All Chapters of The Cursed Alpha Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
183 Chapters
Irene's P.O.VI was at a loss for words to say, wondering what could be wrong with Xavier as he fell on me. What took me by surprise was his body temperature which was surprisingly so hot.Was he sick all along? Was he the one who flashed light right on my face? What could have caused him to faint like that and why the hell was his temperature so hot that it looked like he could bake thousands of bread at that rate? Different thoughts raced through my head as I slowly hit him on the cheek, whispering for him to stand his feet.I knew that I should be screaming at the moment but Kourtney finding me with her man in the middle of the night would be like inviting trouble to one's self with one's hands. "This is sick" I hissed as my face contorted in a frown while running my hands through my hair frustratedly. With all the thoughts that ran through my head, I had no idea about what to do with Xavier because abandoning him in the kitchen wasn't right in any way.If only I hadn't come to t
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Xavier's P.O.VEven though it was all dark and I couldn't see her face properly, her eyes gleamed in the darkness and shone like all the rarest of the stars were gathered inside her eyes. I lifted my hand and brushed my hands through her face as she attempted to say a word but I brushed my fingers through her lips before expelling out a sigh and tugging my hands down my pockets."We would surely go to Scotland tomorrow and maybe you should go to bed now, I don't want to bother you about anything," I said while she slowly removed my hands that were hung on her shoulders.She switched on the light and kept her gaze fixed on me before proceeding to talk. She stood before me and even though she wasn't saying a word at the moment, I could see how hard she was trying to talk to me.She heaved out a sigh and tugged the strands of hair that fell on her face behind her ear. Silence pervaded between us and that was the only thing that I wanted! I just wanted everything to be calm, peaceful, and
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Irene's P.O.VI almost jumped out of the bed in fright when I heard the loud bang on the door. My eyes twitched as I rubbed my hands through my eyes while trying to process where I was at the moment. The loud bang on the door didn't stop and it sounded more like something was being used to hit the door. I shook my head, swiveling my gaze around the room as I sat upright on the bed.Different thoughts raced through my mind as I wondered who could be in the room at the moment. I stood to my feet, ran my hands through my hair until my eyes landed on the wall-clock."Shit!" I cussed as my eyes almost popped out of my socket. I averted my gaze from the wall-clock back to the alarm that I had set after I saw Xavier off to his room at midnight."Irene, are you deaf? Don't you know that it's time to go now? How many times do you want me to knock and remind you about the trip? What in the world is even wrong with you" I heard Damian scream from the outside and it sounded more like he had resor
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Irene's P.O.VA silence that made me uncomfortable and made my stomach tie a knot formed between the three of usas I was resisting all the urge to not fiddle my hands before Xavier. All of a sudden, I was taken aback when I felt someone, brushing his fingers on my hair while patting me on the head slowly.I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me who it was because I knew that it was no one other than Xavier. I pursed my lips slightly as I was hit by a sudden wave of nervousness that made my stomach churn. I had no idea why it felt like I was about to fall on my knees to the ground but what I knew was that the way Xavier patted me on the head was damn good."Raise your head" I heard Xavier say as I raised my head and fixed my gaze on him. I was totally at a loss for words to say because of the way his emerald eyes pierced into mine.I felt butterflies flying in my stomach as I gulped on my spittle and forced out a smile that faltered quickly.Slowly, all the excitement building inside of
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Xavier's P.O.VMe being at a loss for words to say was an understatement because I wasn't only annoyed but I was completely livid as I fixed my gaze on the passport that was shredded into pieces. I kept the passport in a safe and how it got out of that safe was something that I couldn't decipher.Kourtney came out of the bathroom wearing a robe with a towel wrapped on her hair. Her face was devoid of any emotions as she sat down and removed the towel around her hair. I was boiling inside of me at the moment and the only thing I wanted to do was to break and shred someone's bones into pieces.She took her gaze off me and attempted to use the hair dryer when she suddenly dropped the hair dryer and glanced toward the door. Anger was evident on her face as she shook her head irritatingly with her face scrunched up."You lousy maid, what are you doing there? Don't you have any chores or don't you have anything reasonable to do other than wandering around the house" Kourtney yelled as her e
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Irene's P.O.VTears welled up in my eyes as I tried to arrange my passport back into a whole one. My sight was blurry and the only thing I held towards Kourtney was nothing but hate and I wished that all the bad things in the world would happen to her. The gum on my hands dried up, making it difficult for me to put the pieces together.I hated my life and I hated every fucking thing about me and most especially, I blamed the universe for my bad luck because whenever I tried to make progress, everything somehow turns against me.The tears that were threatening to fall, dropped on my passport and the only thing I wanted to do was scream and cry out my lungs. Why was the world so unfair to me? Why did everyone hate me and why did I have to be born into such a useless family! If I hadn't been born into a family like that, then I would have never been used in exchange for a debt. I would have never met Xavier and I would have never gotten entangled in this mess!I might have loved my mom w
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Xavier's P.O.VNever in my life have I seen someone as excited as Irene. She walked closely behind me and even though my gaze wasn't fixed on her, I could hear how she would chatter to herself most of the time, she would stay rooted to her track, admiring the beautiful decorations.Whenever I looked behind me to see who was making so much noise, she would pause and smile awkwardly to herself while increasing the pace at which she walked. She was pulling a lot of bags behind her and somehow, I didn't seem to really care about it because I was actually bothered about something else.Damian broke my train of thoughts by connecting with me through the mind-link. I turned to look at him, wondering what would cause him to not talk.“If you talk and communicate with me instead of using the mind-link the whole time, would the heavens fall or would it add or remove anything from your age?” I asked with a glare on my face.He shook his head and rubbed his fingers under his nostril while I rolle
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Xavier's P.O.VDamian stretched, yawning out loud as he ran his hands through his hair.”The only place that we haven't checked yet is the boutique and I doubt that Irene would be there because she doesn't come across to me as someone who loves material things” Damian said while I nodded in agreement to his words.“You are right! There's nothing Irene would be doing there at the moment!” I said but deep inside of me, a voice kept yelling for me to first check out the boutique before jumping to conclusions. Another part of me stood its ground about Irene not being there at the moment and the more I thought about it, the more I concluded that there was no way Irene was there.Damian heaved out multiple sighs as his chest rose and fell steadily. He ran his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time as he searched his eyes around the hotel. He was panting for air like a jackal as he squeezed his eyes shut and placed a hand on his chest.“But, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't check. A
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Rosa’s P.O.VI swirled in my pink puffy gown, turning around till I found myself spinning around the room. When I was walking closely behind Xavier the other time, I was pushing the luggage and accessing the whole building with my eyes when I caught sight of the pink fluffy dress.It was as if I was bewitched and at that moment, I didn't care about anything else other than the dress which sparkled as if it was surrounded by the whole galaxy. I was enchanted and its beauty was something that I was unable to pull away from.My heart juddered in my chest and as if I was cast under a spell, I couldn't believe that I used the money that I intended on using whenever I arrived in Scotland. I bought the dress for a ridiculous price although it was worth it in the end.Different thoughts raced through my mind when I was making payments to the cashier. A voice kept reminding me about how I was about to make the saddest decision of my life because I was surely going to regret it while another pa
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Rosa’s P.O.VI was totally at a loss for words to say as I stared at the shopping bags in her hands. As much as my heart was leaping for joy inside of me, I couldn't help but to feel sad because a part of me hated him and another part of him was still something that I was trying so hard to understand. Different thoughts raced through my mind as I placed my hands on my waist, clicking my tongue in my mouth.I took a deep breath and hesitated collecting the shopping bags from her because never in my wildest dream did I ever imagine that Xavier would actually buy things for me. His gesture made me recollect how he rubbished my previous dresses as being garbaged and he vowed to get new ones from me when we get to Scotland. Maybe this was what he meant by him getting me new clothes. Maybe I shouldn't attach meaning to his words because he was just fulfilling his promise.When the female attendant noticed how lost I was in my thoughts, she cleared her throat in a bid to garner my attention
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