All Chapters of Marked for me: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
44 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-one
I rushed into my closet and picked out a sundress and flat sandals. I came out of the closet and went to the dressing table to brush my hair. After making sure it was smooth enough. I packed it in a ponytail all this while Adam lay on the bed watching me."I am done," I told me standing up." Took you long enough" he stood up and left and I followed behind him. We entered the room to see Evan drinking coffee, his eyes drooping like he didn't get much sleep. I smiled, he looked very cute. I remember when I first met Evan, He had been so cold and mean to me, I would never have imagined him to be this kind of person. Jovial and carefree."Finally! I thought I should just go back to bed since you guys were gonna take forever to come downstairs" He exclaimed. I laughed. " Oh come on, I am sure you don't need a bed, you were sleeping okay while standing," I said smugly. He growled at me and that made Adam chuckle as he went to the fridge. Evan's eyes bulged out from the sound." Did...did
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Chapter Twenty two
We all talked and joked about a lot of things as we sat and ate the pasta I made. Evan complimented my cooking and so did the rest. While talking, Luke said he would like to spar with me one of these days. I laughed and nodded. My wolf shook in eagerness for the challenge. She wanted to prove to them that she wasn't a pup and we were both strong. She eyed him from head to toe, for a weakness. My thought suddenly gravitated to Adam, wondering what he was doing in his office if he was even in this house.'Hey, where are you?' I asked through Mindlink drawing the connection I have with him and speaking into it. It was getting easier day by day as I got myself used to it. It was just like a speed dial the more connected or closer you are to people, the easier it is to mindlink them. Adam said something about creating a mindlinked group where you can talk to more than one or two persons but I still haven't gotten to that level only because he hasn't taught me yet. I am going to tell him to
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Chapter Twenty-three
He gripped my waist and lifted me, leading us to the bed and laying me softly on the bed while his mouth remained glued to mine. Oh god....he tasted even more than I had imagined, honey and coffee with a bit scent of blood. Addictive. His mouth absorbed my moan as my hands winded themselves around his neck. I hooked my legs around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer. We were crushed against each other yet I felt I couldn't get close enough.There was nothing awkward about the kiss. It was nothing like my kiss with Denver. It was wild and feral. My pent-up desire and passion exploded into a euphoric wave that traveled all over my body. It was like we were starving for each other. A growl rumbled deep from his chest as his finger delved into my hair. His hand gripped the back of my neck and he used it to control and angle my neck. His other hand grazed down my silk-covered back and then traveled to my now-exposed thigh as my dress was ridden up. Goosebumps bloomed across my skin an
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Chapter Twenty- four
"You didn't...what?!" As his words sinked into my head and I became bereft of word. I opened and closed my mouth not knowing what to say to that. I thought we were friends. We haven't even known each other for a week, so how the hell did he fall in love. What exactly did he see in me. He signed in disappointment when he saw I wasn't going to reciprocate his feeling." It is fine if you don't feel the same, I understand it is to fast to feel the same way but I am happy I got it out".he said and continued walking. I kept quiet as I walked behind him. When we got back to the clearing where the party was held, he turned around to look at me." Be careful, Adam just wants to get under your pant, he can never commit to you. He has a betrothed and he will always go back to her". He said. I wanted to ask him other question but he shifted and left. I decided to let him run it out since I could not do anything to help me. Luke loves me. Is that how easy they fall in love here. Is that why I can
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Chapter Twenty-five
Thump Thump ThumpThat was the first sound my brain adapted to. Then I felt hands around me. Someone was carrying me and I was resting my head on his chest. It was his heart that struggled to put me back to sleep. I raised my head to look at the person carrying me which was not necessary since I already felt sparks from where he touched on my expose skin. I knew it was him even before I saw his face. I wrapped my hands around his neck to support myself but also enjoyed the feel of his body against mine. He dropped me gently on the bed afraid not to wake me but I didn't want to let go. I held him tightly. He tried to pry my hands off his neck. " Alaia," he groaned." Stay please" I mumbled. I remember waking up to his kisses the last time. I wanted him and though it seems to fast especially from someone that just ran out from a relationship. Literally. He stopped struggling with me and I loosened my grip thinking he wanted to lie down but instead he stood up. I sat up rubbing the sl
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Chapter Twenty-six
I was in Denver's family house for a get-together talking to his sister in-laws, when one of the in-laws was touching the neckline of my cloth. She was telling me how much the cloth cost since she was a fashion designer and a model who owns a large boutique in Florida. She kept ranting about the quality, while I was in pain as I tried to keep standing on a four inches heel. Her hand mistakenly brushed the bruise on my chest and I hissed a bit too loud for them to be suspicious. It was a deep v line neck, so it was easy to pull aside to reveal an angry looking bruise on the top of my breast. She didn't need a second look to know it wasn't a love bite. She asked as they all looked at me waiting to know the incident behind the injury. I didn't know what else to say, this was not the first time they had seen something like but I have always lied. Now I was tired, tired of covering up his shit. I was angry, I wanted them to know so they could help me. I felt like I was dying. It seemed a
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
"Wifey, I have been looking everywhere for you?" He was coming closer but Adam intercepted him. " Come to Denali's wood and you can take her. Don't tell anybody, let it be a surprise" he whispered to him but because of my supernatural hearing I heard it. My body shook violently. Was he going to hand me over to him?.He came back and opened the passengers door for me, behind him I saw Denver smirked evilly at me. I looked back at Adam confused. Didn't he just say he was happy to find me? Was he going to give me out so easily. He could be telling lies?. I stood there too shocked and confused to move. 'come on, It was a trap' he said. I shouldn't believe him, but I was and I got into the car. He ignited the car and we drove off, Denver's car trailing behind us with a few cars in between."I don't understand" I asked confused." It's time you give your wolf the blood it deserves. You are in pains and your wolf wants to revenge. If you don't do it, you might not be able to control your wo
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
My wolf was elated. It felt like a weight was lifted off my chest. I looked out the window as Adam drove passed the magic boundary. I felt his hand on my exposed thigh as his other hand stirred the wheel. His touch sent warm tingled down my spine. I looked at his hand, and him, but his eyes was on the road. I turned my head to continuing looking at the window, so he wouldn't see how much his touch affected me.Adam parked the car when we got to the house, the house that was more like a mansion. I stepped out of the car with my shopping bag in my hand. Adam opened the door of the house and stepped aside for me to get in, before he followed behind me . Evan was sprawled on the couch seeing a film with pop corn in his hand. Immediately I recognized the film as Alchemy of souls, I jumped to his side. He looked at us just noticing our presence cause he was so engrossed in the film. Adam sat at the couch beside us. " Will you get your bloody ass of my fucking couch" he shouted. It was then
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
The delivery came in no time and I paid with Adam debit card. He had left it with me since this morning. I ate pizza and watched the movie, waiting for Adam and Evan to come. It was late very late in the night when there was finally the clicking of the door. I waited for the person to enter the living room and was disappointed a bit to see it was Evan, he saw this and smirked.He sat at a couch opposite room mine, taking a slice of pizza. There was blood stain at the front of the shirt. I couldn't tell if it was his or the rogues. "What happened?" I asked for an explanation. "A family that was close to the border at the North was attacked by rogue. We were there in time for them not to cause anymore damage. The oldest son was severely injured by the rogues while trying to save his family. He is one of our soldiers, He will be okay".he answered. " So Adam told me there were rogues in our house to?" " Yes, something tell me it was a distraction. After all their main aim was to get eit
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Chapter Thirty
It was when I was through with my food and pushing it down with the tea that Evan came downstairs. "Can I eat before we go, I am famished" I am not sure he was asking for permission because he went straight to grab a plate and went to serve himself. I was angry at him before, but seeing how better he was from last night, my anger resolved.After eating we left for Luke's house. I was never allowed to have friends, and the people who invited me for dinner in their house I turned them down, giving one excuse or the other because I knew Denver was going to kill me if I asked him. My life was on hold all because I fell in love with the wrong guy. I was enjoying freedom here. I was starting a new life in another world. Even if there is a rogue situation and they are after me, I still love it here. We got to Luke's house. It was a small cabin with flowers decorating both sides of the house. It was beautiful and had a very simple structure. Evan knocked and after a few seconds, we heard a
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