People that have sought help from him before. They confirmed it to me," Mr. Bryan explained."Don't panic, have you forgotten who I am and what I can do? I'm right here with you," Mrs.
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Chapter 75
Mrs. Bryan forced herself to swallow the whisky she just poured for herself.She tried not to be scared because she had always been the strong one among them."We are finished," she cried out when she couldn't hold it anymore and slumped on the floor. She heard everything that Mr. Macmillan had said to her husband, she looked at him and saw he was also lost in thought with fear evident on his face."What should we do honey? What should we do?" She asked him."It's only the green press that is pulling out, don't worry, we still have other investors," Mr. Bryan assured his wife."I'm scared because I know that whenever an investor loses interest, it doesn't take long before others do too," his wife replied."As I said, don't worry too much, I will call my assistant to do everything possible to fix it okay?" He said to his wife and made to stand up before another call came in again."This is Smith from the Automobile companies, we are sorry to announce that we are withdrawing from your c
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Chapter 76
"Okay, we will go but you have to reach some government officials who can help and it would take a while," Mrs. Bryan said."Like how long?" Mr. Bryan asked."An hour or two," Mrs. Bryan replied and picked up her phone."That's a long time, remember the media head said a new video will be released soon," Mr. Bryan said in a panic state."I think it has already been released. We are finished, this is the height of it. He is digging deeper and releasing more deadly and dirty videos of our deeds. Come and see," Mrs. Bryan said and played the video.***CONTENT OF THE VIDEO**His celebrity girlfriend opened the door after some men in Black hoods knocked on the door."How may I help you? She asked, feeling a bit uneasy."You are being summoned by our Boss Mr. Bryan, you are asked to follow us," the man replied."Are you insane? Why would you come here trying to command me," his girlfriend replied?"If you don't want to be taken by force, kindly follow us," the guy replied."You ain't serio
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Chapter 77
Amanda went to Mrs. Robinson's apartment to pick her up because of the appointment she had booked with a specialist doctor on her behalf. They are going to check if her condition can be cured as suggested by Gabriel.She met Bella and Nina alone at home, and on seeing her, they ran to embrace her. She embraced them back before kissing each of them on the forehead."Where is your mom?" Amanda asked Nina, licking her lips."She is out, she went to get some foodstuff as they are on break for now," Nina replied with a smile."Alright, I'm going out with Bella. To the hospital precisely. Will you come along?" Amanda asked Nina with narrowed eyes."Sure, I'm going to come along. I have to put on something good just like Bella. Can you wait for a little?" Nina said and took Bella's hand. She dragged her towards her room which she followed. "Alright, I will be waiting," Amanda said after them. She sat down and started scrolling through her phone. She saw some pictures of James and the girls
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Chapter 78
Eric walked out of the city hospital with Marcus by his side. His stomach growled and then, he remembered he hadn't eaten anything that day.He told Marcus he would like to eat a the restaurant near the hospital and Marcus went back inside the hospital.A waiter approached him and greeted him calmly, and Eric occupied the vacant seat in the restaurant.He passed him the menu which he flipped through before settling for what he needed. The waiter left after he had made his choice leaving him all alone again."Should I call her and ask what she's doing in the hospital?" He asked himself as he was very restless over Amanda. He thought about Amanda's health. She didn't look sick but she might still not be healthy because that would be the only reason she would show up at the hospital except if one of the girls he saw her with was sick. He sighed and grabbed his phone.He started scrolling through his contacts and stopped when he saw Amanda's cell phone number, he was about to call her bu
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Chapter 79
"That's enough," Mrs. Bryan thundered, cutting him short. She didn't stop the car or say anything to him."Do you think I'm kidding?" Mr. Bryan asked and grabbed her shirt from the back seat."Are you crazy?" Mrs. Bryan yelled with anger and suddenly stopped the car in the middle of the road, the road was less busy so it didn't create any havoc.She glared at him with burning eyes, and he winced with fear before letting her go, she was always looking so scary when she was angry.She started the car and drove to a corner."Let me out, I don't care about your explanation anymore, I should go to the club with you using another car, I don't mind boarding a cab, the air in here is so stuffy that I might choke to death," Mr. Bryan said and tried to open the door."Not yet until you explain why the air here is choking you to death. Stop behaving like you didn't support me that day or have never been supporting me all this while" Mrs. Bryan fired, her gaze fierce with anger."I only did becau
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Chapter 80
Amanda woke up with a slight headache. She smiled as she remembered what happened yesterday with the girls. They had a lot of fun and also went out.It was a fun-filled day for them which made her feel so glad. She got up humming a popular song, she walked into the bathroom to have a quick shower before coming out. She put on a light dress and walked to the backyard to arrange her things and do some cleanups."Amanda," a familiar voice called from the living room."Oh, my God! Gabriel!" she screamed on recognizing the voice and went back in.Gabriel embraced her in a warm hug which she reciprocated and he tightened it."Easy on me dude," she said with laughter as she held him back with a clear conscience."I have missed you so much," Gabriel confessed and buried his head on Amanda's shoulder inhaling her wonderful scent."I'm sorry for not coming to visit you, I have been occupied," Amanda apologized as they broke out of the hug"It is okay babe, I understand. Are the girls around? Ga
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