All Chapters of Rebirth of the betrayed Luna: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
111 Chapters
Denver, Tasha, Victoria, and Eric made their way to the bustling cafeteria, scanning the room for a vacant table. They finally spotted one with Claude and Nuella sitting at it, chatting animatedly and munching on fries."Hey guys!" Eric greeted Claude, giving her a warm hug before gesturing to the empty seat beside her. "Mind if we join you?"Claude smiled, shifting to make space for Eric to sit. "Of course not. It's always more fun with you guys around."Not Victoria and Tasha she continued inwardly giving them a look.As Eric settled into his seat, Victoria took it upon herself to hold Denver's hand, interlacing their fingers. Denver looked at her, a surprised expression on his face, but he didn't pull away.Nuella noticed the display of affection and grinned, nudging Claude playfully. "Looks like we're in the presence of some lovebirds," she teased, winking at Victoria and Denver.Nuella was not aware that Denver and Claude were mates and Claude didn't want her to know so she flowe
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Victoria and Tasha stood in the corner of the crowded party, watching as Claude laughed and chatted with a group of friends. Victoria couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she watched Claude's eyes light up when he spoke with someone else. She turned to Tasha, who had been unusually quiet all night."You've been awfully quiet tonight," Victoria said, her voice dripping with accusation.Tasha shrugged. "I'm just not in the mood for a party, I guess."Victoria raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's all it is?"Tasha shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean?""I mean, you've been acting strange lately. Like there's something on your mind," Victoria said, studying Tasha's face for any hint of a reaction.Tasha sighed. "Fine, you got me. It's just that Claude knows I'm a witch."Victoria's eyes widened. "What? How does she know?""I don't know, I must have slipped up or something," Tasha said, her voice tinged with frustration.Tasha's mind drifted back to when Shawn had died and
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Claude sat cross-legged on her bed, surrounded by piles of clothes, toiletries, and other travel essentials. She had been preparing for the graduation all day, mostly doing it slowly to keep her mind occupied.The thought of spending a week in the wilderness had initially filled her with dread. She had never been much of an outdoors person and the idea of living without modern amenities seemed like a nightmare. But the promise of extra marks on her certificate had been too tempting to pass up.As she sorted through her clothes, Claude tried to focus on the positives. She had heard that the facilities at the campsite were top-notch, with all the necessary safety measures in place. And while she didn't know much about living in the wild, she was sure that she would pick up some survival skills along the way.But despite her attempts to stay positive, Claude couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. What if something went wrong? What if she got
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The final-year students were excited as they entered the bus, waiting for the bus driver that would take them on a camping trip in the wild. However, to their disappointment, they found out that they were fewer than expected. It seemed that not everyone wanted extra credits or was willing to leave the comfort of their dorm rooms.As the bus ride began, Victoria started complaining about everything wrong with camping in the wild. She said she had heard there were bears, and she was terrified. Victoria also complained that there was no Wi-Fi and that they were in trouble for an attack. She even mentioned raccoons in the wild and other wild animals that could attack them.Claude, who was sitting at the front, got angry and shouted at her, telling her to shut the fuck up. He told her that everyone was trying to enjoy the peace and silence of the trip. Victoria glared at him and shouted that he shouldn't even be there. She said he should be in the wild where he belonged.Claude and Victori
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Victoria walked away from the group with Denver, her heart pounding with fear. She had never been camping before and the idea of sleeping in a tent alone made her feel uneasy. Denver, being the gentleman that he was, had offered to walk with her to her assigned room, but as they approached it, Victoria turned to him and suggested that they share a room.Denver looked at her with surprise. "Are you sure, Victoria? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.""I'm sure," she replied, feeling her cheeks flush. "I just feel a bit frightened, that's all. And I know it's silly, but I feel safer with you."Denver smiled kindly. "Of course, Victoria. I don't see any harm in it. We can still apply for the same rooms as everyone else has been appointed other rooms."Victoria felt a wave of relief wash over her. She knew that Denver was the kind of person who would protect her, and the idea of sleeping next to him made her feel more at ease. They quickly made their way to the reception desk and
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Claude groggily stumbled out of her room, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She had gone to bed early the night before and was surprised to find herself awake before the sun had even risen. She felt the familiar urge to pee and made her way to the bathroom. As she was walking down the hallway, she saw two figures in the distance, walking towards each other. As they got closer, she recognized them as Victoria and Tasha.Claude's curiosity was piqued. What were they doing up so early? She knew what ever it was it wasn't good.As she walked closer, she saw that they were whispering to each other, and she could barely make out what they were saying. She slowed her pace and pretended to tie her shoelaces, hoping to catch a snippet of their conversation."I'm telling you, it's going to work," Tasha was saying. "If we spice his food, he'll be putty in our hands."Victoria looked skeptical. "This plan failed last time"'"Which means we will get it right this time. Trust me.""We'll drug his br
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Ria was no doubt her biggest motivation because after their brief mostly silent conversation, she felt like she could face the rest of group even if all she wanted to do before was curl up in bed and be miserable. Leaving her tent, she went looking for them and didn’t have to look long, the light from a bonfire and the chatter of excited teenagers as well as the delicious smell of roasted marshmallows telling her exactly where to go.It looked like the entire group was there and no one else shared her thoughts of wanting to be alone as they all chatted and roasted their marshmallows. Some people were coupled up, resting their heads on their partner’s shoulders as they talked about god-knows-what. She unconsciously searched for Denver among the crowd as she made to sit down but before she her eyes could do a full 360 around the circle of people, she was accosted by Nuella.“Claude!” She snapped looking both worried and angry. Claude turned to her friend with one brow raised as the both
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Victoria sniffed as she dried up the last of her tears. She felt ashamed that she had been rejected in such a disgraceful way and angry, not with Denver but Claude. How she hated that annoying girl in this very moment.Deciding that there was no way she was going to be able to face Denver anymore this night, she rolled up her sleeping bag and grabbed her pillow before stalking off to Tasha’s tent. She doubted she was even going to be able to sleep tonight but she still needed her stuff to at least lay on and be miserable and Tasha was her only friend, no, ally in this place.Tasha jumped at the sound of her tent being opened and glared at Victoria when she came into sight. “You scared me!”Victoria rolled her eyes, although the sad look on her face remained, “Sure. The great and mighty witch is scared of me.”“You’re so careless!” Tasha whisper-yelled. “Anyone could be passing and you’re just casually saying that. That must be how Claude knows about me.”Victoria rolled her eyes agai
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She pulled back to meet a very stunned-looking Eric. She felt conflicted especially as Ria kept on stamping around in circles in her head showing her displeasure.Stop, Claude he’s not your mate! Ria kept shouting and Claude felt like shouting, “And when has that stopped anybody?” back at her, thinking about Denver and Victoria but she managed to stop herself. But apart from Ria’s nagging, there was also the fact that she hadn’t really felt anything when she kissed Eric. The pull she had been feeling before although still there, wasn’t as strong as before.She faced Eric again who still looked very dumbfounded and a warm blush covered her cheeks. “I’m sorry about that.” She said, scratching her head.“Um…” He shook his head as though trying to clear his thoughts. “You know how I feel about you, Claude. Doing that could really mess me up if you don’t reciprocate.” He said biting his lip like that was quite hard for him to say although the seriousness in his eyes was clear and Claude co
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Claude felt like the whole world was spinning around her and her whole body felt sore. Well, not completely considering that her ass to her feet felt numb. She couldn’t make out anything when she first opened her eyes. It was just like color splashed on color but slowly, she began to make out the environment around her.And the environment around her certainly stunned her. She was in a very crude-looking village, surrounded not only by huts but by men dressed like Tarzan and not a single woman in sight. Her blood ran cold once more and she did not know what to make of her situation. She was tied up on a chair, with her mouth tied in front of half-naked men, who spoke in a strange language pointing at her every now and then like she was the topic of their discussion.Good goddess, where they going to eat her or something? They looked like they could.She could easily shift into her wolf and these ropes would fall off her like they were thread. She may not be able to fight all these sa
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