All Chapters of Revenge of The Broken Luna: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
140 Chapters
Ten Years After
(Ten Years After)**Scott's POV** Red Candles were not my favorite things, no matter how sexual appealing it appears. The room was filled heavily with the scent from the incensed candles, herbs I couldn't mention, and a silent muttered word now and then. I was starting to lose my patience about the whole procession as it had been going on for hours. The Shaman or whatever the council had called him was more spooky than anything I had ever seen.His entire appearance brought a kind of atmosphere I was not so used to calling it chills, call it fear. It was something I was not definitely used to, but at the same time something I couldn't avoid doing. At the sound of silence filled the entire hall anticipating the words from the Shaman. I wasn't one so keen on metaphysics, and so I had not looked forward to having the Shaman around my cottage.The brief moment before the Shaman spoke was filled with silence. I could hear each one's heart as we all anticipated what he had to say, in
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Is my child alive?
The sprinting wind whistles a theme of natural lullaby as it glides the sky in sheer beauty.It was the same wind that had kissed the soul of pollen, the same wind that caressed the sky with its music drifting afar off. It was the same wind that was intimate with the green colored grasses and the brown carpet of sands.Furthermore, it was the same wind that had in its voice Scott's whispers. Besides, it circled a certain cabin, far away from where it had originated from. There she laid on the deeply unconscious, a certain woman who had been changed by time yet in a way untouched by it.He walked by the stranger again, checking for her pulse and muttering to himself. He had been doing this routinely now and then, he had been checking this same woman's pulse and had almost lost hope of her living.The woman was breathing on her own quite alright, but she appeared to be in a kind of deep sleep. He had wondered how her eyes looked, as mere looking at her face drove him into many fantasie
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your alive
ARIA'S POVMy stomach dipped as an unfamiliar wave of anxiety traveled down my veins. It made my mind vulnerable. Vulnerable to whatever I was thinking at that point. I could feel the wind brushing my skin as I anticipated an answer, I could feel it sinking into my pores like it was a part of me to become one with my flesh.However, with all these feelings came something uncertain as well, it was as though it evoked a type of uncertainty. A fear that all the questions and worries I had was soon to be answered.When he spoke I thought he had the answers to my questions, but he didn't.“Tell me everything that happened, how did you end up at the end of the cliff half dead and with a child ?” He asked.I sighed at his question, it was obvious he needed an answer as I could see the desire to know everything in his eyes.“Where do I start from ?” I asked myself, wondering if I were to start the question from the point that Scott had taken my virginity or the moment I found out I was wit
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who are you?
ARIA'S POVLights wound around the wooden slats of the window, and it did it in a way that screamed art, outside I could feel the rain drizzle. The same rain that drizzled the night he was formed deep in my womb, then he had been nothing more than racing spermatozoa but now here he was standing right before myself, a person forged out of me.His gaze came back up, acknowledging my face finally, and we looked at each other for a moment that felt like an eternity. I could feel his grip slipped down shoulders to my back, I guess he feared losing me too as the smooth – softer pads of his fingertips brushed my soft ones, and making our heart skip a beat.Yeah,” I could feel everything in just that long hug. I breathed in how long he must have waited by my bed side, hoping his mother would be awake. I could breathe in the fears he must have felt. His grip on me wasn't so hard, but it was heavy and immovable by his conscious actions. It felt as though he was compelled to do this : hold
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I'm a walking bad luck
**Writer's POV**He had the look she had expected in his face, a mixture of shock and amusement. She was certain he would be worried how soon it had taken her to react that harshly toward him, considering the fact he had taken care of her over the last ten years.“I know you are a werewolf to start with” she started speaking hoping he would understand why she had started that crude. “I know you are just not any type either, not an Omega, definitely you look too strong to be one.” she said as she ran her eyes over his manly figure.“Where are all these questions coming from ?” He asked before turning the meat he was grilling.She had expected him to be angry, or maybe she had been expecting to sense some kind of tension in his voice, but here he was all cool about the whole situation. His voice was soothing as a warm spring. It made her heart ache. Aria stood before him in her long gown, the wind breezed and caught the end of the gown, letting it glide gradually to the direction of
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Quest for vengeance
**ARIA'S POV**I slowly took my seat on a chair and my mind went to how different Tristan and Scott are, there's so much difference between the two of them.Tristan was kind enough to save a stranger whom he knows nothing about, but Scott will never do that.My blood boiled with rage at the thought of the time I've wasted with Scott those years ago. It's my bad luck that I was attracted to a man like Scott. Had I had someone like Tristan as my mate, then I'm sure none of this would have happened, he wouldn't have betrayed me like Scott did.Tristan is so different from him and I can see that clearly.Scott used me, that was the only reason he was with me those time, he used me, and then he betrayed me, he betrayed the love we shared.Once again, the whole incident flashed through my mind and a lone tear slipped down my cheek.I want to avoid crying because of this, but no matter how long it's been, I can never forget the pain.I don't think I'll ever get over the pain of Scott's betr
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Tristan care
ARIA'S POVI woke to the loud chirping of the birds, I turned over to see my son still sleeping soundly.A bright smile spreads across my face, I lean forward to place a kiss on his forehead.“Good morning, honey,” I whispered before placing a kiss on his forehead, being careful not to wake him up.I slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower and soon, I came out fully dressed. I was surprised to still see my son sleeping, he must have been truly exhausted from yesterday.Not only that, but I went out of my room and made my way downstairs, the aroma of something delicious hit my nose hard, and I smiled knowingly.“Tristan is at it again,”I went to the kitchen and I stood at the doorway, I watched as Tristan did what he did with so much ease and grace, he looks so good with the apron tied around his waist, his sleeves were rolled up, giving a good view of his muscular arm.No doubt he was a handsome man.“Hey, you're up,” Tristan said, jolting me out of my thoug
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Tristan's fatherly love
**ARIA'S POV**Weeks has gone by, and there are a lot of things I've learned.Where I was the outskirt of Mystic shadow pack where Scott and his wife, along with their people, couldn't find me.Tristan has explained to me that it was important for me to be kept safe, as the people were still on the hunt for my body.Although I find this funny, so many years have gone by, yet Scott is still searching for my body.Tristan made me to understand that some people never believed that I ran away, while some believed I'm dead. Either ways, I feel so relieved that Tristan saved my life.I was surprised by the words the women of the pack told me, how Tristan was constantly shuffling between caring for I and my son.“Mother,” I heard a Boy's voice, which jolted me out of my thoughts.“You're out here alone,” He said as he took a sit beside me.I smiled at him, his whole body was stained with mud, he's been out playing with the other kids at the pack.“Where's father?” He asked.I furrowed my bro
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Heart of a Luna
ARIA POV I was mulling over a bath and thinking about how everything had changed.Here I was still trying to adjust to everything, my son made her feel loved. He had told me how he sat by her bed every time when I was still in coma.It felt so sweet hearing him say it, the day to day he spent by bedside. In the endless night, he whispered prayers to the moon goddess.He told me about everything he went through each day. I padded out of the bathroom, leaving a pool of water by my feet where I stood. As I tried on the cloth Tristan had bought as a gift, I turned in front of the mirror at the look befitting of a queen. It was funny that in a way he had gotten my size just right. The room door rattled under a familiar knock. “Come in.” I said as I styled my hair, I turned round to find my Son who had a look of surprise on the face.“It looks good, right?” I said as turned round again.“You look different, you look beautiful.”“Well, that is a nice thing to say to a lady.”I patted his
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ARIA'S POVTruthfully, the last few days of my life had been the most fun I would have to admit to myself if not everyone else. Despite that, the best moments of my days were the ones I spent in my son.We took long walks down the Alley and out into open streets, with him waving at passerby, who smiled back at him. I noticed treated him with respect, even at that young age, he walked in the way someone born to be an Alpha would.He carried him self attractively with little hints of pride, but in overalls he was a very likeable child.Today we had started our long walk just before afterglow, we had walked around the oaks trees that marked where Tristan transition every full moon.My boy told me he had watched him transitioned a few times while peeking out of the window.He asked me how it felt, and I explained to him in details, knowing full well he won't be getting his wolf until a couple of years.“What is a lycan, mom?” he suddenly asked.He appeared to be in his inquisitive best t
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