All Chapters of The Alpha's Chosen Mate : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
41 Chapters
Chapter 30
"What is it, Alpha? If it's about Ezra, I vowed to have him in shape before the end of the month, and I still plan—""It's about my mate."Hendrik shut his mouth and swallowed hard. "Alright, well, you should know that what I said yesterday, I didn't mean it. I wouldn't have said it if I'd known she was your mate—""That's not what I want to talk about," the Alpha cut him off again. "But what did you say yesterday?" He turned a dark stare to his Gamma."Oh, I.. uhh.. nothing. It was nothing, really," Hendrik rubbed the back of his neck and looked everywhere but at his superior.Malachi nearly chuckled at the nervous energy that surrounded the usually very confident male wolf."Forget it. I want to know about the reports. Have they been handed to Hamilton yet?""No. Us team captains were just about to finish them and hand them in tonight. A lot of the new warriors have made so much progress.""Alright, good," Malachi crossed his arms and tried to stop the distracting thoughts of his be
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Chapter 31
"Ariella. Sit."With that simple yet powerful command, I instantly plop down onto the nearest sofa, my hands twisting around themselves in my lap. I swallow convulsively, my throat drier than the Sahara, as the Beta stands in front of me and crosses his arms across his impressive chest. I can't believe the amount of trouble I'm in now, caught snooping in his house like this."Why in all the universe did you break into my house?"His hazel eyes bore into me with an intensity that raises my heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety all with one glance. Hamilton is angry with me, but it's more than that. I see the hurt in his eyes, and I hate having disappointed him like this.Opening my mouth, I scramble for an excuse. "'s uhh—""You better have a completely honest answer. Or else don't bother answering at all," he tells me in a clipped tone. He commands, demanding the truth and I realise I don't want to give him anything less."I came here to talk about Harlow.""She's not here. Yo
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Chapter 32
"No, I haven't. Is she okay? Maybe I should go visit—""No, no, Ariella. It's fine. She's fine. Just..." Beta Knight leads me to a bench that's situated along the path, encircled by old and brittle shrubs, and takes the time to explain to me. "She gets really bad headaches, maybe two or three times a year. It's gotten worse ever since the Alpha died. When she's suffering, she likes us to all stay away. The noise and interaction only make it worse, you know?""Oh," I frown and wish there was something I could do for her. "Does she like flowers? Maybe I could give her some lavender. Or I could make her some soup! Or—""Ari, really," Knight lays a hand on my arm, stopping me and my mouth slowly shuts. "She likes to be left alone. You have no idea what she's really going through."I nod, deflated."But enough dark thoughts for today. Cheer up! We can still carry on. What did you have planned for today? Let's get that cheerful smile back on your face," he tells me warmly, and I squint my e
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Chapter 33
The pounding on the front door startled her.Who would be calling at this time of the morning?Chesca washed her hands of the fresh fruit she had been slicing, and moved to the door.Opening it slowly, she sensed who was on the other side before seeing him. But the sight of the little boy standing there in dripping wet pyjamas, dark curly hair plastered to his forehead, was still a complete shock."Justin—?""Hey Aunt Chesca, where is Sav—" His eyes widened as they looked past her. "Vannah!!"The he dashed past the Alpha with a shriek and lightning quick speed, and before Chesca could even think of stopping him, he'd tackled a sleepy looking Savannah to the ground. They rolled on the floor of the living room, grasping each other around the neck and shoulders, hitting and yelling at each other in a way that was so not appropriate for this early in the day. This hullabaloo would surely wake baby Isaiah if Chesca didn't get them under control."Children! Get off each other right now!" Ch
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Chapter 34
Cornflakes crunch in my mouth, their cracking sound the only thing I can hear in this silent and empty house.As I pour milk into my bowl, I wonder where everyone is, and figure they must be out training, working hard, or avoiding me. The last realisation stings, as I know that Malachi never came home last night. Our bed remained cold and empty beside me.I don't know where he went or why he just ran from me last night. It had been going so well, the pizza and fellowship night I organised in full swing, and I was sure Malachi was happy and proud of what I'd done. I'd seen it in the way his blue eyes were watching me the entire time I told my story. I felt it in his racing heartbeat when I led him to the dance area and wrapped my arms around him.I'd heard it in the gentle way he said my name.But then he was gone.Pushing through the crowd and disappearing into the shadowed forest like my touch was burning him, like the bonfire behind us was consuming his sense and reason.What reason
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Chapter 35
The air is heavy with my dread, making it almost too thick to breathe. Especially with my mate's hand squeezing my shoulder, his thumb pressing in under my collarbone. Although it doesn't hurt, I understand his meaning clearly."I asked, where have you been?" Malachi growls at me again when I take too long to answer. "And who were you with? I can smell his scent all over you."An extra wave of fear engulfs me as I look into Malachi's dark eyes, dotted with dancing red embers. I know the type of risk a jealous mate poses to another male, especially if it's a jealous Alpha mate. Their strength can be magnificent when fueled by fiery possession.I try and tell him he has nothing to worry about though. "It—it was just a boy—""Don't lie to me!" Malachi leans into my face and snarls, making me flinch. Squeezing my eyes shut, an involuntary whimper escapes my throat.Suddenly Malachi steps back from me, leaving a rush of cold air between us.When I open my eyes, his gaze is to the floor, a
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Chapter 36
I grip the doorpost and feel his words smack into me like a tidal wave of relief. "Who?"Malachi huffs and runs a hand through his hair, an action I've come to know means he's frustrated and agitated, tired of not being in control of the situation."It's complicated. Hamilton and I aren't even sure yet, but we're close. We can feel it.""Then tell me who you're suspect of? Who do you think could have murdered your warriors so disgustingly?"His eyes snap to mine, the blue a riot of crashing waves. "That's the point. It's a terrible accusation to make, so we're not calling it yet. We have to go over the facts again, see if there's anything we missed."He looks tired, and troubled with the fact that he still hasn't yet found the person causing such crimes in his pack. As Alpha, he wants to protect everyone, I know."So do you think you can solve it? You'll be able to stop them before anyone else gets hurt, right?" I'd nearly forgotten about the threat to our lives, so caught up have I b
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Chapter 37
"You're leaving?"Malachi is shocked, more so than I expected. He stands up abruptly, nearly pulling away the sheets that he had unconsciously scrunched between his fingers, and looks at me with wide eyes. I see a swirl of storms in his blue eyes, more shadow than light in the dim morning dawn that surrounds us, and I might not be imagining the hurt that creeps in the edges and wrinkles his forehead.It nearly makes me change my mind."You're going ForgedHearts pack?" he questions, like he needs to clarify where I call home. Maybe my choice of wards was poor, but this hasn't felt like home, not ever, even in the small moments I'm enveloped in Malachi's embrace. For a flicker in time, being with him feels right, but everything else around us is so wrong."Just for a few days."He visibly relaxes, his shoulders slumping forward and his clenched jaw loosening while he sits on the edge of the bed. I scoot back and pull my knees to my chest."It's almost the new moon, and I want
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Chapter 38
"He really hasn't changed at all.""Who?""Caleb. Who else would I be talking about!" Lexi placed the stack of plates in a cupboard then wiped the sink dry, and turned a raised eyebrow to her Alpha."Oh, right. What about him?" Chesca asked while hanging up the dish towel. The kitchen was now tidy and clean from the dinner preparations thanks to Lexi's help, but she knew by breakfast the next morning, it would once again be it's usual mess."I saw him chatting to Miranda the other day, down by the lake. You know the spot by the pines? Private. Romantic. He was standing so close to her like he always used to. Leaning, if you know what I mean."Chesca groaned and poured the freshly boiled kettle of water into her teapot. Soon the scent of black tea with rose buds permeated the air, and Chesca felt herself instantly unwinding with just the anticipation of a good cup of tea. This time of night, when her pups were in bed, was a part of the day she looked forward to. Because though she love
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Chapter 39
"And this is my doll, I named her Sandy because her hair is yellow like sand. She looks so pretty in this pink dress, don't you think?"Emerald picked up the doll from its place amongst other stuffed animals, and smoothed out the dress that was covered in flowers, ribbons, and buttons. Her side of the room that she shared with her sister was all soft and girly with pretty pink things everywhere, while Savannah's side was decorated with unusual things like smooth rocks from the creek, slingshots made from sticks, and curious leaves dried between books.The two Alpha daughters were opposite in many ways, but so alike in their love for their family and friends."It's gorgeous," Ariella agreed, patting the doll and looking about the room. When Ariella and her mom came to visit for the day, both girls instantly pulled her upstairs to excitedly show her their latest gifts and toys. Now while Emerald was proudly pointing out her neatly arranged collection, Savannah sat in the window seat fli
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