All Chapters of The Billionaire's Surrogate's Secret: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
178 Chapters
Swift verdict
RODRI'S POVGoing to the supermarket was a great idea, it was the perfect way to get Vanessa back in good spirits after what had happened a while ago.I wanted to rest after a long day at work and the unending zoom meeting at home, but Vanessa was top priority. So I decided to go shopping with her but with the happenings at the office, I had to make a pitstop first."I'll have to stop at the office first," I said to Vanessa as I led her to the Lambo, collecting the key from the driver who was ready to drive us where we needed to go. "There's an emergency at the office and I have to be there, but it won't take long, okay?" She nodded slightly as I strapped her in the car, she deliberately avoided any form of eye contact. It felt strange to me that she was suddenly refusing to look at me but I couldn't exactly blame her. Not long ago, she had tried to get my attention after I had successfully avoided her for a while and it had almost cost her the pregnancy. It was totally understandabl
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VANESSA'S POVAs soon as Rodri got out of the car, I exhaled sharply not even realizing I had been holding my breath. All the way to the office, I had struggled to get Trinity's message out of my head but my anxiety was spiking faster than I could control.Something about this threat made me feel terribly uneasy and the fact that I couldn’t bring myself to confess to him wasn't helping at all. Breathe, Vanessa, I said to myself, trying to calm my nerves. Getting myself worked up was not good for the baby at all but getting myself to calm down wasn't also an easy task to perform.Thinking of a way to get Trinity out of my head, I picked up my phone from my thighs and decided to call Estelle. Ever since the evening I had rushed to her because she found out about Brandon's secret affair, I barely reached out to her. It wasn't like it didn't care about my best friend, I had just been preoccupied with Rodri and the baby."Hi, Nessa," Estelle's voice sounded out the receiver as soon as the
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Weapons of war
TRINITY'S POV The operator you're trying to reach is currently unavailable, please try again later or wait after the beep to leave a message… "Pick up the damn call!" I yelled as I threw the phone across the room, boiling with rage at the words that had been flowing repeatedly out of it. How could someone like Vanessa block my calls? What gave that mouse the audacity to do such a thing to me? I could remember vividly how small and timid she had looked, sitting in my office, asking for me to get rid of her bastard child. Her eyes had not been able to meet mine and she had fidgeted so terribly it had irritated me to watch. She had been such a pitiful sight but now, all that has changed? From dressing and living like a church mouse, having not a single penny to her name, now, she had been spoiled with so much wealth by Rodri and his family all because of me. I had given her the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to make her worthless life become something useful but what had
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One billion dollars
Rodri Getting those chocolates was a very great idea because for the first time today, I saw Vanessa's face lit up with a genuine smile. I had always made sure to check in with her cook, Lora and even Samira, the smile on her beautiful face was the reward for my attentiveness. "Should we head to the supermarket now?" I asked as I strapped in my seatbelt while also making sure Vanessa's seatbelt was well arranged on her stomach the way Samira had taught me to place it. It was vital to keep the belt just a little bit above her abdomen, so as to avoid any form of restrictions to the baby's movements or air supply. Vanessa gave a slight nod and plastered a small smile on her face as she fidgeted with the cute packaging that had come with the chocolate. I noticed she had kept her phone between her thighs and for some unknown reason, it gave me some relief. She had been staring way too much at the phone, it was good she had momentarily abandoned it. Once again, I found myself wonde
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A little more privately
VANESSA'S POV "What?!" Instinctively, my hand went to my stomach as I woke up with a start, drenched in sweat. My eyes darted around the car, trying to remember where I was and as soon as it came rushing back to me, I shifted my attention to Rodri, scared something had happened to him. "Are you fucking serious right now?!" He screamed again, gripping the wheel so hard I saw his knuckles go pale. Who was he talking to that was making him react this way? I leaned forward, trying to listen in on the conversation but then I noticed he had his earphones plugged in. He was quiet for a while, probably listening to what the other person had to say and then suddenly, he let out an exasperated sigh before turning around to look at me. The moments our eyes met, he stopped short, surprise masking his features. "Did I wake you up?" He mumbled, looking apologetic. I gave him a small smile that was accompanied with a quick shake of my head. "Make sure you stay alert, Brianna and call m
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Rodri’s question
Vanessa’s POV I noticed my hands were sweaty as Rodri led me out of the supermarket, heading towards the car as the guards followed closely by, hauling the gigantic bags of baby items we had finally bought. I just wanted to pick a few things but Rodri had decided against it, choosing five of every item I had written on my list. Since we had no idea about the gender of the baby, he had insisted we get everything in both pink and blue and in large numbers also. Mum had suggested we settle on unisex clothes but Rodri hadn't welcomed the idea at all. "A billionaire’s child should feel like a billionaire, shouldn't he?" Rodri had asked me when I brought the suggestion to him and without waiting for my response, he had gone ahead to tell the shop attendant to increase the number of items from the two pairs we had initially agreed on. At the end of our shopping spree, we had ended up buying more than half the children's section and as expensive as it must have been, Rodri had unwave
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My mother
Rodri’s POV "Tell Rodri to get the both of you over here right now, his mum just woke up!" I had heard him clearly, but it seemed like I was in a trance and everything else around me wasn't real. My mind started to doubt the information that had been passed through my ears into my brain. "What?" Vanessa's voice was merely a whisper as we sat in the same position, shock written all over our faces. "What did you say?" She asked quietly, confirming I was not the only one who was finding it out to believe what we had both clearly heard. Could it be our minds playing a trick on us? "Didn't you hear what I just said?" My dad's voice boomed out the speaker, sounding impatient and heavily breathless. "Call Rodri to get the car ready, so the both of you can get here as quickly as possible!" He barked out the command before the call disconnected. "Rodri," Vanessa motioned to me as she gently removed her leg from my hold. "Let's go see your mom." Slowly, it started to come to me. My brai
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Mom and Vanessa
Rodri’s POV An overwhelming wave of relief flooded my bloodstream as my eyes locked with mum's. Every fiber of my being was screaming at me to rush into her arms, to have her hold me again after so many years but my feet were ignoring the command my brain was shooting out. All the thoughts I had struggled to shove to a side of my mind started to resurface as I stared at her. It felt like I was seeing her for the first time when all I had done ever since the accident was spend hours looking at her face. Her brown eyes were exactly the same and I had to admit I had started to forget how brown they were. The brown orbs were staring right into my soul as I stared back at her, tears streaming down my face and blurring my vision terribly. I had spent countless nights dreaming of this particular moment and now, the moment was here. My mother's eyes were finally open and she could see me. "Am I not going to get a hug?" Mum's voice floated towards me and as if it was what I needed to
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Pride and confidence
TRINITY'S POV While I waited for the engineer—the receptionist had directed me to after her failed attempt to strike up a conversation with me—to complete the finishing touches on my brand new phone, I felt the anger returning back. It wasn't as if my anger towards Vanessa had left but at least it had subsided after I had ravished a box of doughnuts and two large glasses of milkshakes. But sitting in a room, bored to death as my feet swelled was not the way I had expected my Saturday to go. "Aren't you done yet?" I inquired firmly, making sure my voice was loud enough for him to hear over the annoyingly loud music that was blasting through the speakers in the room. If there was one thing I hated more than Vanessa, it was noise and waiting followed closely by and annoying as the situation was, both of them were in full motion. The man reduced the volume of the music, gave me a cheeky smile before answering in a way that made my skin crawl, "Yes, ma'am." He gave me a quick wi
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Another tool
TRINITY'S POV "What's going on, Samira?" I demanded, fixing a glare on my face when I noticed she was intentionally stalling. "You know I don't like waiting." It was something she was very much aware of but as usual, her stubbornness wouldn't allow her to adhere to the not so simple rules that surrounded our agreement. "Alright, fine," She finally said in resignation. "I'll tell you about the magnificent discovery I have made." Once again, I felt the cockiness in her tone but I decided to not say anything concerning it. The last thing I wanted was to rile her up before the information I clearly needed had gotten across to me. Resisting the intense urge to yell at her to hurry up, I got out of bed instead and made my way to the kitchen. Pregnancy cravings were something else and at the moment, all I wanted to do was to pop bread filled with peanut butter into my mouth. As I prepared my makeshift sandwich, I noticed Samira was taking her time with the disclosure and as displeasi
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