All Chapters of His Contract Wife : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
180 Chapters
131: Adult poker
Leila would not stop smiling. She laughed at everything her husband said even if it wasn’t funny. Nothing and no one could steal her joy.  Sprawled on the bed, she moaned into the pillow when Kelvin’s hand sneaked into her gown. He teased her panties, shifting it to the side without touching her woman parts. Somewhere along the line, he had moved the table to the end of the bed so they could lie on their stomach and watch the movie together. Her attention strayed from the movie, a story about two young adults in a forbidden relationship. It was an adaption of the book: To Seduce My Stepbrother. She read the book once but she hadn’t seen the movie. If Kelvin wasn’t such a distraction, she would have been able to pay more attention to the relationship between the stepsiblings.Kelvin’s breath fanned her ear. His gaze stayed on her for a long minute but she didn’t look at him. “Are you really watching the movie,
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132: Very lovely
Kelvin returned to his wife as his mother was leaving her. He was on alert immediately. Leila smiled when he arrived. He placed a hand on her lower back, guiding her up the stairs into the house. She didn’t look sad or upset. That could only mean one thing. “What did my mum say?” “She invited us for dinner,” Leila replied. She shifted the basket to her other arm and took his hand. They started the walk to their room. “She was nice today.” And on other days, she could be nice too. But for some silly reasons, she was rude to only Leila. He wouldn’t let it pass till she changed. “Do you want us to go?” Leila paused on the first stair. “Yeah. Do you?” They were inside their room when he finally said, “I don’t know. I don’t trust her not to pull any stunts.” “Let’s just give her the benefits
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133: Let him rest
Breakfast in a big home took more than twenty minutes. Leila learned it the hard way. Cooking with the maids was a fun experience. By the third day, she had become a familiar face in the kitchen. Everyone of the workers had only good things to say about Kelvin. They enjoyed working with the McKenna family and would do so for the rest of their lives if they had a choice. The knowledge eased some of the doubts in her mind about her mother-in-law. They weren’t close yet but they got along. Kelvin’s mother had not made any snarky remarks and Leila was going to take their budding friendship to the next level by cooking today’s breakfast without the maid’s assistance. Leila entered the kitchen with a big smile. Agnes, the chief cook, welcomed her with a hug. The elderly woman was like the matron of the kitchen. Everyone came to her for advice or instructions. She switched off the cooker and turned to Leila. “You look hap
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134: Honest mistake
Leila was not allowed into the room even after the doctor came. Her attempts to enter was foiled by the two men at the door. They didn’t look when she cried or yelled. Everything she tried to tell them was in vain. When Mrs McKenna walked out with the doctor, a small smile on her lips, a burst of hope spread through Leila. She waited till the doctor was gone, then followed behind her mother-in-law to her room. Her father-in-law had not shown up, she didn’t know if he was in the house. He would have been kinder and let her in.  “Please, I want to see Kev.” Her voice trembled. The fight in her was gone and she would do whatever was necessary to see her husband. Mrs McKenna unhooked her necklace and placed it on the table in her room. She removed the rest of her jewellery like Leila wasn’t in the room. After a few more steps towards her, Leila tried again. “Please. I want to see my baby.”“Your baby?&rdquo
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135: Hey, parents
Leila didn’t leave her husband’s side after feeding him the noodles. The guards were missing when she woke in the morning to prepare his breakfast. Kelvin insisted he would only eat what she cooked. His parents were yet to show up and she was hoping they did while she was in the kitchen so they wouldn’t bump into her. Her mother-in-law’s plan to kick her out of their house wasn’t working. She would leave with her husband when he was feeling better. She snuck into the kitchen earlier than usual to avoid the awkwardness of last night. Yesterday when she had requested to make dinner for her and her husband, Agnes and the other maids looked ready to run out of the kitchen.Now, Agnes was the only person in the kitchen. Leila greeted her without expecting a response but Agnes surprised her with a small smile. Agnes was quiet as Leila brought out ingredients to make pancakes. While Agnes prepared food for the family, Leila mad
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136: We are leaving
They stayed like that for a while until Kelvin’s phone rang. Amara. “I have to take this outside,” he told his wife. Having been stuck in the room for a full day, he needed to clear his head and speak to his mother where Leila had no chance of listening.“Are you sure you don’t want to do it here? I won’t eavesdrop,” Leila said. She followed behind him like he was a kid and he was reminded of their first time in the house when he washed and broke a plate. “Kev?” Keeping the door open with one leg, he said, “It’s fine, baby. Just relax, okay? You can start packing up.” Leila gasped. She covered her mouth to hide her excitement but Kelvin knew she was happy with his words. How did he miss it? He genuinely thought she and his mother had put aside their differences. His wife had done her best, joining the maids to cook and do the dishes before his mother requested it of
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137: Better late than never
“I don’t think I did the right thing by asking us to leave,” Leila said into the phone. Her best friend was on the other end. Kelvin was still sulking. He might be pretending to be okay but she knew he wasn’t. By not talking to his mother, it had affected his relationship with his father. “We should have waited for a bit.”  “Girl!” Freya screamed as if talking normally would have opposite effect. “You saved your husband’s life.”Tucking the phone between her shoulder and ear, Leila arranged the makeup brushes on the dresser. Kelvin’s words came back to her. She knew he was right; she had to stop worrying.“She wouldn’t have really hurt him.” “Maybe.” Her lips parted as she took in her mirror image. Her cheeks were fuller and her breasts heavier. Kelvin mentioned it once that she had added in the right places. Freya’s voice dragged her ou
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138: One year anniversary
Leila was all smiles as she drove her parents home. Her mother had been unable to counter her when she made the offer again. Kelvin had backed her up by saying it was the only way he could make it up to them by being late. Kelvin stretched a hand to her and she took it. She had volunteered to drive because she knew how tired he must be. Her parents were at the backseat making conversations and giving her directions. A peek at Kelvin and she smiled again. His eyes were closed and his head was resting on the headrest. She cut into the corner her father asked her to. This life was crazy. They were living in the same city yet they hadn’t stumbled on each other. She drove down an unfamiliar path and took another turn by her left.At her father’s instructions, she parked in front of one of the similar looking houses. She tapped Kelvin and his eyes opened. He stared at her for a bit, then smiled. He looked tired. They wouldn’t stay long.&n
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139: And every other day
In the morning, Kelvin was the first to wake up. He snuck out of the bed to use the bathroom. When he returned to the room, Leila was awake. She stretched her hand to him and he grabbed it with a smile bigger than anything. “You slept well?” he whispered against her lips. Leila patted the mess on her head and he tickled her till she giggled. Hovering above her, his knee between her legs, he kissed her nose. “I did, baby,” she replied. “Did you?” “Yeah.” Switching positions so she could be on his lap, he loosened her rope and tugged the strap of her gown down her shoulders. Her breasts were bigger and fuller. His finger circled one hard nipple. Leila purred.“Your boobs are bigger,” he commented. Cupping her boobs, she added, “They feel heavy too.”Kelvin said nothing to that. Her boobs always got bigger during her period
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140: Fuck you, Leila
The car was deathly still. Leila was trying to keep the laughter in but it became harder. She turned on the radio and Kelvin switched it off, grumbling under his breath.Unable to hold it in any longer, she erupted in laughter. “Fuck you, Leila,” was all he said. Leila laughed harder. She didn’t reply him till they were at a traffic light. “Yes, Kev. I want you to fuck me but as you can see, I’m driving. I wouldn’t want us to get killed. I don’t want to give you another reason to scream.” “Shut up!” At his outburst, more laughter trickled out of her lips. She wiped the tears that leaked out of the corners of her eyes. She had always thought nothing scared Kelvin but today, hearing him scream in fear during the zombies attack had proved her wrong. “I hate that game.” “Really?” Kelvin stared at his feet. “Yeah. Didn’t enjoy it much.
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