All Chapters of A Bride For Alpha Darren: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
113 Chapters
Chapter 81
Estella, a vivacious and caring woman, shared many similarities with Lucy's dear friend, Maddie. As Lucy and Estella enjoyed each other's company, they found themselves engrossed in a delightful conversation about their favorite foods and flowers.Lucy's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned forward, eager to share her culinary preferences. "You know, Estella, there's nothing quite like a warm slice of apple pie with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top. It's the perfect combination of sweet and tart, and the aroma of cinnamon just fills the air."Estella chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Oh, I couldn't agree more, Lucy! Apple pie is a classic comfort food. But when it comes to my favorites, I must confess my weakness for a fluffy stack of pancakes drizzled with maple syrup. It's like a little taste of heaven on a plate."Lucy's mouth watered at the thought. "Pancakes are irresistible, especially when they're light and fluffy. And maple syrup adds that extra touch of indulgence.
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Chapter 82
Estella's 18th birthday was fast approaching, and the palace was abuzz with excitement. Maids scurried about, their aprons fluttering as they carried trays of pastries and stacks of colorful decorations. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation as everyone worked together to ensure Estella had a celebration fit for a princess.In the grand hall, a team of maids meticulously arranged tables adorned with delicate lace tablecloths and sparkling silverware. They skillfully folded napkins into intricate shapes, forming swans and roses that would grace each place setting. One maid, named Amelia, had a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she secretly practiced her napkin-folding skills behind a pillar, hoping to impress the guests.Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the head chef, Chef Francois, barked orders to his brigade of cooks. Pots and pans clanged together as they prepared a feast fit for royalty. The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, causing the maids to
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Chapter 83
Stanley's words came off slurred and she didn't even get a word, which made her lose interest pretty fast. She wondered if it was Intentional but she couldn't bring herself to force him him speak up as it would cause a scene. Estella's concern for Lucy deepened as she sensed an inexplicable distance between them. Despite her genuine affection and desire to help, Lucy seemed resolute in her devotion to Stanley, brushing off any attempts to discuss her origins. Something felt amiss, a lingering uncertainty that gnawed at Estella's conscience.Determined to unravel the mystery and assist her friend, Estella embarked on a quest to find someone who might hold the key to Lucy's past. She set out on a journey that led her through bustling streets and quaint corners of the city, seeking the expertise of a private investigator.With a sense of purpose driving her forward, Estella engaged in conversations with locals, discreetly inquiring about renowned investigators who possessed a knack for
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Chapter 84
Weeks had passed since Lucy's disappearance, and Alpha Stanley was on the brink of madness. The once vibrant and powerful leader now appeared worn, his eyes haunted with worry and frustration. He paced back and forth in his study, his steps echoing through the quiet room.Carlos, his trusted beta and confidant, stood by his side, concern etched on his face. "Alpha," Carlos said gently, his voice filled with sympathy, "we will find her. We won't rest until Lucy is back by your side."Stanley halted his restless movements and looked at Carlos with a mixture of anguish and desperation. "I don't understand," he muttered, his voice laced with a sense of defeat. "Our mate bond should be unbreakable, yet I can't sense her. It's as if she's vanished into thin air."Carlos placed a hand on Stanley's shoulder, offering solace and support. "The bond may be strong, Alpha, but sometimes unforeseen circumstances can disrupt its connection," he explained. "We must remain steadfast in our search. Luc
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Chapter 85
Carlos sat at his desk, diligently compiling a report of the ongoing search for Lucy. The room was filled with the scent of paper and ink as he meticulously documented the efforts made by his pack and the progress they had achieved thus far. As he jotted down the latest updates, his mate, Maddie, received an unexpected call, causing her to excuse herself from the room.Curiosity piqued, Carlos watched as Maddie stepped out, her expression a mix of surprise and intrigue. He wondered who could be calling at such a crucial moment, perhaps with a breakthrough in the search for Lucy. He continued writing, trying to focus on his task at hand, but his mind couldn't help but wander to Maddie and the mysterious call she had received.Meanwhile, in a secluded area of the packhouse, Maddie answered the call, her voice laced with curiosity. "Hello? Who is this?"A low, raspy voice on the other end replied, "I have some information for you, but I need you to be alone before I can share it."Maddie
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Chapter 86
Estella entered Stanley's office with a determined look on her face, her eyes shining with an unyielding resolve. She took a deep breath and approached Stanley, who was sitting behind his large mahogany desk, his brow furrowed in deep concentration."Stanley," she began, her voice steady yet filled with conviction, "I have a proposition for you. I believe it's time for Lucy and me to take a run in the woods. She needs to reconnect with nature, feel the freedom of the wind against her skin."Stanley's eyes widened with concern. "Estella, you know how protective I am of Lucy. It's not safe out there. I can't bear the thought of something happening to her."Estella placed a comforting hand on his arm, her gaze unwavering. "I understand your concerns, Stanley. But Lucy needs this. She needs to find herself, to remember who she truly is. Trust me, I won't let anything happen to her. We'll take precautions."Stanley sighed, torn between his overwhelming desire to keep Lucy safe and Estella'
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Chapter 87
Lucy stood before Maddie, her eyes searching Maddie's face for any glimmer of recognition. But her mind remained blank, devoid of any memories of their past. It was as if a veil had been drawn over her recollections, obscuring the connection they once shared.Maddie's voice trembled as she tried to reach out to Lucy, her words carrying the weight of their lost bond. She spoke of shared moments, of laughter and tears, of the friendship they had once cherished. But each word fell upon deaf ears, finding no foothold in Lucy's consciousness.Lucy's brows furrowed in confusion, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of bewilderment. She strained her mind, desperately grasping at fragments of memory that remained frustratingly out of reach. She searched for the familiar threads that would tie her to Maddie, to their shared history, but all she found was an empty abyss.The silence hung heavy in the air, punctuated only by the sound of their uneven breaths. Maddie's eyes brimmed with unshed tears,
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Chapter 88
Stanley's face contorted with anger as he stood before Estella, his eyes burning with fury. The betrayal he felt coursed through his veins, threatening to consume him. He couldn't believe that his own sister had orchestrated such a reckless act, jeopardizing everything he had worked for."You dare defy me, Estella?" he seethed, his voice dripping with venom. "After all I have done for you, this is how you repay me? By interfering in my affairs, have you lost your f*cking mind?!"Estella met his gaze, her own eyes filled with a mix of guilt and defiance. "Stanley, just calm down," she pleaded, her voice trembling slightly. "It's nothing. I just….""Don't you dare!..." he growled, throwing a alap across her face, releasing his Alpha aura almost at the same time. "Ask me to calm down."Stanley's nostrils flared as his rage intensified. He took a step closer to Estella, his voice laced with menace. "You have no idea what you've done," he spat, his words punctuated by seething anger.Estel
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Chapter 89
Darren stood before Stanley, his eyes filled with a mix of anguish and anger. He had suspected Stanley's involvement in Lucy's disappearance, and now that the truth was laid bare before him, he couldn't contain his emotions any longer. The bond of friendship that had once tied them together was now strained, tested by the painful revelation."You did this, Stanley," Darren's voice trembled with a mixture of hurt and accusation. "You took her away from us. How could you do this?"Stanley met Darren's gaze head-on, his expression unyielding. He knew the confrontation was inevitable, and he had prepared himself for it. There was a coldness in his eyes, a steel resolve that seemed to dull any hint of remorse. He didn't flinch in the face of Darren's anger but instead stood tall, his voice steady as he responded."Yes, Darren. I did," Stanley's tone was calm, almost dismissive. "I took her away because she belongs with me. We are mates, destined to be together. And it's time you accept tha
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Chapter 90
Stanley's heart pounded in his chest as he stood there, his lips still tingling from the kiss he had just shared with Lucy. He had known the risks of being involved with a married woman, but he couldn't help himself. Love had taken hold of him, blinding him to the consequences. Even with Darren standing there and threatening him, he felt a bit jittery within but he couldn't let it show.Darren, had suspected Stanley had a hand in all this, but witnessing them exchange that intimate moment ignited a rage within him that he could no longer contain. His face twisted into a contorted mask of fury as he stormed toward them, his steps heavy and purposeful."Woah! You wouldn't want to come any further, or I'll have my guards throw you out right away.""Then try it!" He smiled evily at Stanley who knew so well what he was capable of doing."Darren" Stanley said grabbing Lucy by her side and pushing her back. "You better get out!""Lucy! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Darren bellowe
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