Semua Bab Seven Magics Academy: Bab 71 - Bab 80
328 Bab
Birthday Party
"You'll see." He leaned in so that I got a good whiff of his neck. I had the feeling he did it on purpose. "Love your shoes," he said, and I shivered. Like Eve with the apple, Dorian was tempting me.Just a taste, my mind cooed. But I resisted. Now wasn't the time.As I waited for him to help Cindy out, I stared up at the mansion. Lit with thousands of white, shimmering lights, it seemed to possess its own glow. "It's beautiful," I breathed, feeling like I'd stepped into a fairytale land."You ain't seen nothing yet," Dorian said. "C'mon." He stood between Cindy and me and held out his elbows. I took his arm in one hand and my dress in the other. We climbed the steps. The front door opened without any of us knocking, as though they were waiting for us. We went inside. The brothers and Professor Pops stood off to the right. Several of them were fidgeting with their tuxes, but they all wore their masks. One of the brothers, Sebastian, handed Dorian his. He slid it on, moving next to
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Five Layers Of Red
When all the guests arrived, Professor Pops welcomed everyone and asked that we all take our seats. The waiters sprang to life, and dinner was served: chicken cordon bleu with steamed baby potatoes and asparagus spears topped with a creamy hollandaise sauce. Everyone commented on how amazing it tasted. Several times, as I popped a tiny bite of potato or asparagus - yeah, I still didn't eat the meat - into my mouth and forced it down, I longed for the food in Sharra: the food explicitly made for vampires, the food that tasted like blood with a hint of whatever fruit or vegetable or meat it was.Dessert would be my cake, later tonight. It sat on a decorated table beside all of my presents. The cake stood tall. Five layers of red velvet covered in red fondant. The black frosting was piped over the top in intricate swirling designs. White flowers, which looked a lot like snowflakes, were placed methodically in groups of three and five. On the top layer stood a girl in a red dress hold
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The guys circulated, rounding up the students into six groups. I stopped at each one, using my newfound vampire gift to convince the students this interruption was a surprise portion of the party. I just hoped the chayot and the vampire queen allowed the students to leave."Sharra. Oberon. This isn't the place for a dispute. It is a room full of human children. Let them leave. They are innocent." Professor Pops' voice rang through the room, loud and strong."I've given you an ultimatum, Adam." Oberon waved his hands at the students. From behind him and along the borders of the room, the chayot pulled swords. "Either Snow White steps forward and accepts her destiny, or the accidental death of a human will be on your conscience."Destiny. The word Kenmei used to describe what I needed to do with the Seal of Gabriel. The same word the vampire queen used when she spoke about what I was to become. I was sick of hearing it. My life was my own, regardless of what Kenmei, the vampire queen,
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Flaming Sword
Instantly, I knew what it was. The Seal of Gabriel on the end of the silver chain swayed gently near his throat. If Oberon had it, then that meant Gabe had stolen it. My barely contained fury exploded. How dare he? How dare Gabe? All this time Gabe had lied to me. Used me. He didn't love me any more than a bear loves a fish. Something in my features must've changed because Oberon stumbled back. Clasping his hands together, a flaming sword appeared. "Don't come any closer." Caught off guard, I put a hand in front of my face to shield myself from the heat. Flames licked the air, bringing with them a unique scent - like burning metal and flowers."It's time to end you," the chayot leader sneered.Professor Pops still fought against the chayot, hollering for Oberon to stop. The clang of metal against metal - sword against sword - rocked the ballroom. The vampire queen and her followers had joined the action.Shouting.Sounds of death.Cries of pain.The destruction needed to sto
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Of Two Minds
Vampire and chayot parted to let me pass as I made my way to Gabe. All was silent. I focused on Gabe's heartbeat, concentrated on the distinct thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump coming from his chest."Gabe." I seemed to float toward him, my feet hardly touching the ground.The chayot that held Gabe released him. He held out his arms, a slight smile lighting his gloomy face.I moved faster, allowing myself a moment of hope that Gabe and I could be together. His smile disappeared. "No!" he shouted.I sensed Oberon behind me, felt the heat of his sword. In a blinding flash, I faced him, his blade slicing my shoulder. Immense pain ripped through my body. As I fell to the ground, a glorious red light shot from the Seal of Gabriel and into Oberon. Someone screamed - Cindy, maybe? I couldn't be sure, and the pain from where the fiery blade had cut into me seared so intensely I couldn't concentrate. I closed my eyes, hoping my body would heal the wound quickly, but the pain only inten
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Two Souls One Body
"I, Silindra, Queen of the Vampires, do solemnly swear to do whatever it takes to win." That was my new personal mantra. Of course, no one knew it but me. I'd been the ruler of the vampires for over a thousand years. The position hadn't remained in my power because of luck, or a convoluted idea.My sister Sharra disagreed. She was wrong, though. I still ruled because of systematic planning, a shrewd knowledge of the citizens I governed, and my ability to deal with other magical creatures.Like dragons.Dragons and vampires meshed well together, for the most part, but while some of the human vampires craved dragon blood, the originals, like Sharra and me, had no stomach for the foul-smelling creatures. The oldest and most impressively magical dragon of them all was called Abernathy.I needed to speak to him.He was kind of a prickly character, but once you got around his rough edges, he had the heart of a gentleman.Moving with vampiric speed, I reached the entrance to his cave. He wa
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A Piece Of His Soul
Abernathy gave me a knowing glance, and I cringed.Clearing my throat, I steeled myself and tried to glare. The idea of forfeiting one's magic made no sense to me. Why would someone willingly give up such a gift? Choose to mate with lesser creatures? Weakening their power. There was no rhyme or rationale behind the logic. I flapped my wings in frustration. "The unicorns believed as Sharra does, and they are nearly extinct, each generation's magic diluted until the youngest no longer grow a horn and can't communicate with other creatures of magic. It's a disgrace! They are called horses now, and Sharra has sent them all to the human realm to do the humans' dirty work." My words came out ragged, but that was the truth. It was despicable what happened in the name of Sharra's "evolution.""Perhaps," Abernathy said thoughtfully.I fisted my hands, the muscles under my brown fur straining from the pressure. Would he refuse me?A blip confuzzled my mind, and I was no longer in Abernathy'
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Sensuous Lips
I exited the dragon's cave and was met by Ryden, my most trusted friend. The pixilette had transparent wings and hair the color of daisies. Gabriel, one of Sharra's hunters and my secret lover, was also there. I was surprised they found me. At the sight of Gabriel, my breath hitched. It still shocked me that I had any kind of physical reaction to him since he was a human-vampire, but I craved him like a flower craved the light. He wore his black hair long and in a braid. Several strands had fallen out and framed his chiseled face. His eyes were emerald green and seemed to overflow with serenity and goodness. He wasn't tall, about my height, and muscled. He wore black pants, fur-covered boots, and a matching black shirt without sleeves. Strapped to his back were crisscrossed swords. His sensuous lips were puckered with worry.Sharra had used her magic and her blood to change him from human into a vampire. With no wings and no fur, he should've been ugly, but he wasn't. Although I
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Holy Monster
"I could, but he wouldn't come. He's arrogant like that." I took a deep breath. "We have to do this." I stepped over a pinecone the size of Gabriel's head. "Stay on my shoulder," I told Ryden lightly. If a pinecone fell on her, she'd be squished."I will, Silindra. Everything is so big. I could live in one of those pinecones." To prove her point, a hairy spider as big as my fist crawled out of one. "Holy monster, I'm hiding in your hair," she said with a shudder. I let her do as she pleased. The spider would make the pixilette into an appetizer if it caught her. "I'll get rid of him," Gabriel said, shooing the spider away with the tip of his boot. There wasn't much growing under the canopy of trees, just a lot of dirt, pine needles, pinecones, and the occasional fern. It made sense. The sun was all but blocked from view. Shadows danced within the stilted silence. In the distance, I could hear the waves crashing, and something else. Moaning. "The song of the dead," Ryden whispered,
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Sirens Circle The Boat
"To the body, no. But the mind - " Veb let his words trail off. "They are excellent at getting inside here." He pointed at his head. "They spin tales you can't help but believe until it's too late.""What do you mean?" I asked. "Plug your ears," I mumbled to Ryden so the elves wouldn't hear. "On it.""Three full moons ago, a couple of humans stumbled into the forest by accident. They owned a measure of magic, though they didn't know it, but it was enough that the trees within our forest opened to them. Within moments of entering, their minds were altered. The phantoms twisted their thoughts and made them believe they were on a boat, stranded at sea. For days they rowed until the female died.""Why didn't you meet them as they entered, the way you did with us?" Had they wanted the humans to suffer? Some of the magical creatures believed humans to be less than animals."They had magic, but it wasn't enough to alert us. The magic you and the others possess is much stronger, so when we
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