All Chapters of Losing My Siren Luna: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
163 Chapters
earlier….Elelira POVMy heart was hammering in my chest as one of my uncle’s men carried me over his shoulder. He kept me flung over his lap while riding on the back of the horse, but now he is in Lycan form. The pig tried to get hands with me over and over again, but I wouldn’t have it. Every time his hands touched or squeezed a part of my body, I would elbow him in the gut, slap him, and one time, I even managed to get my fist down on his crotch. He reared back to hit me with that last one, but my uncle ordered him to stand down and focus on their retreat if he didn’t want to get them all killed.Cherum and the other warriors were gaining on them while they were riding on the horses. One of my uncle’s scouts rode a short distance behind to keep watch, and he was sending reports to my uncle. Eventually, my uncle commanded the shift. When asked by another warrior, my uncle said that his scout was already sprinting to catch up, but by the look on his face, I could tell the scout was
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“Another attempt and I will end you,” I hissed in his ear, tightening my grip to hear him choke. “WHERE ARE THEY?!” I demanded.He is flailing in my chokehold. His nails are digging into my arm, struggling for freedom and to suck in a breath of air. I loosen my hold just enough so he can speak. “Lord Tenebris,” he chokes. “The north.”I have no clue who this lord is. If he is the one in charge of demons, I can only guess how monstrous of a Lord he might be. “Are they alive?” I seethed. “Tell me the truth. Are my Beta and friend alive?”“YES!” he gasped, drool gathering and foaming at the corners of his mouth. I squeeze tighter, just for the thrill of cutting off his airway and watching him struggle. He didn’t mention any of the other men that accompanied Beretta and Nilo. That must mean that they are all dead. And he not only knew of those events, he had to have had a hand in them. “That attack. Did you orchestrate that to get my mate to leave with his army for the border?” I aske
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Beretta POVThis is stupid. It's like we are all just waiting around in the lobby of some demon inn to die after working so hard to escape. We didn't work so hard to get here for nothing. I'm not turning back now.What the hell is going on?“Who is that girl?” Irrita stared up at Nilo’s Lycan. He just shakes his head, not knowing. What girl? I slowly slink up next to them to see who they are talking about. The stench of the demons and the general smell of the decaying world outside makes me want to gag. This is hell. We have been taken to literal hell. My eyes scanned outside searching for something or someone that seemed out of place in this hell, so I could figure out who they were talking about. Then, my chest vibrates with violent hatred.Irrita, Cecilia and Nilo looked at me in confusion. I had to shift back to tell them who she really was.“Angelina,” I sneered. “That’s Angelina. Alpha Wayne’s daughter.”The girl is older now, but I recognized her right away. She was the only w
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Lachlan POVWhen we got to the place where Percy and the rest of the hunting party were waiting to receive further instructions, I was mortified to see the damage my mate had done. Mortified and impressed.I knew she was strong, stronger than most, but she alone took out a dozen experienced and bulking warriors. All on her own. The carnage was unimaginable. Killian was oddly proud, but still a bit disturbed that she could handle this level of fighting without any help. Cherum's Lycan looked sick, coughing and gagging as we passed the worst of it. “She saved herself,” Percy said as Cherum, King Brennus, Cedric and I came to a cropping of large rocks. "She told us not to follow her and that she saved herself."The other warriors that traveled with us spread out to join the search for all the severed body parts and to see if there were any more traces of her scent. The gore was littered everywhere and Cherum ordered her guard to be sure that she wasn’t missing a limb or so much as a to
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Elelira POV“Oh, really? Then what, pray tell, have you come here for?” The dark fairy was gazing down at me with sinister superiority. He did have the upper hand, but I had a plan. Val and I were discussing how to get Nilo and Beretta out of here, speaking about how we could use the magic still inside us to win this, even though the situation was not in our favor. We came up with one way, and it was something we never could have considered in the past. Something so grotesque and shameless that even suggesting it would have sent me into a panic before. I just need him to take the bait. If I can get him alone after I guarantee my loved ones’ safe passage to the south, I could finish this, and there will be no need for endless bloodshed. “I have come to trade myself for the prisoners you took from my pack,” I stated boldly. “I wish to give you my life for theirs, as long as you allow them to return home unharmed.”A vicious snarl ripped through a mind link that I recognized coming
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Nilo POV“We have to stop her!” Beretta was hissing at me. “Do you know what he will do to her? Do you have any fucking idea what these monsters do to women?”I knew. I knew that too damn well. I wish I could do something, anything to stop her, but I feel helpless right now.Irrita used her magic to hide our voices, but the strain on her was growing. I could tell the energy was draining from her face. She may be free from the restraints, but there is no telling how long she and these other women were oppressed. They won't have the reserves of energy like a fit warrior would.The other women were holding Beretta back from revealing our location. When the Luna said she was here to trade her life for ours, I reacted the same way. The command Ela gave and my fear for my mate's safety were the only things keeping me from acting right now. When I saw Ela move to cut the throat of her own uncle, my blood ran cold. She is my Luna. I should be out there protecting her from the vile stares of
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Jack POVThe sky was growing dark. Night was coming. The anticipation for the battle to come was now painful. It was festering. The anxiety it left in my chest was like an infection that I couldn’t cure. Even if I had a lick of alcohol, it wouldn’t help this feeling to go away.That, coupled with the fact I still had no idea if Beretta was alive or dead, made this entirely unbearable. I wanted to attack first. I wanted to draw first blood, and tear through any and everyone blocking my path to save that maddening woman. I knew why I couldn't. I knew I would never make it through the demons alive. All I would be doing is risking every life here. It didn’t make it any easier to just sit around and wait. “Gamma!” A group of freshly shifted men came running towards where the Gamma and I were sitting, staring at the growing dark army while discussing our plan of attack for our men when the time came. “Gamma!”“Percy?” Gamma Meldec stood up, looking curiously at the men that were left beh
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King Brennus POVEverything happened so fast. I was already feeling weak because of draining as much of my magic into the necklace as I could. It was not just my daughter I needed to save anymore. It was all of them. My daughter, son-in-law….and their child. I wouldn’t let all the sacrifices her mother and I made be in vain. With the bond connecting them, I prayed that the magic would flow through that and keep her safe, while also protecting the one that will protect her and my grandchild in my coming absence. When my mate told me before we reset the fabrics of time once again that his happiness was hers, I didn't understand what she meant. I thought that just Elelira being alive and safe was all that mattered. Then, she ran away, joining the pirates, and though she was fierce and found her inner strength, I could see that it only made her bitter. Not happy.Her happiness didn't come until she finally forgave and accepted her mate. Now, he was dead, and everything was coming full
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Elelira POVMy soul was torn. My heart felt like it hadn't beat since the moment we felt the pain of his death. Val was howling and roaring furiously as we tore through the rugged terrain to get to the place we sensed he was. Something was pulling forward, whether it be desperation or insanity, or maybe some lingering trace of our dying bond, our body just knew where he was. He can’t be dead. There was no way he would die just like that after all we had been through. After everything we overcame to finally be together, I can’t accept that it was all ending just like this. I could sense others behind me, but Val wouldn’t slow down for anyone. She was maddened with her desperate need to see our mate. To see with our own eyes that this was truly the end. As we raced forward, I suddenly felt another tear in my heart that had Val roaring loudly with the pain. I’m choking with the dread of finding out what it was from. My world was collapsing, and we could do nothing but run towards th
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Elelira POVLife after the brief but impactful war was much different than our lives before. So much had changed. When the rest of our warriors saw that Lachlan had survived and I was also alive and well after running into literal hell, the celebration lasted weeks. Percy chewed me out, as did the rest of my guard, but they soon turned to rejoicing at our return from certain death. Our pack was celebrating, but our hearts were not in it.My father’s body was taken back to the sea by Cedric and Lillian after I was finally able to let him go. It took me days to accept that he was gone. I had been hoping that some magic was left in his body and could save him from death, and everyone allowed me to live in the fantasy until I came to terms with him truly being gone. He was to be laid to rest deep in the ocean, at the place where all the siren kings and queens were buried. I wasn’t aware, and neither was Lachlan, but when my father and Lillian had stormed into my uncle’s pack the day bef
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