All Chapters of Betrothed to My Sister's Husband : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
80 Chapters
Chapter - [ 11 ]
[ Rain ]Loud gasps leave everyone's mouth as Nicholas stumbles on his feet and before he can balance himself, another punch lands on his other cheek and then third. His nose started bleeding but when my brother, yes my furious brother was about to launch another blow on his guts, Nicholas grabs his hand and tackles him down with ease. It comes more like a shock for everyone as Rainard is trained for special military programs and his fighting skills must be way better than a comman man."How dare you?" Nicholas grabs his collar and raise his hand to punch Rainard but my brother quickly tackle him down and kicks him in the guts."How dare you to mistreat my sister who is now your wife? Do not pretend to be a lovely caring husband because you're nothing but a monster, you son of a bitch!" Rainard shoutes on him. His blood shot eyes are the proofs of his anger's extent."You are on no place to judge my actions when your other whore of a sister eloped with her lover on the day of our wedd
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Chapter - [ 12 ]
[ Nicholas ]The press conference went well. Surprisingly, my imposed wife answered them confidently and never gave them a chance to dig into our marriage, she even laced our fingers to show them our wedding rings as the symbol of our holy bond.Holy bond my foot.I knew since the beginning that this witch has so many faces. She can act all innocent and naive in front of outsiders, specially my parents who has been giving me cold shoulders since they learnt that I don't treat her like a husband should do."Can you sit still and let me treat your bruises properly?" My sister scolds me and dab the cotton with antiseptic on my bruises, it burns but I show no signs of weakness, in fact these wounds intensifies my hatred for the Andersons more than before."I swear, Nick if you don't stop moving, I'd pluck a scissors in your eyes." Nicole threatens me like I am still her ten years old younger brother whom she used to threaten."I'll do it myself, Nicole. You should go back to your home. Br
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Chapter - [ 13 ]
[ Nicholas ]I glance at my wrist watch impatiently. Rain has been taking too much of my precious time to come out of her room and it's growing my anger with passing seconds. I should have made an excellent excuse to Mr. Xi Giang and leave her here to take as much as time she needs to doll herself up but I can't take a chance with them. The deal is important for me after the personal turbulence in my life, it may effect my business."Elle, where is Rain? Tell her to come out in next two minutes or she'll be escorting herself to the venue all by herself." I yell on Elle who just walked out of her room's direction.She's startled by my sudden outburst but nods her head, turning back on her heel to deliver my order but stops as we hear soft clicking of heels coming closer.My anger is reaching on an exploding point but air knocks out of my lungs when I see her walking in the living room. Her appearance renders me speechless. My eyes glue themselves on her beauty.Yes, she's looking stunn
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Chapter- [ 14 ]
[ Rain ]To say, I wasn't hurt by my husband's aloofness and his contant reminder of I being his imposed wife, it would be a total lie. It hurts a lot, every single moment I feel like my heart is being crushed over and over again.At this point, I am begin to loose my hope in our marriage. He doesn't even consider me as his house mate. He hasn't abused me physically, he isn't a type of person who does domestic violence but his words and hatred hurt hundreds times more.Why doesn't he kill me in an instance than killing me in every single moment? Right now, I'm sitting very close to him, this is the first time we're this much close and his pine and old musk scent is a warning bell for my emotions. I can't control myself from stealing glance of his handsome face, the way his lips moves when he talks effortlessly with Mr. Xi Giang's family and caress my hands often."So, Rain, you didn't tell us something about you?" Mrs. Giang asks me."There's not much to talk about me, Mrs. Giang, tru
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Chapter - ,[ 15 ]
[ Rain ]Our lives fall on the same track after the dinner with Giang family. Nicholas leaves for office around eight. It's not I still sleep when he gets ready and have his breakfast, I intentionally don't walk out of my room in a fear if he sees me and again insults me for doing nothing.It has been three days and today is another Sunday. Nicholas takes an off on Sundays but I don't know if he would stay at home.I look at the clock it shows nine in the morning. A maid served my morning coffee in my room but now I'm feeling a little hungry. Walking out of my room carefully scanning the opposite wing of the house, I padded my way downstairs to the kitchen.A familiar laughter reaches into my ear and it takes me no time to recognize the beautiful voice, it's Breece. I love this girl already and hope to spend some time with her but Nicole's ultimate despise makes it next to impossible thing.Not willing to intrude their family time, I turn to leave but I think it was too late."Cindrel
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Chapter - [ 16 ]
[ Rain ]The whole afternoon, we spent in my room. An over excited Breece requested me to show me her the rest of my albums, surprisingly Nicholas too joined her. I show them all with pride bubbling inside my heart as he complicated me."You have a talent for excellent photography, Rain."They were simple words but they felt like the best praise I've ever gotten for my work, of coarse except my mentor Mr. Martin Hal. A British photographer who runs the institution where I took my training."Cindrella, can we watch my favorite movie now, please?" Breece looks up at me with her puppy eyes.I look down at the bundle of joy. She really made my day fruitful and enjoyble in a lifeless house where no one else than Elle gives me a sort of companionship I crave."Sure, princess. Tell me what is your favorite movie?" I ask her sweetly.We just had our lunch and now sitting in the living room. Nicholas hasn't said a word to me after we came out of my room. During the lunch, our most of the conve
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Chapter- [ 17 ]
[ Rain ]I take a few deep breath as I prepare myself for the dinner night with our families on the same table. I wish it would pass quickly as pretending to be something which I am not nor the equation I share with my husband.I wish it would be over soon for better or for worse."Relax dear, you're over thinking. Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood already like you and the siblings will understand it soon." Elle places her hand on my shoulder."I can't, Elle. I can't forget the last encounter between my brother and Nicholas. They were ready to kill each other. Rainard has a short temperament when it comes to me. Unfortunately, Nicholas shares the same attitude." I sigh in exasperation."Nicholas is a nice man, Rain. He's heartbroken but I am sure that you'll mend it and invade it forever." She smiles and the confidence she has in my abilities, surprises me."I think we should head downstairs now. They'll be here anythime." I say giving myself a last glance in the mirror to ensure I look like a r
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Chapter - [ 18 ]
[ Rain ]"Mom..what..what are you saying?" I ask her with a dreading heart. This woman is certainly a cunning businesswoman than a mother."What are you saying Lorraine?" My Dad eyes my mother to keep her mouth shut but she knows the tactics."What?" She raises her eyes,"They're married and both our families need an heir since Raindard has already decided to martyr himself than taking over the family's legacy, Rose-" She pauses abruptly realising her slip of tongue.I feel Nicholas stiffens but masks his discomfort by a plain expression.Why are you doing this to us, Mom?"Mrs. Anderson, we just got married and we need time to settle in our lives, handle our business and fulfill our dreams before starting a family." Nicholas answers her and this comes as a shock to everyone, specially to me and our siblings."You're right, Nicholas. I think the time has come when Rain should take up her position as the CFO of Anderson Corp. I was only waiting for Rainard to change his mind but since h
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Chapter - [ 19 ]
[ Nicholas ]The dinner plan went into the trash bin for two reasons; firstly the over annoying presence of Rain's mother and secondly my wife's over meekness. She never retaliates when people tries to crush her either by words or by actions. She takes everything quitely and it frustrates me.I hate weak people but my own life partner is one of the weakest straws. The one quality I admired in her sister was her independent and rebellious soul. She never let anyone walk over her, the way she used to carry herself, she was an inspiration if I exclude her black heart.On the other hand, Rain is quite the naive girl who still needs to learn many things. She must stand on her own feet but she always looks up to men in her life. I hate to admit but she also includes me in the list. I know I have some responsibilities towards her as her legal husband but I can't be her amputee hand. She needs to learn how to thrive among the odds of life.Speaking of Rain, I've observed a few unique things a
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Chapter - [ 20 ]
[ Rain ]They say, bad beginnings make good endings. Our married journey started on a rocky path but I determine to walk through all thorns and bumps in a hope, my happiness would be waiting at the end but last night Nicholas splashed cold water on my bubbling hopes.I thought we have a progress in our relationship, he started acting less cold and interacted with me, it gave me little bit of hope that one day we'd have something of our own, something I could cherish but he made it clear that he still thinks of me as a happiness robber. It was my plotting that Rose ran away, my father has a secret agenda against him.I can't understand him or could tell if everything is permanent in his heart for me, precisely the hatred but I believed he considers me at least as a human being and treat me kindly. I play with the big stone on my finger, it sits like a thousand ton weight which wants to crush me under it.I smile sadly on my fate grazing my thumb over the fine cuts of the diamond, I re
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