All Chapters of The ruthless Alpha princess: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
33 Chapters
what is your wolf's name?
Alice’s POVWell, the whole dinner was as expected and full of unexpected at the same time if that makes any sense. I was expecting people to rebel against the fact that I am a woman and an Alpha, but at the same time as the male population was shocked in a bad way, I could see all the female population looking at me with shock and kind of admiration.Now the unexpected part was when Neil stepped on the podium next to me and defended my or technically my pack and my honor but at the same time did not brag with the fact that I was his mate or anything like that. I was also surprised when I realized how much he knew about my past and present life.So, the rest of dinner went by without a hitch and no one else dared be disrespectful to me or my people, I guess they managed to put two and two together and realized I could ruin them without a problem, especially since Neil was on my side and his pack was known to be as dangerous as ours.Now it was time for talking and dancing, maybe makin
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ruthless but so damaged
Neil’s POV “Ryan! Get your ass out of the ballroom this second! I am waiting by the front door!” Sometimes I was really glad to be a werewolf, so I had the ability to use the mind link, like right now. I know I must look like a complete douchebag for running out of the ballroom and leaving Alice standing on the dance floor all on her own, but honestly, I was pretty much on autopilot. Not even a moment passed when my Beta showed up next to me and not even breathing hard, so I guess he was following me before I even mind liked him, “What is going on Neil? You never sound frantic, but a moment ago I could swear there was a hint of panic in your voice.” Well, pretty much there was no argument for me to tell him on that note, because I truly was panicking inside my head. In a way everything would make so much more sense if my suspicions were correct but on the other hand it just complicates everything. I can remember all my dreams vividly. They were speaking about a woman it would be har
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rogue attack
Alice’s POVNo! fucking no, no and once again no! this can nit be true! No one ever cared for me, and I doubt this man standing in front of me could be any different…But as I looked at him cautiously, I could not lie to myself. He looked sincere. And he most definitely looked troubled by the things he just admitted out loud.I knew that as an Alpha female I was going to be in danger my whole life, my father knew as well so he prepared me for the life I would be living extremely well. Even though my mother was always against me training and gaining strength, my father always found a way to make sure I was in good shape and knew how to defend myself. After the attack that my mother arranged it also made sense why she was against me training. But I was glad my father loved to go against her wishes. I always thought maybe he liked to provoke her but lately I started thinking, maybe he always knew about her evil side and that was why he made sure I was ready to take over the pack even tho
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Neil’s POVAll around me there was screaming, running, shouting… I was still standing where we were a few moments ago with Alice and the moment that screaming began my wolf started yelling in my head that I was an imbecilic and I should locate Alice right this moment, so as an obedient human I did just that, started trailing behind her lingering smell.I knew I was getting closer to her because her smell was getting stronger, and from nowhere a smell of rotten flesh suddenly hit me. Rogues! The moment I smelled them I started running. If I could smell them, that meant my mate was in danger, most likely surrounded by a group of them. Now I know she did not get her name for nothing, but still it was my job to protect her and keep her safe.Realization hit me that I was pretty close to the border and even though I was worried about my mate, I could still not help it but wonder what she was doing so close to the border. I rounded a few more trees and suddenly she came into view, but she w
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I challenge you
Alice’s POVTo be honest I had no idea what overcame me, but the voice that could be heard from me was actually not mine. Well, that is not true. It was mine but it was different from my normal voice. And I did not feel like myself either. It was as if I was sharing my body and soul with someone else.As soon as the thought entered my mind, I realized what was going on. It was Lily taking charge of the situation. She was a proud wolf, and this kind of disobedience really threw her right into a state of being pissed off.“You are a bunch of ungrateful spoiled Mood Goodes’s children! She sent you a savior, the strongest of them all! And what did you do? You used my powers and my kindness and now you want to stab me in the back simply because I am a woman?! You forgot that every last one of you was made by woman’s hands!” at my words, well, Lily’s words, all around the room could be heard murmuring. It looked like she was getting to them, and they were finally thinking about what she sai
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the fight begins
Neil’s POVI am trying to understand this weird turn of events, I really am.First, I was trying to find my mate really fucking hard but was unable to find her. Then I stopped looking and I found her. I was trying to uncover the secret of the mysterious ruthless Alpha princess and once I found her, she first turned out to be my mate, her wolf is the one that is haunting all my dreams and now I get to see her in all her ruthless glory.Now if you ask me if this turn of events is good luck or bad luck, my answer would be, I have no fucking clue. Maybe after a few hours or maybe even days I would be able to give you an answer but right now I was both worried for my mate and in awe at the same time of her courage, fearlessness, and elegance on the battlefield. Do not get me started on those pink things she was wearing and were making all her curves so much more evident.She was a really magnificent woman and so was her wolf, Lily.As I kept my eyes on my mate, I realized how stupid I was
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proud to be your mate
Alice’s POVI could fell some kind of a weird power coursing through me when I was stabbing Alpha Alexander, since no one else could tell me what it was and there was no way I could explain it to anyone I decided to ask the only other being that knew what I was feeling, “Lily. What is going on with us?”At first, she just chuckled and for a moment I thought that my wolf went crazy, but then she answered my question and somehow calmed me, “You can feel the pride your mate feels through the mate bond. Because he is so close and you are resisting the mate bond, the feelings are getting stronger. So, whatever we are feeling and does not feel as usual, will most likely mean it is coming from our mate.”Right. Pride. But he was against the fight in the first place, or was he? I looked down at the whimpering Alpha who was lying at my feet sobbing like a little baby once more and decided I tortured him enough. For now. I looked around the people that were surrounding the training grounds and
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just cleaning you up
Neil’s POV What I said, I meant it with every fiber in my body. Right now, I was sure every man in the audience, Alpha or not, wanted to have my mate for themselves. Well, too bad that I was a selfish bastard who did not like to share let alone give someone what was mine. So, if you need me to clarify, Alice was mine and I was not letting her go. She might not yet be completely on board with the idea of having me as her mate, but she would come around. I was sure of it. And do not get me started on the kiss we just shared. It was one of those kisses you read about in books or see in the movies. But I have never experienced it before, well, sure enough I have also never kissed my mate before so no wonder it was as explosive as it was. But sadly, it ended too fast. We had people watching us though so I knew I had to cut it short and continue in the privacy of our rooms if she would allow me to continue. What surprised me was the shock that could be seen on her face when I told her th
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listen princess
Alice’s POVNow that I was away from Neil for a few moments I started wondering if my idea of giving in to the bond was a good one.I mean sure, it was getting hard to resist the pull and stay away from him, but was completely giving in or maybe a better word would be surrender to the bond really the right decision?What if he did the same as his father did and decides that I was making him weak? I did not want to die by the hands of my own mate. I did not want to die at all, end of discussion.But I was the one that always preached to everyone that our parents’ decisions did not determine who we are in life. So why was it so hard to accept the fact that my mate cared about me? Why was I constantly trying to find mistakes instead of accepting him as he was?As always, Lily popped her thoughts into my head at that point as if it was not chaotic enough without her input, “Because you still blame yourself for what happened to your brother. You still feel responsible for everyone we lost
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making you mine
Neil’s POV Her words were like balm to my ears. I was thinking she would change her mind as soon as I left her side and for a moment it really did look like she changed her mind about accepting me as her mate. But then I saw her speaking to her second in command, Jessy if I remember correctly and even Ryan could see wheels spinning in my head when he spoke, “If there is anyone that can get some sense into your stubborn mates head it would be her best friend. So do not worry. She will see soon enough that you belong together.” And his words were confirmed a few moments later when she confidently strolled across the ballroom and straight to my side. She grabbed my hand in a hurry, and I did not miss the mischievous look Ryan gave her before she spoke, “I am really sorry, but your Alpha will be busy for the next few hours at least. Please make sure no one interrupts him unless it is a life and death situation.” He just smirked her way and gave her a nod. And before I could ask what was
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