All Chapters of I call the alpha daddy: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
157 Chapters
Sophia POV."Oh My God!" was Niti's first comment when she saw me, did she knew? How did she know what happened, maybe she's just saying so because she saw me get off Vic's bike.She just nodded toward Vic before dragging me with her in the school away from my stepbrothers and into a more isolated place. I could hear daddy's chuckle in my head, this whole telepathy is still weird for me."You and Victor? Finally?" she asks."How did you know?" I ask the obvious question."You smell like him" she replies like it's nothing and I look at her with confusion, wait how could she smell Vic on me?"He didn't tell you? Really?" she asks offended. I look at her but still don't get it, so I decided to ask daddy about it. I try my best to think about him and send him a message,"Is Niti?" was all I had to say before he replies. "Yes she's a wolf baby girl" was his reply, now my mouth does fell open with shock, and she didn't tell me! And he didn't tell me! Those two traitors!"Tell me all about i
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Sophia POV.Thank god I had Niti, she explained things to me, I did come home and roasted my so-called daddy for extra information, he explained a bit more about being Luna, about why people would bow or nod when they see me. I'm the alpha mate, he's the head of the pack, which includes lots of people, like most of the town and we're not even the biggest pack around, we have neighbors, some of them are known to be very aggressive, it's why he doesn't want me to wander around the woods."Would people hate me for not being a wolf?" I asked him worried since I can't change like him."No it's up to the more dominant one to be the alpha and he or she has to be able to shift, the Luna is more delicate and can be human" he explains."What about being little," I ask, do I have to give up on being a little?"No princess, lots of alpha are into BDSM, in all its shapes and forms," he says again with a wink."What if I'm a bad Luna?" I say worried again."You can never be a bad Luna, you're my pe
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Victor POV.I woke up happily with my little in my hands, she was squirming around but I didn't want to let her go. I wanted to keep her in my hands forver, I knew she needed to pee, she didn't have to say it, but she was so focused on that feeling that she sent me the message through our bond.She went to the bathroom and that's when everything went downhill, I was summoned by my alpha, not called down, summoned meaning I can't say no to him, I had to obey.I made it to my father, who's still our current alpha office, I saw Alvin there too with a big scowl on his face, he hates this as much as me. Call us nicely and we'll be there, force us out of bed and you'll have one grumpy alpha and his jerk beta on your hands.Couldn't you like call? Send a message? Sent Sammy to get me? Alvin asks, he just broke my bad mood, that guy seriously hate this. He said he'll only pledge to be my beta officially if I swear never to summon him ever."This couldn't wait let's go" my father says, he wasn
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Victor POV.I had to make it up for Sophia, extra cuddles and some explanation about where I was, I had to tell her about the rogue. She paled when she knew there are some people who go crazy, that there are some mean people, wolves out there. But she needs to know, it's why I'm always worried about her, I want her to know about the danger that lurks outside.That wasn't my smartest move, she got scared, she gets closer to me crying, I didn't mean to scare her! I just meant to inform her about everything that happened but she went into her headspace and started crying."Daddy meany wolfie!" she says between her sobs, what am I supposed to do now, I just hugged her close, she cuddled closer to my neck. It's a comforting position for a little, to have direct access to her mate's neck, a sign of submission between any other two wolves, but for us, it's a sign of love."Daddy will kick any mean wolfie butt don't worry pumpkin," I tell her still trying to comfort the crying mess, it's when
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Sophia POV.My cramps got worse, they are always bad, even after my nap, daddy had me wrapped in a blanket like a burrito, to keep me warm but my stomach still hurt badly. I cried out again in pain when another strong cramp hit me, daddy pulled me even closer to him."What do you want me to do little one? Tell daddy what to do to make you feel better," he says, I just shrug, I don't know what to do, usually, the pain would just go on its own.Daddy just rubbed my back, over and over again trying to make me feel better, it did but not for much, maybe I should ask daddy for a pain killer, but little Sophie hates medicine. Usually, I'd regress when in pain, just like now, daddy tried to move out of the bed but I cried tried to pull him back to bed. I didn't want him to leave, he told me he'll be back in a second, with a big pout I let him go for now.He left the room for about ten minutes before he came back with supplies, he had a sippy cup for me with warm tea, a hot water pad, and cho
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Sophia POV. I was bored, seriously bored, I was done from my period thankfully, daddy took good care of me until it passed. He even gave me a very warm bath when it was over, I whined at being washed, but he wouldn't budge. He carried me to the bathroom and filled the bath with hot water for me, I sat on the counter trying to talk him out of it."Don't make it too hot" I whine."It's not" he replies still not looking back at me."Then don't make it too cold," I say with a pout."I know princess don't worry," he says ignoring all my objections.He came and carried me off the counter, it's not the bath I'm against, it's the fact that this is the first time he'll ever bath me. With red cheeks and a beating heart of a thousand beats a minute, he sat me inside the bath naked. I'll give it to him, he didn't even look, his eyes were on my face the whole time, thankfully he got bubbles filling the tub for me to hide under them.Having my hair being massaged by him was one of the best feeling
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Sophia POV.I should've known that Adam would have our heart out for messing with his stuff, we really should've known better but sadly we didn't. Once he came in, he came in his room and saw his things, well the remaining of our playing session. The first reaction was to growl at us both, Sammy frowned and took a step back showing his neck, I didn't know what to do now but I was scared."Sophie" Sammy whispers holding my hand, Adam's eyes flashed black, he was looking at us with anger, he took a deep breath probably trying not to kill us yet. The second Adam closed his eyes Sammy took off with me behind him, we only had a head start before we heard Adam yelling at our heels."Samuel! Sophia! Come back here you two brats" Adam yells at us, we don't stop or go back, he'd kill us if we do.We take off outside of the house running, we kept running until we made it to the wood, I was scared now. My heart was beating like crazy, my hands were sweating, and I was breathing quickly to keep u
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Sophia POV.I didn't dare to go to Adam right away, I waited for him until he calmed down fully, also daddy said that Sammy was in deep troubles with Alvin for what he did, he knew not to mess with Adam paint supplies."Is Sammy a little?" I asked him wondering."Uhh... I don't know baby. Sammy would probably have a more dominant mate than him, but I don't know if he'll be a little" daddy explains."Would he have a daddy like me?" I ask excited for him, having a daddy is so much fun."Sophia, I don't know honey, we'll have to wait and see," he says, my curiosity wasn't satisfied yet."What if he gets a mommy? Are mommies better or daddies?" I ask him again."Sophia!" he says with a yelp."What if I had a mommy, that would be so sad you won't have a princess then," I say."Shut it little one," daddy says sticking a paci in my mouth, that made me pout but I still took it sucking on it angrily.I closed my eyes and decided to take a nap, I was warm and cuddly in daddy's arm, I fell aslee
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Victor POV.We had a basketball match today, we still go to school, we go every day, we only skipped few days when my baby girl had her period, then they had their paint accident on Saturday, she and Sammy were both extremely quiet Sunday. I knew that Alvin spanked Sammy for what he did, he'd been told off before about touching my twin paint supplies, maybe Sophie is right, Sammy is a little, he had some little treats in him for sure.Today's Tuesday, we have a match today in the afternoon, Sophie said she wanna watch it, she was extremely excited, I'd say more excited than us. She was sitting in my lap this morning sharing our, well my morning coffee, she was too overactive to have one but still, she took few sips of my coffee while eating our breakfast together. After our breakfast we got on the back of my motorcycle and headed toward the school she kept yelling to me to go faster, faster, but I didn't obey her much, I did speed up just a little bit. Once we made it to school, I he
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Sophia POV.There's a rumor about a party later tonight, it's in the wood only the wolves know where it is. Me being their new Luna, I never loved my new title until now, me being their Luna I was invited in with them, saying I have to come.When Kyle heard about that he said to forget it, Victor would skin him alive if I even think about going."Why not?" I ask with a big pout. "It's a werewolf party little sis, not the normal one, it's not safe for Luna to go alone" was his answer that didn't really explain much."Then you come with me" I tell him happily, if I need someone to come he can. "No I can't go with you Luna, I'm not the alpha and again Victor would have my heart for it," he says in explanation." no fun" I stumped away from him dragging my bestie Niti with me, at least she's on my side right."Soph calms down he's right I've been to one of those parties before." She says and I'm ready to call our friendship off and beat her ass right now."But being a Luna th
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