All Chapters of The Imperial Wolf: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
88 Chapters
Kate POVGypsy leaves Erick and me to eat the delicious food she brought to the cabin for us. We each put food on our plates, and I unwrap the bread in the box. Erick takes a thermos of tea out of the box and sets it on the table. I get us two glasses from the cabinet and some ice from the freezer.“Do you think she will help me?” I ask Erick.“Yes, I do. I wasn’t expecting her to be here tonight. I guess it worked out that she was here. Her oldest daughter is usually here,” Erick says.“You come up here often?” I ask him.“Yes, I do. It is a great place to get away from the pack and my crazy mother,” Erick says.“Do you bring women up here?” I ask him.“No, I am not like that. I usually come up here when my mother is trying to play matchmaker. I come up here to keep from hurting whoever she is trying to hook me up with at the moment,” Erick says.“Does she do that a lot?” I ask.“Yes, you have no idea. She is set on me marrying someone of status. I only want to be happy. I want to ch
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Erick POVI lie next to her, holding her. I lean down and kiss her shoulder. She smiles sweetly. I can hear her wolf. I don’t typically hear a wolf unless they are a member of my pack. This is different. She speaks directly to my wolf and me. “You are destined to be together. You are mates,” the wolf says.I pull her as close to me as I can get her. Our wolves are talking to each other. It is strange to listen to at first, but then we let go and allow the wolves to speak to one another. I hold her on the floor before the fire as we fall asleep.I awake in the middle of the night to loud noises. I get up and dress quickly. Kate hears the noise and starts getting dressed. I look out the window and see a familiar truck. “Who is it?” Kate asks.“It is my father. Stay here. I will go outside and see what in the hell he wants,” I say to her.I go to the door and open it slowly. I look back to Kate, who is terrified. “Everything will be fine, trust me,” I say as I go out the door. I go out o
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Erick POVMy drive home has been long. The two-hour drive took three because my heart and mind could only think of Kate constantly. I pull into the driveway of my family home, thinking not about my dead father or how my mother will take the news, but I think of Kate and how I feel for her. I left her only three hours ago, and I miss her already. I want to kiss her, hold her and tell her that I think I am falling in love with her. My wolf has chosen her. Neither my mother nor the pack can argue with who I chose as my mate. I have to take care of my father, take my place as Alpha and release Kate from being my slave in front of the pack so I can make her my wife.My mother rushes out to the truck, yelling. “Did you kill that bitch!” she screams. It takes her a moment to realize it is not my father but me under cover of darkness. I step out of the truck to greet her. She stares at me, confused as to why I am here without my father.“Where is your father? Is the little bitch dead?” my mot
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Luna POVThe wolves take my husband into our home to care for his body and prepare him for his funeral. As Luna, it is up to me to deliver the news to Theo’s and Jackson’s families. We will give the two a hero’s funeral for their service to the Alpha and the pack. Then I have to begin preparing my son for his service as Alpha. He thinks he does not need his mother. He does not realize what I have done for this pack or him over the years. He will not disrespect this pack or me by taking up with that tramp. I will get to her, and I will kill her.I am not stupid. There is no way things went the way he said they did. He is lying to the pack and me. It will bite him in the ass eventually. For today there is nothing I can do. I must concentrate on burying my husband and seeing that my son takes his responsibility as pack Alpha seriously. He cannot marry or mate with a tramp.I go into the house. The wolves have already taken my husband, Theo, and Jackson to prepare the body. There is littl
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Erick POVI put Karen into my father’s truck. I close the door and go around to get into the truck. I do not look in the direction of my mother. I don’t want ever to see her face again. I am done with her and her evil manipulation. She has done nothing but makes everyone around her miserable for as long as I can remember. Today it stops. My father may have allowed her to manipulate him continually, but not me. She will not ruin my life. Her reign of terror over this pack is over today.I get into the truck. Karen is still sobbing. “Thank you,” she says to me. “I am still pissed at you, but your son does not deserve to grow up without a mother. Don’t make me regret allowing you to live,” I say.“I won’t. I could not lie to your father. He told me that Kate was bad news. She is not one of us, Erick. You have to protect the pack,” Karen says.“I know what I have to do for this pack. You let me worry about the pack, and you worry about your son's future,” I say.“What will happen to Austi
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Erick POVI have to get back to Kate. I am worried about her. Her image has burned in my mind since I left her. Her scent lingers on my clothing, and I can still feel her kiss on my lips and her warm body next to mine; I can still feel every inch of her. I need to see her now. I want to hold her, kiss her, and make love to her.I drive by my house to check on everyone before I go to see about Kate. I want to know my mother is gone before I return with Kate. I stop briefly in front of the house. The wolves are helping my mother pack her things into her car. Good, she needs to be gone very soon. As soon as the funeral is over, I will see that she is no longer a tyrant of this pack. She is lucky I am allowing her to attend the funeral. I call out for Andrew. He runs up to my truck.“Make sure she takes everything; I want no excuses to come back here. She is to leave as soon as the funeral is over. She cannot be here when I get back,” I say to Andrew.“What about when we spread his ashes?
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Kate POVI lay in Erick’s arms for hours. I know we have to go back soon, but this is the only place I want to be right now. I want him to hold me and tell me everything will be okay. Just a few hours ago, his father tried to take my life. Now, he wants me to go back with him and be his mate. I wish for that more than anything.“We need to go back,” Erick says, kissing me on the cheek.“I know, but I want to be here with you,” I say.“You will always be with me, Kate. For as long as you will have me, I am yours,” Erick says.We get out of bed and dress. Erick takes me into his arms and holds me. Our bodies melt into one another. “I promise everything will be fine. I will protect you,” Erick says.“We do not even know why they want to kill me or why they are afraid of me,” I say.“The pack is not afraid of you. My father and his henchmen feared you for some reason. We will find out why,” Erick says.Erick and I leave the cabin. We stop by the main cabin to say goodbye to Gypsy and Wan.
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Erick POVI stand before my pack, now their Alpha with Kate by my side. I will ask her to marry me very soon, but there is one thing I have to do first for her. I have to help her find out more about her past. I am not sure if I can wait. I want her to have a permanent place in my life. I want her to be more than just my mate. I want her to be my forever, the mother of my children, and the Luna to this pack. She is my soulmate. I can feel it when I am near her.I look down at Kate standing beside me. She seems both happy and sad at the same time. I wonder what is going through her mind right now. I know she has never had anything like this before. I only want her to be happy.“Are you okay?” I ask her.“I have never been happier,” she answers.I wonder if she is truly happy at this moment. I have to wonder what exactly Gypsy has to tell her about her mother and her family. It seems unreal that someone would just volunteer the information. I trust Gypsy, and she has no reason to lie to
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Kate POVI scrub the house as I wait for Erick. I do not know what has gotten into me. I am so emotionally drained and feel overwhelmed. This feeling is not like me at all. I feel strange. I am not myself.Angie and I work hard cleaning and moving things around in the house. “What about the bedroom?” Angie asks.“What do you mean?” I ask her.“I mean, Erick will want to move into the bigger bedroom upstairs, don’t you think?” Angie suggests.“Let us go look at it and see what we need to do,” I answer her.Angie and I make our way up the stairs to the master bedroom. The top half of the log cabin is for Alpha and Luna only. No one else stays up there. I open the door to the top of the stairs. The bedroom is a vast open space with another entry leading to the master bathroom.The bedroom, like the rest of the house, is a disaster. I want to scream! How can people live like this? Angie puts her arm around me. “I will help you get this house perfect for Erick and yourself,” Angie says.“T
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Erick POVI send Cassie and Andrew to get Wan. This is not something I want to tell him over the phone. I want him to come here to talk about what happened and see if he knows what his mother knew about Kate. This all seems odd and happening relatively fast. Why would someone be so concerned with hiding Kate’s past?Angie is cleaning the house in a fury. “Just leave it for now. I will have some people help her tomorrow,” I say to Angie.“It is fine. I do not mind helping you both. I did not thank you for releasing me from the Omega house,” Angie says.“It is fine. It was all bullshit. You should not have been there anyway. There should not even be an omega house as far as I am concerned, but it is the perfect place to keep my mother tucked away,” I say.“Do you think your mother did this?” Angie asks.“I don’t think so, but I am not ruling anything out right now,” I say.Angie is moving and cleaning things out of the way. “She is upset tonight. I want to help her make this place home,
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