All Chapters of Whirlwind Marriage to a Bully Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
65 Chapters
The Alpha is here
Icarus was patiently waiting in his car for Kiara as he smoked a cigarette. As soon as she came out of her dressing room, she was reported the same by Robin.The girl was a little hesitant to go back to the hotel with Icarus. The hotel was not that far and she had come here with the rest of the crew members in a minivan. She was afraid that people would start talking about her again if they saw her going in his car.It was Sophia who motivated they go back to the hotel with Icarus.Icarus looked at Kiara walking towards his car through the closed window of his car. He threw the rest of the cigarette out and moved aside to give her some space to sit.“Good evening, Alpha Icarus.” Sophia greeted the man as she proceeded to occupy the passenger seat next to the driver’s seat.Kiara smiled as she awkwardly sat down next to the man. Icarus was silent just like his usual self but it was evident that he was in an extremely bad mood.Once everyone settled in, he opened his mouth to speak out
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Last chance to fix everything
"That is it…" Sophia narrated everything to the trio, while Robin and Luke were rendered speechless, the Alpha replied with a faint grunt.They had to admit that their Alpha's hunch was never wrong.The man asked, "Why didn't Kiara tell me about any of this?""That… She was afraid of telling you, Alpha." "And why is that?"Sophia said, "She did not tell me that but she did say that you will be really angry if you got to know about this." She stopped there and continued, "She was even willing to go to the lengths of returning the fees paid to her and paying up for the losses incurred by the crew to make them stop spouting rumours about her."Icarus's expression changed from anger to realisation when he got to know about this. The girl was willing to suffer all alone and not let him know about a single thing. Was she that scared of him?He remembered the last time something like this happened. He had proceeded to drown her and leave her unconscious outside on a cold night last time whe
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Kevin's Secret
"We sure do." Icarus leaned back on his chair leisurely and asked, "I understand that you all came up with an idea and decided to go by it. But was the actress ever informed about it?" "We did not think it was necessary, Alpha." Kevin spoke up, "She is just an actress who is getting paid to follow the script given to her, she has no say in things which the crew has approved. If she was to come up with an idea which these men approve of, I too will be obliged to follow it." Icarus's eyes gleamed with bloodlust when he heard Kevin's words, this boy was indeed troublesome. He grunted before asking, "Mr Kevin, are you a wolf?" The proud smile which was on the latter's face faded slightly when he heard the Alpha's question. He asked, "How is that related to the conversation we are having today." "You seem to hold so much power that you are making decisions on behalf of the others. So I wanted to know what is your rank?" The boy pursed his lips and his fist involuntary balled up. Even
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Serving the punishment
Icarus replied, "What we are is none of your concern. I care about her and cannot stand anyone bullying her."Kevin nodded and left the conference room but as soon as he came out, his aura became chilly. Paul was waiting for him outside the hall and as soon as he saw him come out, he rushed to him. He asked with his tone filled with concern, "Kevin, are you okay? What happened inside?""Let's talk about this later, shall we?" The actor replied before addressing the men who were sitting in the waiting area. He said, "He wants to meet you all and has called you inside."The head producer asked timidly, "What is he calling us for?""Don't know. You will find it once you go inside." The actor replied impatiently before walking away.Back in her hotel room, Kiara got some elating news from the director. The original script was restored and she no longer had to worry about anything.The director could not help but fanboy over Icarus for the way he handled the situation. Not only did he deci
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A heart to heart
"I always wanted to come here but Sophia won't ever take me saying it was dangerous." Kiara ranted to him as she rubbed her hand to keep herself warm. A weird stir of emotion took place within his heart as he remembered something. Back in the day, she would say this a lot to him, how he let her do things which Sophia basically stopped her from doing. It was her little rant and he enjoyed listening to it all day.He turned his eyes away and stared at the night in front of him, his eyes clouding with relief and disbelief. He never thought that he would hear her little rants again in this lifetime. It all felt… surreal to him.He asked, "Did you like the dinner? I assumed that you would be tired so I went ahead and ordered the food to be delivered to your room." "Yeah, it was good." She nodded, "I really was too lazy to go downstairs and have dinner. You kinda helped me a lot today."Icarus did not say anything and nodded his head, taking notes that she liked dinner served to her in her
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Hot Spring Resort
Icarus put her down in front of the elevator as they waited for it. He said, "Go back to your room and sleep like a good girl, ok? I should not catch you running around.""Yes… What about you? Do you have work tonight?" She asked.The man pulled his lips together when he remembered the condition of his room. Both Robin and Luke were in his room and both of them were sleeping in the second bedroom of the suite.Both of them were so noisy that he could hardly shut his eyes the whole night."Oh… That explains why you were out of your room past bedtime." Kiara commented followed by the opening of the elevator.They both went inside and stood there.,. waiting for their floor to arrive.Kiara bit down on her lips as if she was hesitant about something. She looked at the man and then withdrew her eyes. Her minute actions could not escape the man's eyes. He asked, "Is everything alright?""I… That…" She took a deep breath and said, "You said you can't sleep in your room because of the noise.
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Luke and Sophia
When Paul received a text from Kevin saying that he had a change of heart and they were going to the resort with Icarus, he felt a little suspicious. A spoiled brat was too prideful to accept an invitation from an enemy, just what was he cooking in his head?No matter what he had planned, Paul was determined to stop him from executing it.Once the lunch was folded up, the crew hopped onto a bus and made their way to the resort which was three hours away.Kiara was sick, so she used it as an excuse to travel along with Icarus in his car. The car could only fit three people other than the chauffeur, Luke saw this as an opportunity to back out and travel in the bus along with the others. Even though he looked as if he was sacrificing, his main goal was to travel with Sophia.He saw her standing at a distance, waiting for the bus to arrive. He checked himself in the mirror and corrected his hair before finally walking towards it."Hey. How are you doing?" He greeted her, grabbing her atte
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How dare you touch my Woman
Sophia got out of the spring to get herself a refill when she heard a familiar ringtone. She threw her eyes at her purse and checked it to discover that Kiara had left her phone with her. Icarus was calling her so she picked up the phone and answered, "Alpha!""Sophia? Where is Kiara?" The man asked. The girl replied, "She wasn't feeling well so she went back to her room but it looks like she forgot her phone here.""Went back to her room? When?" "Around five minutes ago. Why are you asking?" Icarus replied, "Because I am just coming downstairs from my room and I did not see her anywhere on the way.""What?" Sophia's expression changed slightly, "How is that possible? She told me that she was feeling sick and left right in front of my eyes.""Okay, I will go and check on her once." Icarus said to which the latter replied that she was going to accompany him as well. The two met at the elevator and went to Kiara's room together but when they reached there, they discovered that the do
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You are not dirty
Kiara did not look like she was going to wake up any time soon. This incident has caused a huge commotion within the movie industry as two huge stars were involved in this. While Kevin was in the hospital, seeking treatment for the injury caused to him, Nora was detained by the police for kidnapping.Reports and media outlets were here, furiously taking pictures as Nora was dragged away by the police.Turned out she went to seek Kevin's help in saving her career after she got to know that she was targeted by Icarus. The man agreed to help her in exchange for Kiara. So, Nora drugged Kiara's drink and when she was unconscious, dropped her at Kevin's room.Both Icarus and Sophia acted fast and managed to find her out before Kevin could do anything to her.The crew came to visit Kiara and they were very sorry for her, especially the director. Icarus was not ready to meet anyone yet, he locked himself in the bedroom along with Kiara. He sat next to her, clutching her bandaged arm and lost
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You still remember?
Kiara surfed her eyes through the bland food in front of her and complained, "But I don't like this…"He took a spoonful and blew it for her, feeding it to her, he said, "If you finish this, I will let you have some cheesecake for dessert. How about that?"Kiara was still not happy but agreed to adjust only for the cheesecake. Icarus was feeding her a spoonful of the soup and for some reason, the taste of the soup started to grow on her.Midway through eating, she remembered something and asked, "What happened to Kevin and Nora?""Nora is taken away by the cops and Kevin is currently in hospital, undergoing treatment." The man explained, catching Kiara off guard, "Treatment? For what?"Icarus stopped and asked, "What do you think I did when I caught him?""I… Oh!" She pursed her lips and asked, "He will survive, right?""Yeah, I got to know that he has stabilized but why do you care? Do you not want him to die?" Icarus asked.The girl shook her head and said, "I want him to be punishe
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