All Chapters of To Be Yours Again: Chapter 1241 - Chapter 1250
1401 Chapters
Chapter 1241 Distracted by Your Handsomeness
"Well, at that time, I accompanied Alec to study abroad because we were not much different in age. Alec didn't treat me as a subordinate as well, so I got to know Quinn through him. I don't know how she found out I returned to the Wardleys, but she contacted me and asked about Alec's situation," Anthony said.Jenny's heart sank. Why was Quinn asking about Alec's situation? Did she hope to get back together with him? That wasn't impossible, seeing as the current Alec was no longer the foolish youth he was back in college."I only contacted her once, and she hasn't contacted me since then. I don't know where she is now, but I always get the feeling that she must have come back to look for Alec, so I'm giving you a reminder beforehand," Anthony said as he stood up to leave.Jenny watched him leave, lost in thought. She'd never met Quinn, but it wasn't the first time she had heard the woman's name. She thought that she and Quinn were fated to meet sooner or later.Sighing, she felt a l
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Chapter 1242 Don't Worry Too Much
Alec drove slowly, and the car soon arrived at his house. He and Jenny had been living together for some time now, and their life was not much different from that of a married couple. As usual, Alec went straight to the kitchen to start cooking when they got home, while Jenny played with her phone in the living room. Life was quite laid back these days.She'd thought about helping Alec in the kitchen, but he would kick her out every time, saying she was a troublemaker. After several attempts, Jenny wisened up and didn't even attempt to enter the kitchen; she just sat and waited for the food.While she was reading the news, Stephanie called, her voice full of tears. It made Jenny, who was lying on the couch, sit up instantly. "What happened?""I haven't been able to contact Leonard these past two days. When I asked the people at the police station, they dismissed me. I'm worried that something might have happened to him." She had no choice but to turn to Jenny for help.Jenny immedi
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Chapter 1243 What Kind of Person Am I?
After the call ended, Jenny couldn't calm down. "Steph was too calm just now."Hearing her words, Alec felt helpless. "Maybe it's because she knows that Leonard will be alright.""No, something's not right." When Stephanie couldn't contact Leonard, she was distraught. But now that she knew he was missing and his whereabouts were unknown, she was eerily calm—it was abnormal.Alec had returned to the kitchen to continue cooking. He said to Jenny, "Don't think too much about it for now. Let's eat and then go to the police station.""Okay," Jenny agreed. She also felt that they should go and check out what was going on.Meanwhile, Stephanie put away her phone and smiled bitterly. She left her home and quickly arrived at the gate of a villa. She walked up and knocked on the door.The door was opened by a maid who looked confused. "Who are you looking for?""Is Paul here?" Stephanie spoke calmly, but the tone of her voice was very intimidating.The maid frowned. "Do you have an appoi
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Chapter 1244 I Wish You'd Die!
Stephanie locked eyes with Paul and declared word by word, "Yes! I have fallen in love with him!""Shut up!" Paul seemed to be greatly agitated, and his eyes instantly became bloodshot.But Stephanie just smiled. "What's wrong? Are you afraid to hear what I have to say? Are you afraid to hear me say that I love him, or are you afraid to hear me say that I don't love you?""Stephanie!" Paul felt like he was going crazy. Stephanie was deliberately provoking him, and he should kill her for it. But...he couldn't bring himself to do it.Stephanie seemed to be unaware of his pain and repeated, "Where is Leonard? Paul, if anything happens to him, I won't spare you even if I die.""Really? Unfortunately, you're too late." Paul sneered, releasing his grip on Stephanie's neck. It seemed as if he'd figured out a solution.Stephanie turned pale and couldn't believe her ears. "What do you mean?""What I mean is that Sullivan should be dead by now. He has probably been thrown into the sea to
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Chapter 1245 Giving You a Chance
"Do you dare to do it? Come on! What're you waiting for?" Paul looked at her and urged, "I killed Leonard, and if you want to avenge him, today's your only chance."Stephanie gritted her teeth and walked up to him again. Holding the knife tightly, she warned, "Don't force me!""Am I forcing you? I'm giving you a chance. Haven't you always wanted to be free? Now is your chance." Paul looked at her without any intention of dodging her blow.He thought that maybe it would be good to die in her hands like this. The harm he'd caused her would ultimately dissipate with his death. In the next life, he would come back to find her and treat her well.Stephanie held the knife, knowing that if she continued to push the knife into him, Paul would really die. She hated him so very much, but now, she couldn't do it. She despised herself; she hated herself, but it was meaningless.After a long time, she finally let go of the knife and looked at him coldly. "I hate you, but I won't become like yo
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Chapter 1246 What's There to Explain?
Paul snorted coldly. "Explain? What's there to explain? She had it in her mind that I was responsible! Even if I explain, will she believe me?"Jenny fell silent. The fact was just as Paul had said. Even if he explained, Stephanie might not believe him."Okay, you take care of your injuries. I'll handle this matter," Alec spoke up. At this point, the only way to resolve everything was to find Leonard.Paul leaned against the headboard, sneering, "I hope that Sullivan guy is really dead.""I suggest you better not think that way," Jenny advised. Even if Leonard had an accident, even if it was eventually discovered that Paul wasn't involved, Stephanie might still not believe it. Unfortunately, at this point, Paul no longer cared whether Stephanie believed him or not. He fervently wished for Leonard's demise.Jenny didn't stay at the hospital any longer. She and Alec handled the matter separately—one stayed at the hospital, and the other went to find Stephanie.At that moment, Steph
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Chapter 1247 Relax, He'll Be Fine
Stephanie heaved a sigh of relief when Jenny said that. As long as they had a lead, with Jenny's and Alec's combined efforts, they'd be able to capture those people quickly.She shied away from Jenny's gaze and wiped at the corner of her eyes.Jenny saw her actions but said nothing. "You were impulsive, Stephanie.""I was just so anxious." Stephanie knew that Jenny was talking about her going to see Paul. Usually, she wouldn't even want to see him, but after something happened to Leonard, she didn't give a damn."I thought that you and Leonard were just infatuated with each other. It turns out you like him more than I think," Jenny exclaimed. She didn't even know what else to say.Stephanie was exasperated. "I didn't think I'd like him so much, either. But now, I'm incredibly worried about him. I can't even explain what I'm feeling.""I know." Jenny understood because she felt that way about Alec, too.Maybe this was love."When are you planning to marry him, Jenny?" Stephanie
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Chapter 1248 Call It Even
The moment Leonard arrived at Bardoff Hospital, he was sent straight into the operating room.In the past few days, he had been tortured by that group of kidnappers. He was injured all over—he was lucky to still be alive. When Jenny and Stephanie rushed to the operating room, Alec was there too. Since Paul was also in the hospital, Alec arrived earlier."What's his situation?" Jenny asked worriedly. She was afraid that something would happen to Leonard. After all, Stephanie had already decided to marry him. It would be cruel if anything happened to him now.Alec shot her a reassuring look and said, "He's badly wounded, but they're not life-threatening. He'll be alright after a few days' worth of rest."Jenny and Stephanie both sighed in relief.Alec didn't let it go just yet. He looked at Stephanie coldly. "Miss Walker, Leonard's surgery will take a while. Why don't you visit Paul and apologize to him in the meantime?"Jenny said nothing. She and Alec were clear about this. Alt
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Chapter 1249 I Won't Scold You
Alec repeated everything Jenny had said to Paul in his ward. "What do you think? Are you prepared to press charges against Stephanie?""Did you even need to ask? If I were to do that, I'd drive a wedge between you and Jenny." Paul understood this. Alec was putting himself in his shoes, and he had to do the same for him. Besides, he never really wanted Stephanie to take responsibility."Calling it even is pretty great. I wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore." Ever since Stephanie left, Paul lived in guilt and regret. He should be happy to be able to call it even.Alec was a little worried. "You and Stephanie…""She's already calling it even. What am I going to do? Force her? You can tell Jenny that I'm not going to bother Stephanie anymore." Paul seemed to be making a decision.Since this happened, Paul was seeing a lot of things clearly for the first time. He truly no longer had a chance with Stephanie. Nothing he did would change it. She would only hate him even more. He was ju
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Chapter 1250 It Was Time They Both Moved On
Stephanie stayed by Leonard's side until night fell over the city. Then, Leonard slowly woke up."Stephanie?" When he opened his eyes, he saw Stephanie and her reddened eyes. "Why are you crying? Did someone pick on you?"It was as if he was completely unaware of the situation he was in. His first instinct was to worry about Stephanie.It made Stephanie's eyes turn even redder. "You're the one picking on me.""Me?" Leonard was stunned. He got up, but then the aches in his body sent waves of pain washing through him. It hurt so badly that he gnashed his teeth.Stephanie got up to hold him back. "Don't move. Rest well."Leonard had no other choice. He wanted to move, but he couldn't. "Sorry. I've made you worry." It was then that he remembered what had happened, and he understood why Stephanie would have tears in her eyes.He was careless. He hadn't thought the criminals would be brave enough to kidnap him.Stephanie pouted, doing her best to calm herself down. "You don't have to
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