All Chapters of Billionaire’s Unwanted Wife: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 Chapters
Chapter 31
My heart pounded in my chest as Shraf guided me towards the car. The cold metal of the door pressed against my back as he opened it, and I hesitated before slipping inside. The leather seat welcomed me, but there was an unspoken tension in the air that made the space feel confining. Shraf settled in beside me, his movements precise and controlled. The engine roared to life, filling the silence that hung heavily between us. I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze, my eyes fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. The city lights blurred into streaks of color, a chaotic reflection of the turmoil within me. The car pulled away from the curb, and the rhythm of the road seemed to amplify the silence inside the vehicle. Shraf's hands firmly gripped the steering wheel, his focus ahead. I fidgeted with the hem of my dress, a physical manifestation of my inner unrest. The weight of the ring on my finger felt like a tangible reminder of the constraints that bound me. I stole a glance
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Chapter 32
As Shraf’s lips crashed against mine, it felt like a whirlwind had hit us. His kiss was strong and demanding, leaving me no chance to resist. His hands gripped my waist with an iron grip, pulling me close with a possessiveness that makes my heart race.There was no tenderness in his touch, no gentleness in the way he claimed me as his own. It was a primal need, a hunger that consumed us both as he took what he wanted without hesitation or remorse. His tongue plunged into my mouth with a fierce intensity, exploring every corner with a predatory hunger that left me breathless and powerless to resist.I tried to push him away, to reclaim some semblance of control, but his hold on me only tightened, crushing any hope of escape. His touch was rough, bordering on painful, as he left bruises in his wake, marking me as his in body and soul.As Shraf’s lips parted from mine, we both struggled to catch our breath, our chests heaving with exertion. My face felt hot and flushed, and I could hardl
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Chapter 33
“I fell in love!”A thunder roared overhead, distant clouds erupted into storms, and waves started relentlessly crashing against the shore. I was in a daze. I could see though. I could see Shraf, his voice piercing the storm, urging me to move, I could see the world around me breaking apart but I was numb. I was numb when Shraf rushed towards me and lifted me in his arms. I looked at his beautifully tensed face, he was drenched in the storm, the curls of his hair sticking against his forehead. I looked at his eyes, clear eyes and the reflection of storm in them.With me in his arms, Shraf ran through the storm. Shraf’s arms held me close, his grip firm. His heartbeat, strong and steady, was a reassuring rhythm against my ear. I could feel the warmth of his body, a stark contrast to the biting cold of the storm.As Shraf carried me towards our car, the heavy rain pelted down on us, soaking us to the bone. I shivered uncontrollably, feeling the cold seeping into my bones. When he set me
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Chapter 34
The next morning, the gentle click of the hotel room door stirred me from my slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I sat up in bed to find Shraf stepping inside, a small bag in his hand. His warm smile greeted me, as though the tension from the previous night had evaporated with the dawn.“Good morning, Mi Vida,” his lips curve in a small smirk.“Morning,” I replied, my voice hoarse with sleep. “What’s in the bag?”“I got you something.”Curious, I reached out and took the bag from him, peering inside to find a neatly folded shirt and a pair of pants. It was a thoughtful gesture, considering my dress had been ruined by the storm yesterday.“They should fit you perfectly,”“Thanks.” I headed to the washroom for a shower.After my shower, I tried on the clothes Shraf got me. The shirt felt soft against my skin, its fabric draping elegantly over my frame. It hugged my arms and accentuated my curves in all the right places. The pants were just as impressive, fitting snugly around
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Chapter 35
As I stood there, watching the scene unfold before me, a wave of emotions crashed over me like a tsunami. Shock, hurt, and anger battled for dominance as I struggled to make sense of what I was seeing. It felt like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of me and leaving me reeling in its wake.Every fiber of my being screamed in protest as I watched him, watched them. How could he do this to me? How could he sit there, with another woman, while expecting me to be available only forhim?! The hurt, the heartbreak, slowly gave way to a seething anger, a burning rage that consumed me from within. How dare he? How dare he betray me in such a callous manner, all while pretending that everything was fine, that everything was normal?With each passing moment, the anger grew hotter, fiercer, until it threatened to consume me whole. I could feel it coursing through my veins like molten lava, fueling a primal need for revenge, for retribution. He wanted to play games? Fine. I would show him
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Chapter 36
As I slowly drifted back to consciousness, the world around me was a blur of confusion and disorientation. The last thing I remembered was the terror of being surrounded by those men, their hands groping at me, their leering faces haunting my nightmares.But now, as awareness seeped back into my senses, I found myself lying in bed, the soft sheets cocooning me in a semblance of safety. My body felt heavy, as if it had been weighed down by an unseen force. A strange warmth pervaded me, making me feel both uncomfortable and aroused at the same time. It took me a moment to realize that I was naked under the soft, cool sheets, my skin slick with sweat. The sound of voices reached my ears, pulling me further from the depths of unconsciousness.At first, the words were muffled, like distant echoes bouncing off the walls of my mind. But as I struggled to focus, the voices became clearer, sharper, cutting through the fog that clouded my thoughts.One voice, deep and familiar, belonged to Shra
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Chapter 37
Shraf strode back to the bed, his steps heavy and purposeful, his face tight with anger. He grabbed my foot and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed, his grip firm, almost punishing, as if he was trying to convey the sheer force of his emotions through his touch alone. Our faces came within inches of each other, his hand pressed against the nape of my neck, his fingers digging into my skin. There was a raw, primal energy emanating from him, making it clear that he wasn’t just angry – he was livid.“What did you say?” he demanded, his voice low and menacing, his breath hot against my lips.I lifted my chin defiantly, meeting his gaze head-on. “If you’re not going to satisfy me, I might as well find someone who—”Before I could finish my sentence, Shraf crashed his lips against mine, his kiss rough and possessive, leaving me breathless and unable to utter another word.“Don’t you dare, Eva! I will burn their body alive if anyone even fucking tries!” His hands moved with urgency, ripp
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Chapter 38
As I slowly regained consciousness, soreness radiated throughout my body, and my head throbbed with a dull ache. Thoughts of the passionate night with Shraf flooded my mind, leaving me feeling kinda weary.Blinking against the brightness of the room, I glanced around, trying to make sense of my surroundings. My heart skipped a beat as I realized I wasn’t alone. A middle-aged woman stood at the doorway, her expression gentle and caring.“Ma’am, I was your new housemaid, Magdalena,” she said, her voice warm and comforting. “Your husband had hired me to take care of you.”I furrowed my brows in confusion. Nobody else lived in our villa except for Shraf and me. What was he up to?“Hi, Magdalena,” I greeted her cautiously, unsure of what to make of the situation.“He said you were ill and needed special care for some days,” she explained kindly, her smile reassuring.Glancing at the clock, she continued, “It seemed that it was time for your medicine, Madam. Would you mind taking a hot show
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Chapter 39
I slipped back into a daze once more. The days blurred together, each one passing in a haze of confusion and numbness. I felt myself sinking deeper into the abyss of my own thoughts. The world around me seemed distant and unreal, like I was trapped in a dream from which I couldn’t wake up.Shraf’s attempts to rouse me from my stupor went unanswered. His kisses, once filled with warmth and passion, now felt distant and meaningless against my cold skin. Even as he fed me spoonfuls of soup or gently caressed my hair, I remained still, my mind a million miles away.Magdalena’s kind words and gestures offered little solace. I could feel her concern, her attempts to break through the walls I had erected around myself, but I couldn’t find the strength to respond. My voice felt trapped within me, buried beneath layers of pain and confusion.I existed in a state of limbo, caught between the past and the present, unable to move forward. As the days stretched on, I longed for an escape from the
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Chapter 40
The night stretched on, with Shraf’s heavy breathing lulling me into a fitful sleep, my mind raced with thoughts of escape. I replayed every scenario, every possible avenue of freedom, searching for the one that held the least risk. And then, as dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, a plan began to form in my mind.I waited until Shraf’s rhythmic breathing signaled that he was deeply asleep, his hold on me loosening ever so slightly. With cautious movements, I extricated myself from his grasp, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumroll of anticipation.Silently, I slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb him. Every creak of the floorboards beneath my feet sounded like thunder in the oppressive silence of the room. I held my breath, praying that he wouldn’t wake, that this fleeting moment of freedom wouldn’t be snatched away before it even began.With trembling hands, I gathered the few belongings I could carry—some clothes, a handful of cash I had squirreled away, and th
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