All Chapters of Rejected Luna's Vengeance : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
208 Chapters
To Steal The Moon's Tears
Diana watched Lina trot towards to the inner palace, specifically, to the residence of the late alphas of the Crescent Pack.With a bunch of white roses delicately held by a pair of dainty small hands, Lina walked towards the guarding deltas of the palace located at the apex of the old pack house of the Crescent Pack. Covered by a black silk veil, her head was hanging low with Omega Fallon in tow. Clad in a mourning outdoor dress, her small hands clasping the flowers before her lie her life depended on it when in reality it was Diana who was depending on it like a lifeline.As Lina trudged with long strides towards the closed palace, Diana leaped from one roof to another. Her woodland scent was being swept by the windy state of the entire central town. Diana jumped with utmost care.Hiding her shadows, making sure that the incident from the terrace would not happen again, her wolf was now on high alert. Still clad in a black and white handmaiden uniform, her ove
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The Witch Is Diana?
Clad with the veil and the outdoor dress Diana got from her cousin, Lina, she leaped from one roof to another. Transferring from one cabin to another cabin within the old residential area of the Crescent Pack, Diana tapped the right side of her chest. A warm and hard surface welcomed her sense of touch, the Moon’s Tear was beating as if it was alive.‘With this, the Werewofl Committee cannot usurp both the Crescent Pack and the Blood Claws Pack. I know now that the events of the past were somehow related to this necklace. All I have to do now is observe and see their next course of action.’ Diana thought as she welcomed the whip of the air as she raced above the rooftops of the imperial palaces.The sun was at its highest peak as the branches of the Cherry Blossoms trees swayed from east to west or to south from the north. With the wind changing direction from time to time, her woodland scent disguise could not be smelled even with the heightened sens
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Alpha's Chase
‘SOMEONE IS FOLLOWING me.’ Diana thought as she ran away.Her steps against the brick roofs were light as a feather. Ears twitching, she did not have to look back to know that she was being chased.The sensation was somewhat familiar to Diana. It was as if that stormy night had a repeat. With her face covered with a measly veil, she did not dare to look back. Though she was sure it was not Elder Shananel, she knew that it was far superior to the deltas lurking around the inner palace where she was currently located as of the moment.“Tsk.” Diana jumped.Even when she could take the chance to leap at the nearest tallest roof, she preferred to jump down to the lower one, catching her seeker off guard. With the delay of her landing due to the height, she used this chance to pull the veil covering her face. Instead, she wrapped it around her lower face like a mask. The disguise given by Rakiz Lemoir was proving a great help for Diana a
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Escaping The Crescent Pack
“YOU LOOK LIKE a colt who is about to hit puberty, Diana lass. Or should I say, Luna Diana?” The deadpan voice of Rakiz Lemoir made Diana roll her eyes.Their footsteps were followed by the splashing of the ankle-deep stream they were trudging on. Aside from their trailing sound of footsteps, Rakiz Lemoir’s high-pitched voice came second. No amount of cricket or a lark’s sound could stop his pesky mouth from criticizing her. And he was doing it for hours already ever since they stepped out from the borders of the Crescent Pack.Diana could not blame why Rakiz Lemoir was telling her this. Her hair was cut out as if some rabid rogue chewed her head off and spit it out. Her turtle-neck sleeves were yellowish in color but she could swear that they were supposed to be white. Beer stains and mud splashes littered her overly loose pants. A beaten maroon-colored scarf surrounded her head and her face while her eyes were the only visible part of her face
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Taken Away
‘Is Rakiz Lemoir still alive? Why isn’t he answering?’ Thoughts ran amock inside Diana’s mind.Closing her eyes, Diana’s ears stopped twitching.She leaped to the next branch with her eyes close. At this moment, she was seeing things through closed eyelids in three dimensions. The falling leaves around her, the winds whipping her face, the sun peeking through branches, even the vibration of the forest floor – she could see it all. Her direction still heading to the blur of a black patch, but only then, it was not just a shadowy blur.Its paws created a trembling thud on the forest floor. Its musky smell fanned over the unconscious Rakiz Lemoir which made Diana’s wolf howl at the back of her mind. And its rancid aura whipped around him like a veil of black smoke. There was only one creature that got these characteristics… feral rogues.Feral rogues were not that many in number.They did not multiply t
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Black Ridge Pack
The buzzing central town of the Crescent Pack where Diana grew up and spent most of her time was the complete contrast to the Black Ridge Pack. Among the four great packs that supported the Werewolf Committee, the Black Ridge Pack of the eastern territories was the most adept with nature. They valued tranquility and peace among others with which Diana’s late father, Beta Mason Ritchell, shared the same principles. If Elder Shananel was the goddess of battle strategies, the late Beta Mason Ritchell was the bringer of peace. He was harsh to his kin for he wanted nothing more but to instill that war between other packs was useless. This stand of her late father was the root cause of the occasional friction between the siblings Mason and Shananel, the only direct descendants of the previous beta. Because the late Beta Mason shared the same vision with the previous alpha of the Black Ridge Pack, the eastern pack was deemed to be the closest to her father. He would often visit his old frie
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Confrontation With Alpha Dylan
Sitting before the looming and imposing alpha, Diana fidgeted. Her fingers collided with each other as her eyes remained fixated on the table between them. Diana had been holding her breath from time to time, she was avoiding smelling his minty pine scent.            Diana knew that she was treading into dangerous territories. After all, her mate along with his wolf was angry with her series of actions. The veil of woodland scent sprinkled by Rakiz Lemoir before he went away to meet Shinro was her only defense to stop the wreck that she was in.            A drop of cold sweat trickled down her spine as she continued to fidget. Her mind was frantic for she was reliving the moment she saw the room of her parents down to the moment that she was chased by Elder Shananel’s delta werewolves. It was either this pain or the thirst to shift and let herself be sm
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Rakiz Lemoir & Laville
“SHE IS PLANNING to go down,” said Rakiz Lemoir in a whispered voice. He was now hunched atop the rooftop parallel to the restaurant where Diana Ritchell was situated along with her prospective mate. A voice whispered back in a yelling tone. Her hot breath fanned over Rakiz Lemoir’s nape, making shivers run amok down his spine. “I thought that zhe ran away from him the first time they met?” “Goddess, Laville! Stop acting like a freaking mushroom, will you?” Rakiz Lemoir snapped. Laville, who was Shinor’s chosen beta and the Black Ridge Pack’s new beta, merely rolled her eyes. Rakiz Lemoir’s attention was now fixated on the sun-kissed woman with kinky hair that reached her slim waist as if it was her second skin. He continued even when for a lapse of a moment, he went lost from her pool of rich blue eyes. Not minding that he was on the verge of choking from the accumulated spit that clogged his parched throat, he opened his clenched mouth. “And yes she did ru
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Flames Of Desire (R18)
Kissing Dylan was nothing like Diana's measly imagination that could come up with. His lips were much softer than they look, but their hard command against hers contradicted that. When his wet tongue touched the seam of her lips, Diana shamelessly opened up for him and the way he expertly slid it against her own caused her to moan embarrassingly loud. His large hands went to her waist and their warmth seared through the thin silk dress she wore. Her own hands flew to his hair when she fisted and tugged him closer against her – against her better judgment. Her curves fit right along the hard edges of his body and all she could think of was that she wanted his clothes off. Diana let go of his hair and reached down to grasp the hem of his silk shirt before she tugged it up. She almost protested at the loss of his lips against hers but the way he reached behind him to pull his shirt off by the neckline definitely made up for it. Her mouth was practically watering as she eyed his lean
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Mate Bond (R18)
Diana woke up fresh for the first in what it felt like a long time. Her wolf, Teshin, purred languidly at the back of her mind. Rolling her eyes, she was smacked by the gorgeous sight beside her – her sleeping mate in his naked glory. Tiptoeing, Diana wore his discarded shirt before she went to the bathroom to wash herself up. When faced with the mirror, Diana could no longer deny herself – she was contented. Shaking her head, she knew there was no more point running away. What she feared the most was accepted by Dylan. Despite the fact that he once hunted witches, he would protect her – and now, she did not doubt it. She felt it through their bond. She was his as he was hers. Two entities bound together by a bond to death. This time, Diana wanted to believe in the mate bond one more time. Dylan proved it to her time and time again that not all mates were like Axel Crescent. She only hoped that she was indeed right. There was a saying: shame on you if you fool me once, shame on
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