All Chapters of Seven Magics Academy: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
328 Chapters
Pain In My Head
I pushed open the door and went inside. "Wow, these really hurt. It's never done this before."Christopher took my arm. "Maybe because you're nearly finished collecting them all?""I don't know." I fell to my knees. "Whoever is down here with us will be upon us soon. I'm going to go slow them down. Hurry." He went to the door and ran into Adam. "What are you doing here?" Joanna pushed past him and came over to me. "Hey, Jasmine." She looked devastated. "Joanna?" I held onto my head with one hand. "I thought you - ""I was. Afraid of you, if that's what you were going to say. And I thought you a monster." She shook her head. "I'm guessing some of your kind are, but not you. Just as Ansel Grafton is a human monster, Arthur was a bloodsucking monster, but not you." She knelt beside me. "I'm sorry, Jasmine." "No." The pain in my head was so strong I thought I might die. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that." "Never you mind. Just tell me how I can help." Adam and Christopher were s
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25 Days Until Total Darkness
I was back in Salem. I knew by the way the bed felt beneath me. I also knew I wasn't conscious. Dreaming maybe. Of Laeddin. While my body continued to heal. Laeddin was still in the past and hiding behind a tree in the forest, watching me as I spoke with Joanna. Two dark entities appeared and swirled around Laeddin."Look, he truly cares for the girl." "Yes. Isn't it sweet?""What's going on? Who are you?" Laeddin asked, spinning in a circle, trying to keep his gaze on both of them at once."We are called the Unknowns," one said. They continued to churn and Laeddin spun in a circle, working to keep up."Yes, but we are known. You've heard of us, right?" "I suppose." "Why did you show the girl her future?" one of them asked. The only thing that made sense about the forms was that they each had two eyes and they blinked languidly."Especially when what you showed her isn't true," the other said."At least not entirely," responded the first."You're making me dizzy. Stop." Laeddin
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Desperate Anxiety
As I sat in the living room and waited while grandfather took a call, I couldn't help but lose myself in my thoughts and all that happened to get me to this point. A moment. That was all it took to define my life and affect the whole world. When I made the wish all those days ago, I'd been a selfish, spoiled, arrogant child. I wanted to believe I changed since then. Grown up. And that all of the moments since then proved I was different, but none of that mattered if darkness consumed the world and Sharra got her way and was able to rule all realms. Exhaling, I contemplated the space around me, even though I'd been here dozens of time before. The task took my mind off the stress weighing heavily on my shoulders. Pops' living room was something else. Large and filled with eclectic furniture. A wall covered in windows was at our back, the thick red drapes closed. Christopher and I occupied the extra-large leather sofa while Pops sat in a wingback chair to the right of me. An or
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Dragon Dream
I closed the door to my bedroom, leaning against it. There was so much to do. I still needed to get the final piece of the crown. It was in Sharra - my home. I'd never admit it to Pops or Christopher, but I was nervous to return home again. What would everyone there think of me? It would probably be along the lines of what I thought of myself. That I was a coward. That I sucked as a daughter, a friend. That I was an arrogant, spoiled princess with no clue how to run a kingdom. But I couldn't let my fears stand in the way of what I had to do. I needed to defeat Sharra, which would stop the darkness. Once her spell was broken, the Akuma would vanish, and the world would go back to the way it had once been. I also needed to rescue Troy and my mom and dad. I would do whatever it took to save the people I loved. Troy's voice entered my mind, accusatory and sad: He's sleeping over?I jumped, my insides nearly zinging out of my chest as Troy's voice came into my head again, loud and clear. "
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The room was enormous and bright. Thousands of lights twinkled above, like pretend stars. Sharra sat on a throne at the other end of the long black and white checkered floor. "There's a prophecy you should hear, dear Jasmine. Let me tell it to you," Sharra said. Her voice was soft and steeling at once. It penetrated my mind, though her lips moved as well. "I don't want to hear any of your lies." "Is that so?" She pounded her staff on the floor once and my body stiffened before it abruptly went lax. Words I wanted to say couldn't be uttered as she took control. Like a puppet on a string, Sharra forced my legs forward until I stood in front of her. An eerie greenish glow spewed from the orb on her staff. She leaned forward and flexed my wings. They beat against her back. Splendid and glorious. I ached at the sight of them. "I'm not going anywhere." Her eyes glistened, like the shining feathers of a raven, dark orbs dancing with excitement."The prophecy goes like this: One shall
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You'll Be Alone
I sat on the bed, burying my face in my hands. "I'm so sorry." The words were meant for both Christopher and Troy, but I felt the emptiness again and knew Troy was gone. "It was Sharra. The link between us is growing stronger. She did that. Not me." Christopher sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I was torn between shrugging it off and burying my face in his shoulder and sobbing. "I am in love with Troy, but I think I might have lost him after what I just did." Christopher gave me a light shake. "Bull. I won't tell him and if you don't tell him, everything will be fine." I leaned my head against his shoulder. "That's not true. He witnessed the whole thing." Christopher stiffened, and I lifted my head. "Explain how that's possible." I told him about Troy and the dragon vision and the telepathy. All of it while clutching the dragon dangling from my wrist like it was my lifeline. When Troy first contacted me, I'd been so excited, but Sharra had taken Troy's beautifu
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Motherly Irritation
My head felt foggy. Had I passed out? Something I learned in the past few months was that it didn't matter how strong my physical body was, emotional exhaustion could still get the better of me. I tried to open my eyes, but they felt so heavy. Voices floated to me."Where did you find her?"I knew that voice. It was my aunt Cindy. Gratitude filled me and I knew I made it to Polonias. "A guard discovered her on the floor outside your bedroom door. It's a good thing you heard the commotion and came when you did. Otherwise, with things as they are with this horrible darkness, the guards might have cast her into prison. Or worse.""They wouldn't have been able to kill her." Cindy clucked her tongue with motherly irritation. "Bring her into my bedroom, please, and then you may go. I know you have a lot you need to do. Thank you for helping me. I spent most of the night enchanting more of the serum and my magic needs a break." I felt my body floating through the air before it drifted
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Silindra And Jasmine
I, Silindra had been ruler of the vampires for over a thousand years. I ruled because of systematic planning, a shrewd knowledge of the citizens I governed, and the cunning to deal with other magical creatures in the world.Like dragons.Dragons and vampires coexisted peacefully, for the most part. While some of the human vampires craved dragon blood, the originals, like me, had no stomach for the foul-smelling creatures. The oldest and most impressively magical dragon of them all was called Abernathy. He was kind of a prickly character but, once you got around his rough edges, he had the heart of a gentleman. I needed to speak to him. His cave reeked of mortality. A mixture of decaying flesh, bat guano, and seawater. Despite the thick darkness, I could make out the bones of the damned scattered on the dusty earth. Carefully I flew over them, but they were everywhere, and occasionally my bare feet brushed against one, sending whisperings of the life of the dead. Noises echoed off t
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18 Days Until Total Darkness
Silindra separated herself from my mind so that I could sense her once again, though I remembered all she'd just shown me as well that my mother had been in her mind too. We shared the experience, which I found wonderful. It also seemed impossible. Silindra's body had died thousands of years ago, but I could feel her. "See, your conflict isn't new, Jasmine. You and your mom have more in common than you know and it was time you realized that. And you have her power as well as your father's. You must defeat my sister. To do so, you'll have to sacrifice everything. It's the only way to bring balance for those who have died at her hand and for those you love. It won't be easy. In fact, it'll be the most difficult thing you've ever done, but you must or the world will be forced to bow down to my sister and all will be enslaved to her vicious whims.""I understand," I said."Good."Her voice left my mind and I woke. Opening my eyes, I was no longer in Polonias. I was back at home.Gatsby ju
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Athwana Meyana
Sometimes the biggest villains we fight are the ones we create within ourselves. Not saying that was always true. Sharra was the big bad for sure but I was suffering from a serious lack of confidence. Maybe it was because of all I'd done. Making a wish to take away my wings as well as other things. There were consequences for my choices. Big ones. Including the darkness swallowing realms and the akuma. Could I defeat Sharra and save everyone? The question was on a continuous loop in my mind. It had been weeks since I met Laeddin and made my first wish. Days since Laeddin left and I fell in love with a half dragon. Troy. It seemed like a lifetime ago since he proposed and I accepted. Part of me didn't believe that moment was real, but a figment of my imagination. Only a few hours ago, I left Pops and Joanna in the fifteenth century. There I got to know Joanna and my grandfather a little more. There I also drained the vampire Arthur before Christopher took him and imprisoned him in
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